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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,564 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 15, 2021

Lots of good material in this course. Loads of new concepts covered via entertaining videos. Extra reading for further education is very well documented. Well presented - thank you Barbara and team.


Oct 5, 2016

This is an amazing course. I would recommend that you take this course before doing any others in Coursera, it will give you a great foundation to take into any other subjects that you want to learn.

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2351 - 2375 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Thomas F

Feb 17, 2016

I found this course enlightening and practical. The passion of the facilitators was plain to see and significantly enhanced my learning experience. I have gained a lot both in the explicit learnings of the course and by following the good design and delivery practices used. Thank you for the opportunity, experience and valuable learning.

By Kitty D

Nov 28, 2015

This is an excellent course not only help one learning how to learn but many of the skills taught in this course such as using Pomodoro timer to help focus and overcome difficult problems, breathing exercise to calm our panic, exercise and good sleeping habit to help memory as well as better judgement can benefit us throughout our lives.

By Carlos D G M

Nov 28, 2015

Llevo 4 años ya en la universidad y he aprendido a aprender por ensayo y error, aun así no he logrado el nivel de calidad de estas poderosas herramientas que el curso me da. Hubiera deseado que me las hayan enseñado mucho antes pero bueno ya las aprendí y es momento de utilizarlas para el resto de mi vida tanto profesional como personal.

By Gio

Jun 8, 2023

The modules and lessons are intuitive and easy to follow through. Overall, I learned so much about not only the brain facts and proven study techniques but also my own mind and study habits. It's an amazing course and I would definitely recommend it to my friends and classmates, or to anyone who are determined to improve their learning.

By Shiksha

Jun 5, 2021

Sometimes we don't even know how to utilise our own brain to learn things effectively. This course is a must for everyone who wants to sharpen their memory and learn something new. Using the methods like Pomodoro Technique, Illusion of Competence, Diffused and Focused Mode thinking have helped me in learning and recalling things easily.

By Salman M K

Mar 14, 2021

First of all thank you for this wonderful course that helped me reinforce some of my correct ideas of how to learn and opened my mind to a various ways of learning. I have benefited a lot from this course and I hope others will benefit and enjoy this course as much as I did.

Once again Thank you Barbra and Terry for this wonderful course

By Pratyush P

Feb 25, 2021

This is an amazing course. It not only gave me an idea of how our brain works in learning something but i also got to understand so many different techniques to tackle procrastination and deepen my learnings, Doing good in a test, and so much more.

Thankful to Proff. Barbara Oakley for sharing such an amazing course with people all over.


Aug 28, 2020

Informative, insightful and certainly brings about a lot of positivism in life. My sincere thanks to professors Barbara and Terrence for designing this beautiful course that truly helps in broadening the horizons about the way we look at things. Look forward meeting you again. Regards, Santosh Mishra, Business Development - Adani Group.

By Praveen C

May 6, 2020

Really like the concepts and biological reason behind why I was suffering from learning effectively.

This course really helped me to bring my perspective towards small- small things I was doing wrong.

But now I believe that I will work more efficiently in any sort of learning fields.

Thank You, Barb Oakley for teaching "Learn How To Learn"

By MaBinti Y

Apr 15, 2020

By far the best course on here...regardless of the discipline. Not only are the professors insightful and enthusiastic but this course structured in a way to maximize your potential to learn the material. This course isn't full of 25 min lectures of a professor talking in front of a green screen. It's interactive and engaging material.

By David V

Feb 12, 2020

This is the first online Course I´m able to finish. It´s an eye opener. I have an issue with Procrastination, even if I´ve tried some of the techniques explained in this Course before. But the way Barbara Oakley explains concepts and ideas in a clear and relaxed way has helped me to get that extra motivation I didn´t find anywhere else.

By Sonia R

Dec 10, 2019

Es uno de los mejores cursos que he realizado. Estoy muy satisfecha con el aprendizaje y la forma en la que lo presentan. RECOMENDABLE para estudiantes y personas que quieran aumentar su campo de conocimiento ya que este es uno de los cursos que te motiva a querer estudiar más allá de tus cursos preferidos y expandir la librería mental.

By Deleted A

Oct 18, 2019

Learned HOW to actually apply study tips that we hear everywhere: stop procrastinating, active learning, spacing the material, etc. Lectures are packaged in interesting bite-size videos that explain the neuroscience of why the techniques work. The course empowers ordinary people that learning a lot of new things does not require genius.

By Damiano C

Jun 27, 2017

Learned so many things that is impossible to list all of them here; I applied these skills immediately on my job and hobbies and the rate of learning has been improved consistently. You not only learn about learning but a many tricks and information also useful to improve your motivation and engagement. I strongly recommend this course.

By Devon B L

Jan 30, 2017

Great course! Should be taught prior to HS/College so students can understand best habits to really learn the material and ingrain it in long term memory rather than short term or working memory. Especially loved the content on procrastination and the "Pomodoro technique". Thanks Barbara and everyone at UCSD who made this course happen!

By Tasman

Feb 23, 2016

Learning How to Learn is a great course. It taught me a lot more about procrastination and taught me a lot of really good study techniques. I am a 12 year old 7th grader and I really enjoyed Learning How to Learn. I definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to be a more effective learner. Thank you to Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski!

By Jonathan G

Jan 31, 2016

This really was an exceptional course, with a great balance of useful and practical tips for learning and information about how we learn. The concepts in this class aren't just limited in usefulness to learning. I've been using these techniques (especially the Pomodoro) to be more productive at work. Great job Drs. Oakley and Sejnowski!

By Debora

Jan 9, 2016

I have never given a course five stars, and did for Learning How to Learn. The reason is because the topic can be used to strengthen so many situations (school, work, sleep). This course is helpful not only to me, but my family, which include two teenagers. There are so many resources to connect with and learn more about the topics.

By Evgenii K

Oct 7, 2015

Brilliant journey into how our brain operates when we are studying new subjects or acquiring information from the world outside.

A lot of interviews with interesting people who share their own techniques of memory training, studying and struggling with procrastination.

Easy to understand and worth applying in your real study activities!

By C M

Jun 24, 2024

Great, Love the mental skills covered. chunking,brainstorming you can lear so great teqniques. I did not like the peer graded assiments because no one grades them so are out 2 years without grades with the was an auto pass if over 6 months without a grade. however, this class was hard and challenging I felt like I learned a new skill.

By Virginia K

May 19, 2021

I'm impressed. When I first started the course, I had low expectations as I would of most self-help literature. Fortunately, the videos were often comical and there was a lot of empirical research done to enforce all the learning strategies. It was interesting to follow and I am looking forward to applying these strategies in my day-to

By Maxwell B

Sep 6, 2020


By Revgade A D

Jul 30, 2020

As I started the course, I felt quite funny that I want to learn how to learn..i had preconceived notion that I might know how to learn properly, but as I went through the course I came to know about various interesting learning techniques and mind training techniques like Pomodoro, mind palace and lot more. really an awesome course!!!

By Abhisesh A

Jun 29, 2020

"Brains do not come with an instruction manual. So we have to write one ourselves" -- Dr. Terry Sejnowski.A beautiful course that teaches you a vital life skill -- effective learning -- through engaging instructors who explain the material by breaking down important concepts into concise, to-the-point videos with helpful illustrations.

By Marija D

Apr 28, 2020

Before this course I didn't know how our brain works and what techniques can help in better learning. I was an A student, hold a masters degree, but with everything I've learnt by taking this course will help me in future to master anything faster and greater. I strongly recommend this course to everyone! It will broaden your horizons!