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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills by University of Michigan

19,821 ratings

About the Course

We all negotiate on a daily basis. On a personal level, we negotiate with friends, family, landlords, car sellers and employers, among others. Negotiation is also the key to business success. No business can survive without profitable contracts. Within a company, negotiation skills can lead to your career advancement. I hope that you will join the hundreds of thousands of learners who have made “Successful Negotiation” one of the most popular and highly-rated MOOCs worldwide. In the course, you’ll learn about and practice the four steps to a successful negotiation: (1) Prepare: Plan Your Negotiation Strategy (2) Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success (3) Close: Create a Contract (4) Perform and Evaluate: The End Game To successfully complete this course and improve your ability to negotiate, you’ll need to do the following: (1) Watch the short videos (ranging from 5 to 20 minutes). The videos are interactive and they include questions to test your understanding of negotiation strategy and skills. You can speed up or slow down videos to match your preferred pace for listening. Depending on your schedule, you can watch the videos over a few weeks or you can binge watch them. A learner who binge-watched the course concluded that “It’s as good as Breaking Bad.” Another learner compared the course to “House of Cards.” Both shows contain interesting examples of complex negotiations! (2) Test your negotiation skills by completing the negotiation in Module 6. You can negotiate with a local friend or use Discussions to find a partner from another part of the world. Your negotiation partner will give you feedback on your negotiation skills. To assist you with your negotiations, I have developed several free negotiating planning tools that are related to the course. These tools and a free app are available at . The course also includes an opportunity to use an interactive experience where you can test your negotiation skills before starting the live negotiation. (3) Take the final exam. To successfully complete the course, you must answer 80% of the questions correctly. The exam is a Mastery Exam, which means that you can take it as many times as you want until you master the material. Course Certificate You have the option of earning a Course Certificate. A Certificate provides formal recognition of your achievements in the course and includes the University of Michigan logo. Learn more about Certificates at: This course is also available in Spanish and Portuguese. To join the fully translated Spanish version, visit this page: To join the fully translated Portuguese version, visit this page: Subtitles for the videos are available in English, Ukrainian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish Created by: University of Michigan The course logo composite is shared with a Creative Commons CC BY-SA ( license, and was created using images provided courtesy of Flazingo Photos ( and K2 Space (

Top reviews


Sep 8, 2015

I love the program content as well as lecturer's knowledge about this topic. So many interesting examples he provided during the course make it really practical and attracting to learners.Many thanks!


Aug 21, 2015

Thanks for this wonderful course Prof. Siedel. I don't know of a better way to negotiate with you than to request:Please offer more advanced courses; this course --I hope!-- has prepared me for them.

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4051 - 4075 of 4,629 Reviews for Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

By Nkemda J F

Aug 21, 2021

Special thanks to Professor George Siedel for the great course materials. I have learned very important strategies and skills hence, can conduct a successful negotiation. I would highly recommend this course to everyone regardless of your profession

By Krishna G

Sep 2, 2016

I thank Professor George Siedal and Coursera for the course. It was useful and enjoyable experience while doing this course. I joined this course to learn regarding negotiations but I also ended up learning about contracts,mediation and arbitration.

By Muhammad H K

Aug 10, 2020

Overall a recommended course. It brings improved perspective specially over fixed pie myth and equips with better understanding of negotiatio

Improvement can be done in the areas of decision trees and more data can be added to psychological tools.

By Theo M

Dec 1, 2021

After this course, you are guaranteed to be able to negotiate so well. So well that you can trade your way out with death! I just negotiated with death!!! Death just gave me an eternal life in exchange for my kidney! lol. NEGOTIATION RULESS!!

By Влад Р

Apr 23, 2017

Course is great, it might be helpful in negotiations at every aspect of life. It also shed the light onto aspects of different laws and contract rules. Still, the final grade is a bit complex taking into account the previous ones are light.

By Alcione A F F

Jun 19, 2017

Very good course! Mainly the Negotiation Test, where we can put into practice many theories shown by Mr. Siegel. I didn't give 5 stars because (in my opinion) the course could be a little less focused on laws and legal procedures, and mor

By Aniket S

Oct 1, 2021

Superb Course! No doubt Prof.George Siedel is a master in the subject. His teaching style is also very good. There is lot of new scientific information about Negotiation I got from this course. Hope it will help me to grow in my career!!

By LeeAnn P

Dec 14, 2015

This course is challenging, but if you stick with the deadlines and take the exam within the timeline you will learn the content deeply. There is a lot of usable information in this course whether it is for personal or professional use.

By Grechukha S

Jun 18, 2019

Досить цікавий курс що дозволяє поглянути на переговори більш широко, не тільки у бізнесі, а й у повсякденному житті. Також хочу додати що дізнався цікаві способи вирішення проблемних ситуацій та нюанси у підготовці до переговорів.

By John S K

Apr 12, 2016

This was a very good course covering negotiation theory from a very interdisciplinary perspective. It covered behavioral sciences, game theory, and interpersonal communications aspects with potential implications to negotiation.

By Anna H

May 10, 2020

Great Introductory Course and well taught. Only feedback is while Mr. Siedel is speaking that sometimes they slides for reference can be kept on screen while he is speaking so we can understand the visuals whilst he explains.

By Sergio

Oct 18, 2016

Great course! Very useful negotiation techniques. It's not easy to pass the final exam which you can see the level of the curse. I've enjoyed practicing with the exercises, especially with "The house of Elm Street" exercise.

By Miguel C N

Nov 6, 2015

bom dia, Gostaria de parabenizar pelo curso. Muito bom de um conteúdo invejável. Só uma crítica resta, na emissão do certificado, deveria ser mais prático e menos burocrático. A burocracia e a demora, sempre coloca a dúvida

By Aloysius L

Aug 8, 2021

I have learnt many information about the Art of Negotiation. However, during the final test, it seems like there are some answers that are incorrect. Also, not all of the information from the book is relevant to the test.

By Maxim H

Jun 26, 2017

Very good and interesting! Thank you very much for giving us possibility to learn from you practical experience. However, some of the points are very important may be just for the US juridical system and not elsewhere.

By Sourabh N

May 7, 2020

Content is good with real life examples and cases which helps you to imagine the situation and analyse on your own. The continuous activities in course keeps you attentive and make the course interesting and lively.

By Petr P

Oct 17, 2017

Certiicate for free will be nice, because in czech students can not affort buy it this

Generally about the course who know you get some information but some times the information was useless i dont need it in my live

By nacho s

Apr 11, 2020

Great course! Preparing for a negotiation and negotiation tools units are really good, last unit is a bit boring. The final negotiation is really entertaining and helps a lot to sink in the contents of the course.

By Jose L M R

Dec 8, 2015

curso muy interesante y actual, que te brinda las bases para reforzar y aprender nuevos metodos de negociacion. me parece un curso practico y real, aplicable en nuestras actvidades diarias. lo recomiendo sin duda.

By Chua C

Aug 21, 2017

This is a great course where I learn all the essential skills and tools which are needed for successful negotiation. The lectures were entertaining and interactive as well. I enjoyed taking this course very much!

By Phương T N

Apr 24, 2017

This course helps me much in real life. It improves my negotiation skill in many situations of life.

But I think it has a little bit much US's law, it is not really helpful for everybody, but some specific region.

By Nguyen T K T

Oct 5, 2022

The course is so great and helpful. But for the final exam, it seems too hard for me because the options are so confusing. But finally, still finish this course with more useful knowledge. Thank you very much!

By Esther M P

Apr 12, 2018

Great course, simple overview of negotiations and theory. Offered interesting case examples based on real events; gentle and steady pace. Didn't buy the book, but wonder if that would have been much different.

By Mohammadreza A

Sep 7, 2023

I wish i could score 5, but the problem is that sometimes somethings were either very easy or hard. There were nothing in between except an assumption giving information and asking to solve with other person.

By Ricardo A M

Oct 4, 2020

Muy buen curso, el Prof. George Siedel es MUY buen profesor y siempre es muy carismático. Creo que el problema es que todas las evaluaciones eran en Inglés pero aún así vale la pena tener estas herramientas.