May 4, 2020
It goes through a good amount of foundational information for IT. It goes with the technical side as well as the soft skills and resume/interview information which are just as important as technical.
May 4, 2020
Still a great refresher to me and listed in a comprehensive manner which I am thankful for even though I knew some or even a lot of these fundamentals already in a distant and previous life of mine...
By Abbey
•Jul 19, 2020
this course was great, starting out as a novice i feel like I learned tons of useful information.
By Estefani I F U R
•Jul 14, 2020
Excellent course for beginner, it helped me decide to go for it and start a career in this field.
By Adnan
•Jul 12, 2020
It is a basic fundamental course but it gives a very nice review of what the IT world looks like.
By Naren B
•Jul 11, 2020
Really a good start up course for all the start up people. Go to learn new ways to do the things.
•Jul 9, 2020
This course gave me a very good insights of what the role an IT support specialist do ,Thank you.
By Timothy M
•Jul 8, 2020
Enjoyed this experience. Looking forward to learning more. This course is a great place to start!
By Omar Z C
•Jul 3, 2020
So far it is very important what an IT technical does, because some many processes depends on it.
By Sophronia S
•Jun 23, 2020
It was great! Loved it. Learned many new things and it really makes me thirst for more knowledge.
By Mitul P
•Jun 23, 2020
The course is rich with content and most useful to any IT professional. I gained a lot knowledge.
By Jose T
•Jun 20, 2020
was such a great experiece, and i wanna get more information, thank you google for make soo real.
By David C
•Jun 5, 2020
Great introductory to specific areas of technology. Can also be used as refresher for interviews.
By Oluwanisola J D
•May 29, 2020
Been interesting and engaging so far without overwhelming me with too much information at a time.
By Adel M
•May 26, 2020
Too much information in easy way. A great effort is providing from the instructors and management
•May 25, 2020
It's a really helpful course for someone who's really new to IT world. The backbone of IT itself.
By Lipson T
•Apr 30, 2020
For the beginners who aren't knowledge about IT. Take this course it will build your foundation.
By Mustaafah M
•Apr 3, 2020
This course was awesome learning different things about IT and what it is was definitely helpful.
By Jannderson O
•Apr 3, 2020
É um excelente curso da área de TI conteúdo de forma clara,fácil entendimento e muito atualizado.
By Omeha
•Mar 15, 2020
grandioso curso, el temario super facil y sus cuestionario faciles. Gracias por la certificacion♥
By Randy S
•Mar 7, 2020
This is a great program that offers flexibility and tons of knowledge at a very affordable price!
By Tewodros K
•Jan 24, 2020
Awesome both in content and quality. It is practical and to the point. I was enjoying the course.
By Sigrid
•Dec 24, 2019
I had a great experience doing this course, I've learned the basics and now I want to learn more.
By Sergio A L F M
•Nov 8, 2019
Fun and informative course, things are easy to learn and the supplementary reading is insightful.
By Deleted A
•Oct 17, 2019
Achei excelente essa introdução, ele conseguiu inserir muita coisa sem deixar confuso ou difícil.
By Gehad H
•Sep 28, 2019
It's a really good course. As it starts with the basics, which helps a lot in learning progress .
By Miguel R
•Sep 6, 2019
Great course. I learned a lot of helpful IT info that I will use throughout my daily life/career.