Sep 15, 2020
I found that course had a central theme, the incompatibility of the Communist structures with an increase in the standard of living, that was well documented from the time of Lenin to that of Putin.
Jul 19, 2022
Very informative and well presented. Professor Kenez gives a thorough explanation of why Russia is what it is. It's the history from the Czarist regime to the common era. Thank you, Professor!
By Karen S
•Jun 19, 2018
This course is excellent. It took a video or two for me to get used to seeing the professor talk to the camera, but once I got used to that, I really began to enjoy Dr. Kenez's style. He managed to cover a lot of history while still giving enough details to help student understand why events occurred as they did. Also, I like the fact that he told you when he offered an opinion. More than once, he said, "In my opinion" or "I believe" rather than presenting his opinion as a fact. If he had another course, I would take it because he did such a great job. I don't need the certificate but have decided to pay for this course as I think it's only fair to pay for such a valuable product. Thank you, Dr. Kenez.
By Alexander G
•Mar 26, 2018
Great class and the professor did an excellent job relaying the information. Honestly, I wish it was a little longer and a little more in depth. Definitely, learned a lot.
By Tetiana D
•Nov 20, 2017
up to the last lecture it was more or less ok. But the last lecture is outrageous. Almost all of its statements took directly from russian propaganda. If i were more paranoid I would think that it is paid by russia propaganda, but maybe professor watched to much russia today channel. I don't recommend to take this course it, especially last part. It is misleading and full of inaccuracy with facts. If you want more detailed analysis see my post in discussion forum week3
By Jesper O A
•Dec 17, 2017
Mr Kenez is making a remarkable presentation of Russian history. Very structured and balanced. Impressive knowledge. Thanks for a very interesting course.
•Jul 13, 2020
Professor Peter Kenez’s course entitled: Russian History from Lenin to Putin, The University of California, Santa Clara was my 19th course that I have taken through Coursera. I have been an active participant in Coursera since March 2015.
I will state unequivocally that this Russian history class was definitely in the top five, possibly top three and possibly even the finest course that I have taken.
Professor is a kind gentleman, who imparts his highly organized lectures in a calm tone, a placid pace and with a thorough and complete mastery of the topic. His optics and his illustrations as well as the music that he chooses lend a great deal to his series of lectures and his heart felt invocation at the end of the course, asking us for a level of understanding of Russian middle class aspirations is moving. I highly recommend this particular history class.
By Joel M
•Aug 29, 2019
My first ever online course, and what a great start. The Professor leading it was very good at explaining the fasicating and recent history of Russia with a personal touch. 5/5
By Anna K
•Jul 9, 2018
Beautiful course!! I am originally from Russia. The professor knows the material and he is very passionate about
By Shaun L T G
•Jun 23, 2020
Appreciate the wealth of information Prof Kenez has and the attempts to tell the history of Russia, capturing the period of the last hundred years in three weeks. However, I found certain parts difficult to understand and some of the points brought in do not fit the lecture. In "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact", Prof Kenez brought in the Finnish-Russian War where the Russian losses were 6x that of Finnish ones though the link to the actual pact is quite unclear. In "German Invasion of the Soviet Union", the telling is quite unclear and I had to read the transcript a few times to make sense of the military history behind Germany's invasion of Russia. Around 11:06, he says that even if the Nazis captured Moscow, they would have lost the war but doesn't explain why. This will then make you think that the Russians somehow managed to halt the Nazis but around 11:49, he says that Stalin attempted a counterattack which wasn't quite successful. While I appreciate the effort to take us through the twists and turns, I often had to read the transcript a few times to gain greater clarity of the topic.
By Karl S
•Jul 8, 2020
This has been one the best courses I have taken on Coursera. Dr. Kenez is a very good lecturer. The lessons are easy to follow and informative. I had some knowledge of Russian history before I started, I have a great deal more now. I wish there were more courses like this on Coursera.
I cannot praise this class enough.
Karl Shepard
By Yasiru R
•Aug 15, 2018
Good course to learn the Russian History. <3
By John C
•Sep 10, 2019
This course gave me a greater understanding of some of the misconceptions of Russia, I came to realize that people are similar the world over. Very interesting course.
By Greg L
•Apr 16, 2018
The flow of the lectures was challenging to follow and, while the opinions of the professor appeared to be logical and well founded, I struggled with finding documented support for some of the assertions.
By Christopher N B
•Jul 22, 2020
The course is not that academic. The professor 's English is difficult to understand. The English translations are appalling.
I came looking for a course to give me some academic achievement. This is not this course.
Plus a number of the essays to critique were obvious polemics trying to masquerade as essays of students.
This course I would not recommend to anyone, like myself, who is genuinely interested in the history of that fabulous country: Russia.
By Annie M
•Apr 12, 2019
The professor may well know his subject but he cannot lecture. His speech is so slow and the sentences complex, therefore making it difficult to follow. I'll just read the text I bought. Coursera, you failed again.
By Jeff B
•Feb 5, 2019
Terrific class. Vastly knowledgeable and charming professor. Hours of interesting lectures that are both cogent and entertaining. Dr. Kenezs' insites are valuable and relevant and a product of his obvious mastery of the subject.
A small disappointment of mine was that there wasn't any supplimenntary reading required or suggested. I only wish that there were links to optional relevent reading for each module. But this is a minor point for overachievers like myself. The lectures provide enough material to get a good handle on the subject and Trranscript s are also available for rereading.
Thanks for a great class!
By Peter B
•Dec 12, 2018
This course gives a great overview of Russian history: It explains why Russian / Soviet leaders did what they did, but it describes the "immense" suffering of ordinary citizens in the 20th century, too. Thank you, Peter Kenez!
By Gerald H
•Jan 23, 2019
I learned an entirely different impression of Russian history and gained more understanding of the people, I felt the instructor presented the history as a story with great background and experience, A wonderful course.
By Suzanne C
•Dec 4, 2017
I very much enjoyed this course and hope that Professor Kenez is working on another course covering the period from 1940 to the present. I think that it very important that we understand Russia, especially now.
By Michael M
•Apr 14, 2020
I recommend anyone interested in this period of Russian history to take the course. Professor Kenez is an authority on the period and delivers an excellent overview of the time.
By Sara B
•Sep 16, 2018
This was a great course i really enjoyed the lectures i would forget i was stuck at home and felt as if i was back in a lecture hall! Would recommend to anyone to take!
By sanjay R
•Mar 6, 2019
This is a very balanced and in depth journey about Russia by the leading scholar. Every episode was a such a treat. Highly grateful and Salute !
By Alena R
•Nov 1, 2018
Thank you for the course! As a russian I had a great opportunity to look at the history of my country form another point of view. Brilliant!
By DragonBarView S T
•Dec 22, 2017
A very interesting and well-presented course which dovetails nicely with Stalin and Stalinism. It is simply designed and easy to follow.
By Limell L
•Mar 20, 2019
Thank you professor Kenez for this excellent course! I enjoyed it immensely and learned a great deal.
•Oct 22, 2017
Nice review of Russian History over the past century. I really enjoyed the course. Thanks so much!