Jan 1, 2022
This class really focused on the process of learning. It taught me so much. I even shared ideas with my college and high school student. They were surprised as some concepts were helpful to them also.
Jul 15, 2022
A very helpful course, with good content and good presenation. Well worth the time spent working through the lessions. Thanks for spending the time and effort to create the course, Barabara and Terry!
By Mohamed A
•Jan 14, 2019
I like it too much it is very helpful material ....thank you
By Minh T T
•Mar 24, 2024
I cried at the end of the course. That's how good it is.
By Akash S
•Jun 3, 2020
THE coursee was awesome i have learned many new things
By Vishal D
•Jun 8, 2020
The world needs courses like this. Thank you so much
By Amr E
•Jan 16, 2019
Amazing and useful’s really help me
By Lin J
•Jan 14, 2019
•Jun 9, 2020
It will really help you in learning.
By Катя С
•Jan 28, 2019
Very informative and super useful!
By Suzan H
•Mar 25, 2019
We love learning how to learn
By Anton E
•Jan 27, 2019
Very good and usefull course!
By Arash F
•Jun 9, 2020
It was Fantastic
Thank you
By Sandra M
•Jun 8, 2020
Interesting and useful :D
By Tiesta D
•Jun 9, 2020
Great course! LOVED IT!
By Vsevolod K
•Jan 16, 2019
Powerful mental tools!
By Pranjal C
•Jun 8, 2020
Brilliant Course
By N V L
•Jan 29, 2019
Excellent course
By Shivani M
•Jun 9, 2020
It's amazing
By Ian P
•Jul 22, 2020
I have taken more than two dozen online courses in a wide range of subject. This is an excellent course filled with universal practical skills and insights to make the most of your own learning potential in any subject or discipline. Just as useful are the tools and tips provided to overcome the most prevalent bad habits and ingrained behavior that impede learning.
The material is presented primarily through short video lectures (less than 10 minutes) in plain spoken English accessible to high school students yet useful to scholars and life-long learners at any age or level. The lectures are supported with abundant supplemental optional videos from learning experts and scholars along with reading from popular articles and professional literature. The lectures are comprehensively documented with references. My only regret is that I didn't learn what is taught here very early in my academic career.
By Mahender K
•Jun 8, 2020
User friedly style of the lecturers Barb and Terry impacted possitively and enhanced my comprehenssion as well as retention. I even managed to achieve 96% marks. For me, it has been a great course for rejouvenating my memory as well as boosting my confidence. Mahender Khari, London
By Nefeli V H
•Nov 24, 2020
Great content, poor presentation. Mostly interesting for young/new students, especially the last part with more practical tips on how to better learn, study and take tests. First parts are very insightful on the functioning of the brain and how memory works.
By Yechuri K
•Jun 9, 2020
Its really an amazing first journey with coursera. The content provided through this course was exquisite.
i have understood all those key mistakes i make while learning and all those obstacles i face while studying.
Mrs. Barbara Oakley [ hats off]
By Dr. P P
•Jun 9, 2020
fantastic. the quizzes were really helpful. But some lectures were extended unnecessarily. Like that famous scientist with a big name that babara mentioned that she read the biography.
By Nadia E V M
•Mar 9, 2021
Pienso que las entrevistas opcionales fueron de gran valor. Lo único que cambiaría sería el diseño, se me hizo un poco anticuado.
By Alexandria W
•Oct 28, 2020
Informative, but not ground-breaking. A nice place to start if you're not sure Coursera is for you.
By Sakshi S S
•Jun 9, 2020
Very nice explanation