Till Roenneberg started to work on biological rhythms with Jürgen Aschoff at the age of 17. He studied Biology and Neuroscience in Munich and at the University College, London, and worked for several years at Harvard University. He studies the human clock and sleep both in the laboratory and the real world and is currently putting together the Human Sleep Project, a research network that aims to understand sleep by measuring activity and other variables with simple devices in thousands of people outside of laboratories. He has received several international research and teaching prizes, has created and coordinated many international research networks, and worked in close collaboration with industry for many years. His is currently President of the European Society for Rhythms Research, EBRS, President of the World Federation of Societies for Chronobiology, WFSC, and a Member of the Senior Common Room Brasenose College, Oxford. He has published over a 170 papers and a book (“Wie wir ticken”, Dumont, 2010; “Internal Time” Harvard University Press, 2012).