This 4-course specialization begins with "Fundamentals of Diversity," taught by Professor Celia de Anca. This first course introduces the three key types of diversity: demographic, experiential, and cognitive. The course then dives more specifically into the demographic component of diversity and addresses the challenges of managing diversity in organizations.
The second course of the specialization, "Cognitive and Experiential Diversity" taught by Salvador Aragón, takes a novel approach to diversity, focusing on our experiential and cognitive diversities and how these types of diversities can be leveraged to build successful teams.
The third course, "Diversity and Belonging in Businesses and Organizations" taught by Jessica D. Tollette, centers on how to achieve a meaningful sense of belonging in organizations and covers topics such as workplace culture and well-being.
Finally, in the fourth course of the specialization, "Diversity with Inclusion in Organizations" co-taught by Itziar Vizcaino Toscano and Ariadne M. Ferro Bajuelo, learners will focus more specifically on inclusion efforts, touching on topics such as pseudo-inclusion, unconscious bias, microaggressions, and intersectionality.
Projet d'apprentissage appliqué
The courses in this specialization feature practice tasks as well as graded quizzes to assess learners' understanding of key concepts. The goal of these assessments is for learners to apply the insights and tools they have gained in the courses to their organizational context.