Apr 29, 2020
One of the best course in Coursera. Explained in very simple manner to understand how to learn. Very powerful explanation and tricks. Recommended to all those who really want to explore their skills.
Nov 6, 2016
Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)
By Ezer E M
•Jan 12, 2020
Perfect course, learned a lot from it and by using the different techniques i learn with this course im getting better grades in my uni. exams.
By Tatjana M
•Oct 28, 2019
The explanations are very clear, supported by the practical application of techniques for better learning. Thanks for the very helpful course.!
By Catherine A
•Oct 25, 2019
Excellent! I believe the course is a great way to overcome bad routines and get more effective goals, better habits and share this with others!
By Tina
•Oct 1, 2019
Great course. Helped me figure out ways to learn and retain better. Barbara is a hott to watch. Much appreciated. Keep spreading the knowledge!
By aula s
•Feb 10, 2019
Thank you so much for your beautiful courses
I wished to be taller
They were helpful and informative and the education was very great thank you
By Maanie H
•Oct 21, 2018
Wish I would have taken this course in high school! So valuable, and something I will always reflect on when learning new things going forward.
By danielb4dwolf
•Feb 25, 2018
A good way to learn more, about how the mind and brain works and how to make the most of it's potential. Really recommended and interesting! ;)
By Fereydoun G
•Feb 4, 2018
since learning is life long process in our life, this course really helps me to get the most of my time and also the material I want to learn.
By Luiz A d O F
•Dec 20, 2017
This course is very useful for everyone who wants to learn about how our brain works and maximize its capacity to effectively learn whatever th
By Ana T
•Dec 11, 2017
I wish I had this course on my first day at university! Fantastic well elaborated interesting course with ideas boiled down and explained well.
By A P
•Jun 1, 2017
This class was very informative and useful for my personal and professional studies. The material was very understandable and well-articulated.
By Cynthia A N
•Apr 11, 2017
Great course! I learned many new things, and it was interesting the whole way through. I plan to apply these concepts to many areas of my life.
By Martin O
•Apr 10, 2017
The first coursera course that I actually finished. It was simple to understand (no jargon), fun, and most importantly useful in my daily life.
By Yannis K
•Feb 12, 2017
I have learned a lot during this course and I am sure it will be helpful for me in my daily/professional life. All the best to the instructors.
By Pedro H C C
•Dec 23, 2016
A must for anyone, regardless if studying or not, it has extremely useful information which you'll use for every day of your life ( hopefully).
By Dinesh M
•Nov 28, 2016
All ages of people around the world should be taking this course first and then pursue their dreamed path will help them to achieve any course.
By Antony R
•Nov 14, 2016
Un excelente curso para mejorar las técnicas de aprendizaje, espero poder utilizar todas las buenas técnicas aprendidas en este mes de trabajo.
By Mitzi A I B
•Oct 11, 2016
Es en verdad un curso interesante y que te ayuda a entender como funciona tu cerebro para mejorar el aprendizaje y afrontar las tareas diarias.
By Phil B
•Sep 21, 2016
Excellent course, would highly recommend for someone who is trying to learn something new or simply to enrich their learning experience!
By liutued
•Sep 15, 2016
I am so excited that I am taking this amazing course, which give me a new insight to how to learn. I can't wait to apply what I learn to study
By Stephen M
•Aug 19, 2016
This course (along with financial literacy & how to sew a button in) should be part of every persons preparation for life - at an early age :-)
By Gabriela B
•May 7, 2016
muy práctico e interesante, me gusto mucho, desconocía muchas cosas, algunas de las estrategias las puse en práctica y me funcionaron. Gracias.
By Fábio Z
•May 2, 2016
É um ótimo curso, o fundamento de todo aprendizado é saber aprender, o curso oferece isso de uma maneira bem clara e objetiva. Muito bom mesmo.
By LiLiana L
•Mar 15, 2016
Un curso preciso, con un contenido práctico con bases sólidas y confiables. Felicitaciones, da gusto aprender con información de buena calidad.