Feb 25, 2021
This is the best course for excel beginners. Both instructors are very nice. Course is focused on essential topics and will make you strong in excel for elementary topics. Recommended for beginners.
Jun 9, 2021
Learned a great deal through this course. Lessons were set up in a very friendly and non-intimidatingly manner. Steps were very clearly explained. Liked they offered tip sheet for future reference.
By Thủy
•Aug 5, 2020
I really like the way they demonstrate every action then immediately have a test on the knowledge I just learned. There are lots of things that I thought I already knew, but my knowledge was not thorough. The course has truly given me a foundation and solidified what I've already known.
By Sajol K M
•Jun 22, 2020
At first i would like to thanks the Coursera team to give such a wonderful opportunity. I also thanks to MACQUARIE University team for learn a wonderful think just like Excel. Its really need for me. I learn a lot of about excel. I think it really help me in the near future. Thank you.
By Sagar C
•Jun 21, 2020
To be honest, the best course to try your hand at as a beginner. At each and every step you give a test of your understanding. The practice tests during the course and final assessments at the end of every week have been structured in a way to make you learn every excel skill perfectly!
By Theodore P
•Jan 31, 2019
Brilliant primer on the basics of Excel. Most online courses teaching excel usually gloss over the topic. Thankfully this course gets to the nitty and gritty of Excel basics. Even a seasoned pro user can learn something. I give it 5+ stars!! Can't wait to complete the other 3 courses
By Moni G
•Aug 18, 2020
It was a very delighting experience to attempt this course and i learned a lot from this course which would help me in my upcoming journey of my career.this is a very detailed course and whoever wants to excel all the skills of Microsoft Excel, i recommend this course as the best one.
By Isra A A S
•Dec 23, 2019
it was wonderful I enjoy it a lot it was so clear and simple I feel very confident about excel although it is just essentials ,am so excited to take the intermediate one .
Just one tip if, we can add discussion with tutor at least by the end of the course it will add value to the course
•Oct 8, 2018
Great course. The content is very helpful and nicely taught by the instructors. Just had a few "problems" in some tests because I have an old version of excel, so when there were questions about where can this be found or what is the name of a certain layout, I couldn't get them right.
By lcruz916
•Apr 30, 2022
If you have always felt scared or not confident with Excel, just do this course and you will never be scared anymore. This course will make you think "Wou, I didn't know Excel was so easy (in basics at least)". And guarantee that you will gain significant confidence about using Excel.
By Arytha C
•Nov 18, 2020
Perfect pacing to refresh oneself on the basics of Excel, even for longtime Excel users like myself. The focus was truly on helping you navigate through business better, with bits of useful information being repeated all throughout the course. Highly recommended for any professional!
By Zarmeen Q
•Sep 29, 2020
I must say, it was a wonderful experience taking a course from Coursera and Macquaire of course. I will highly recommend this to people(like me) who think excel is some rocket science and we cannot do it.
And the key to this course is- "Practise makes Permanent" as Instructor emphasis.
By Nguyen T
•Sep 1, 2020
This course greatly helped me review fundamental Excell skills. During the final test, I was interrupted a few times because my Excel did not respond when I applied Filter to answer the questions. Overall, this is an excellent course for those who want to gain basic concepts of Excel.
By Dickinson C O
•May 10, 2020
I really appreciate the teaching methods used in this course, the provision of a workbook to practice with was immensely helpful. Though I have been using Excel before taking the course, I still learned a lot about some tools and terminologies. I am very grateful to Nicky and Preshan.
By Chaitanya D
•Apr 27, 2020
As the name suggests, this course overs the essentials of Ms Excel. These are just the basics or the foundation of excel and are quite important to understand them and to learn advance and intermediate feature. The professors have done a great job curating this course for the newbies.
By Deepak K C
•Apr 24, 2020
My name Deepak Kumar Chaurasia. I am from India. This course is well structure and it very good for beginner who want gain new skill. well, when i had started this skill i did not know about excel. Now i have completed this course and i know every skill which consists in it. Thank you
By Paul U
•Jul 20, 2019
I've been using Excel for a while now, and this course made me realize that I needed a course that went over the basics of Excel instead of just giving me a "crash course" on it. I would highly recommend that both beginner's and seasoned pros take this essential Excel training course.
By Thotakura G
•Aug 6, 2022
I am confident now in navigating through Excel like before. Lecture Videos are good. Direct to the point and both were very helpful. The quiz was good. I thank Nicky and Prashan for letting me learn excel through Coursera.
A Excel course for everyone to use Excel in their daily life.
By Manish K
•Mar 2, 2021
It is as awesome course that you can do online. All the course materials are very helpful & beginner friendly. Learning Microsoft EXCEL has become very essential in this high-tech world, that's why I pursued this course from Macquarie University. I will rate this course 10 out of 10.
By Nikhil S
•Jun 4, 2020
Best one and truly you made me earn that certificate.
I bet none can give so true and predicted feedback in assigment. It seems that software is making it real time evaluation. Thank you Nikkie and Saun and commendable effort by Macquaire University. At last thanks a lot to Coursera.
•May 7, 2020
Wonderful and good course. Professor, you have made us to concentrate on quizzes firmly. If one thing in the order is missing, we are out of quiz. Very nicely organised. Excellent teaching. Cleared most of the doubts. I am willing to take other courses taught by you. Thank you sir...
By Paras K
•Apr 25, 2020
This was my first course on coursera, and I loved it. Thank you for designing an affordable course that covers the basics. I am looking forward to the other courses in this specialization. Thanks for increasing my confidence on excel, I owe Macquire university and the excellent prof.
By Gabriel M K
•Mar 19, 2020
This course definitely has helped me to work with excel much better and faster. I learnt a lot of short cuts and terminology commonly used in the industry. It is definitely worth spending time and money. I am going for the entire course of specialization Excel skills for business.
By Tricia L A
•May 7, 2021
The structure of the course and teaching methodology were comprehensive enough for a first time learner of Excel. Each level completed fostered eagerness to continue to the next. Thank you for this valuable and wonderful opportunity to add to my professional and personal dvelopment.
•Sep 29, 2020
Great course, albeit six weeks is excessive, more like about 4-5 days of work to learn and do the efforts. Most tests were really straight forward, a couple odd wording sentences but overall not too difficult. I actually liked the many hands on course work and presenters were clear.
By Dominique J
•Sep 20, 2020
Very well put together course, the format and follow along worksheets with the videos were incredible. The challenges at the end of every week were always exciting, because you can showcase what you have just learned. Thanks to the awesome instructors I am proficient in Excel Basics