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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

157,419 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


May 4, 2020

It goes through a good amount of foundational information for IT. It goes with the technical side as well as the soft skills and resume/interview information which are just as important as technical.


May 4, 2020

Still a great refresher to me and listed in a comprehensive manner which I am thankful for even though I knew some or even a lot of these fundamentals already in a distant and previous life of mine...

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8601 - 8625 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By Hadi H

Dec 12, 2020

Very Useful Course, with a lot of general information about basic Computers Hardware and software

By Curtis W

Dec 10, 2020

Totally enjoyed this course and will recommend it to anyone. I feel so proud of myself. Thanks!!!

By W C

Nov 29, 2020

Der Kurs I - Technical Support Fundamentals ist noch einfach. Basic Knowledge of IT Fundamentals.

By Gezeli C

Nov 7, 2020

Adorei o curso é bastante abrangente e oferece uma visão global sobre a tecnologia da informação.

By Rowell G N

Nov 3, 2020

Thanks for teaching me! I am very happy because I have more a lot of knowledge to learn about IT.

By brandon p

Oct 23, 2020

was a great learning experience . the skills i learned will say with me im willing to learn more

By Seth T

Oct 22, 2020

Great entry-level stuff that covers a broad range of pertinent topics without being overwhelming.

By Mohammed A

Oct 18, 2020

it's amazing I'm really proud of my self and all thanks for all people who give us all this info

By Jason G

Oct 18, 2020

Great introduction to IT, really enjoyed all the instructors. looking forward to the next course.

By Senem O

Oct 14, 2020

Excellent! I recommend to everyone who has an interest in learning more about how computers work.

By Bryce M

Oct 10, 2020

easy and definitely sets up a good foundation and starting point for further growth and learning!

By Walter G

Oct 8, 2020

The basic industry knowledge you will need for entry level tech support very fun and informative.


Oct 6, 2020

I am very excited about what i learned from this course. Everything went smoothly.

Thanks GOOGLE !

By Huang J

Oct 2, 2020

Great crash course for IT fundamentals, helps me taking IT field in a way I've never knew before.

By Darryl W

Sep 20, 2020

I truly loved everything about this course especially about binary math and learning how to code.

By Josiah H

Sep 16, 2020

I enjoyed the introduction. It was welcoming and got me in the correct mindset to start learning!

By Jack S

Sep 12, 2020

Great videos and labs. Really nice to hear from those in the field and hearing their experiences.

By Matt E

Sep 7, 2020

For such a huge topic, it felt like a very informative and broad covering of the basics. Awesome!

By James M

Sep 1, 2020

Good introductory course, it touches on a wide range of technologies and skills at a basic level.

By Balogun A B

Aug 12, 2020

Very interesting instructors and lively classes. Enjoyed every bit of the course. Thanks everyone

By Amie T

Aug 12, 2020

Great introduction to the main topics of IT. Teaches the surface of important topics to all ages.

By B K

Aug 9, 2020

Thanks for making my first course here great, fun, and surprisingly engaging. Much appreciated :)

By Eduardo M M

Jul 26, 2020

Incrível! É simples e ensina MUITO, até mesmo para quem nunca tinha ouvido termos técnicos antes!

By Moin U A T

Jul 24, 2020

It is very helpful IT Support Specialist Job World.So I am very happy complete this course.Thanks

By Abbey

Jul 19, 2020

this course was great, starting out as a novice i feel like I learned tons of useful information.