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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,920 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


Sep 14, 2022

T​his course can be life changing if you implement the concepts. I loved the professor and also loved the podcast that further goes into more detail about the things that actually bring us happiness.


Jan 9, 2021

This course has the power enough to change the course of your life. It can be a journey from misery to well being, if you follow the instructions given in this program. A must must must attend course.

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401 - 425 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Clarence F

Sep 15, 2020

After taking this course, I regret giving other courses a 5-star rating, not because those courses were bad, but because this course exceeded my expectations in every way possible that it feels unfair that it has to have the same rating as those other courses, and that I am unable to give it more than a 5-star rating.

This course is incredibly grounded in science and research, which Prof Santos has painstakingly reviewed and sifted through, and also provided references to, for the sake of the learner. It provides many interesting research outcomes and also introduces many ways in which the learner can actively participate in their own well-being. Even the assignments are well thought out and really test the learner to apply what they have learnt.

This is a long course, but I would say it's definitely worth it.

By Permjit

Jun 27, 2020

Wasn’t to sure about doing this course. My daughter recommended it. It was awesome, my husband tells me I’m so much happier and relaxed. It’s made me really think about everything and I know I’m capable of doing so much more and not to be afraid of trying new things. Doing meditation and getting to sleep has helped. The best part for me was watching the videos and reading the books that they recommended at the end of each week. Some of the books, like Nudge, were very interesting.

They’ve put a course together very well and someone like me, who gets distracted easily, well it kept my attention and I really wanted to learn more about the physiological affects of how certain habits affect us. Thank you and really Dr Laurie Santos was outstanding because she related to us and was so down to earth and real. 🙏🏽

By Phyllis M

Jul 17, 2018

Laurie has a good mix of facts, research and stories. The course is very informative. I have bought several books and learned a lot about myself that will help me be happier. It also found that things I do make me happy even though others may not rate them as high as I do. For example I do not have a significant other but I have many friends both near and around the world. I love the work I do as a professor and corporate trainer. I also have several life long hobbies. I often enjoy them and lose track of time. I love the final outcome of my hobbies.

Thanks Laurie. Great class. I would recommend it to others. I read several of Martin Seligman's books and that path led to you. I also read Shawn Achor's books and loved his YouTube video which I reference in my professional courses on Lean and selling.

By chuck L

Oct 26, 2022

Except for the gratitude letter and social connection, I accepted very well and followed the rewirements and all the other aspects of the course. At the later part of the course, with the exercises, sleep, mediation and doing all the assignments, I did not know when, or if I had a aha moment, but somehow, I felt my days were more blissful and my mood was distinctly better. I would say that, along with some learning during the past two years of Covid Pandemic that I picked up from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, this course definitely has a synergistic effect and has lifted me up at least 10% of my emotional well-being from a 4, 5, 6 to 5, 6,7 out of my personal mood scale of 10 with frequently now lingering on the higher side of the scale. Thank you, Prof Santos and Yale, from the bottom of my heart.

By sharmane g

Mar 11, 2021

I can't believe that it has already been ten weeks & now I've finished this course (The Science Of Well-Being). At the beginning of the course, I had struggled a lot with finding the meaning of life and can't seem to feel happy at all. But through the course, (much thanks to the professor!) I was able to learn about Positive Psychology and picked up scientific information to aid in building up good habits as well as discovering ways to truly be happy. This brief course was easy to digest and did not take up too much time at all. It has also piqued my interest in this field and I have since started on my second course (Positive Psychology by Dr Martin Seligman). I definitely recommend this course for those who are hope to discover ways to improve your quality of life in terms of happiness and well-being.

By Branka V

Jul 16, 2020

This was my first online, Coursera and non native course I have taken. It was the best course I have ever took and gave me knowledge to become a better person. Being from Slovenia we have different course and exam practice. This was my first experience also with foreign »American style« of studying and I must say I was amazed and also positive surprised how warm, student friendly and practice oriented the course was. Usually the courses are much more theoretical, lacking the time to really use and »rewire« the theory in practice. I was amazed by professor Laurie Santos - she did an amazing job gathering all the studies, interviews, other literature, made all the tips and videos and more. I sincerely thank her to made this course available also to people living on “other side” of the world. Thank you!

By Margaret S

Oct 26, 2020

I am retired and stuck at home because of the Corona Virus; I was so happy to have an opportunity to take this course for that reason and more. The instructor was engaging and well informed; the course itself was well built--both in terms of its technical aspects but because of the research that went in to the content. I appreciated having the scholarly sources listed so I could do more reading and I also appreciated the way the course was designed to include effective online learning techniques. Although for someone who was essentially auditing this course, I was grateful not to have to do a lost of testing, I did find the quizzes too infrequent. The final project was great, though, since it was well suited to the goals of the course. It was useful and fun. Thank you all for a great course.

By Ma. P J G

Oct 19, 2022

The Science of Well-Being made such a great impact in me, as I navigated the course it taught a lot on how to find my strength, to dig deeper that I may find the courage to make my own happiness within. The Course challenged me to better myself and to hopefully one day impart to others all that the I gained through the process. I took the Course and see through it till the end, despite that I was struggling with my panic attacks. It was the best decision I have ever made because I was able to minimize the attacks. The Happiness Score that I got made me so sad but I know I will improve on it one day, because I am now armed with the learning from the Course. Know that I am very thankfully and lucky to have stumble upon the Course. The WOOP, was a gift. Thank you so much to Professor Laurie Santos.

By Ilaria G M

Jun 10, 2020

A very interesting, science-based course with a lot of practical advice and "homework" to not only learn notions but to actually apply techniques to feel better mentally and physically. I was a bit skeptical about the personal implications at the beginning but I loved how the course offered a lot of multi-disciplinary experiments and data to back up the studied topic. It was great to actually feel the difference in terms of happiness and gratefulness at the end of it. I highly recommend it to anyone, it will surely have a positive impact on your mental health (I did it during the Covid lockdown from late March to early June 2020 and it provided plenty of food for thought). Last but not least, the Professor is a good speaker, provides lots of inputs and shares personal efforts as well. Loved it.

By Casandra A

Jul 2, 2020

I just want to say thank you to Dr. Laurie Santos for developing this course. It has given me so much insight on happiness and well-being. I know that I can enjoy life despite my circumstances. I can find the joy in everyday living. I can reach out and help others and receive so much joy and happiness. I also have learned many theories and fallacies and dispelled myths that I had heard for years. I have told family and friends about this course and have encouraged them to enroll. My son told me about this course and I am so thankful that we were able to share meaningful conversations around it. Connections are so important, even more so in this time of pandemic(s). The things that we thought would make us happy, aren't the things that really make us happy. Love one another. Thank you again!

By Donna F G

Jun 18, 2020

I really enjoyed this course, it was a challenging time to have embarked on this new journey, yet i have learned so much that I will carry forward with me. The content was thought provoking and the delivery was so engaging. Thank you.

*****One specific comment regarding the peer submission assignment- Prompt 5 did not specify that we were to reveal our specific grades but only that our scores changed from the beginning of the course to the final assignment. When it was my turn to grade my peers, the rubric stated that we evaluate the score based on stating this info, in my case I lost points because I did not state my grade because it was not clear that was required. While i am happy that i passed the course, i took the time to answer, review, and tweak in anticipation of a perfect score:/

By Jayashree S

Feb 9, 2021

Simply loved the course ...content is so beautiful. Laura, I am basically a very disciplined person, with lot of gratitude for the beautiful life I am leading and I connect with people very well and make it a point to make my family ..friends and colleagues know how much I value them and their presence in my life . However my weakness was exercise...somehow generally have been fit so never gave it a sec thought how much it contributes to our well being. Thanks to you and the objective of the course to motivate us to put these awesome skills to practice....I am now on the track to making myself a more fitter, healthier and good looking person my incorporating Yoga, pranayama, walks & exercise. Very grateful...shall share my learning with folks and help people make their life beautiful

By Jose

Oct 30, 2021

Definitely needs a lot of improvements when it comes to the approach of well being in regards to why we should focus on it because the goal being happiness isn't a good goal to help those who really need it. Those people being the ones who are regarded as hopeless by everyone else in terms of success. I definitely benefitted from this course but the goal of this course is to help as many people as possible who don't feel happy and that is A LOT of people and I don't see it as being capable of doing that. I gave this 5 STARS because it really was a good course with really good information about happiness. I do recommend this course to everyone is introduced to it because it does help on an individual level like it did for me and my happiness. I just want to be completely honest.

By Sonia S

Jan 13, 2021

This course should be included in the basic school programs. It makes you reflect on the power and impact of social media, the opinion of others, the desire of accumulating objects and products that don't make you any happy in the end. It makes you focus on the things that really matter in life, how you can actually have an impact on yourself and on others happiness by putting in place certain routines and new habits which cost nothing but your personal efforts. It teaches you how gratitude can change your outlook on life, meditation can help relax your stresses mind and body, techniques to master your overthinking process. I am 44 years old and I wish someone had given me this course way before, when I was still a teenager. Thank you Yale for coming up with this course.

By Becky H

Aug 30, 2022

This was my first coursera class. I thought the content and the challenges were very interesting. Dr. Santos did a great job explining the content and relating it to everyday situations. I enjoyed her guest speakers who shared their ideas and findings.

My only complaint is that I thought I had met all of my requirements then spent a lot of time figuring out that I had missed pushing the button saying that I had completed the section. I feel that the computer should not let you advance to the next week if everything hasn't been recorded as complete. I also strugged with how to find my peer's rewirement repsonses so that I could review them. Easier navigation in the computer program could have saved me time and allowed me to complete the course in a more timly fashion.

By Shane W

Jul 11, 2020

It's an important topic for anyone who wants to live a happy life, and it's interesting that many people could learn more about what actually fulfills them and makes them happy.

The course sticks to about a dozen core ideas on how actions that have evidence that they really do improve happiness in some way. It also goes through about that many ideas people have about what might make them happy, that evidence suggests doesn't work, or works but quickly decreases to an original baseline effort.

The time investment wasn't bad, and I got some ideas about things to try in my own life. The basic surveys suggest I'm a little happier for having taken the course. I also have a lot of links and even bought some books on Amazon for further reading. A good experience all around.

By Sheila W

Feb 16, 2021

Dr. Santos is awesome. Really. And this class is truly enlightening. As an older yogi/meditator/vegan/fitness junkie who wasn't raised on social media, I almost feel I had an unfair advantage. With age (hopefully) comes perspective, and unlike the in-person Yale students featured in the videos, I did not have the social pressures they might endure, nor was I trying to ace a bunch of other classes simultaneously. But! I found the lectures, supporting research, and guest speakers fascinating! This is the kind of class that offers something positive for everyone. It' not all about taking tests and learning facts. It is an experience of personal growth and enrichment that leaves the students with many golden nuggets to cherish for life! Namaste, Professor Santos! 🙏

By Miguel D L

Sep 18, 2020

This course came to me from an Interview Laurie had In a podcast I was randomly listening to just at the beginning of the Quarantine in my country. I really help, I marked a weeks path along, very useful.

Seeing the content I found out that I had already some of those good habits incorporated in my life, habits that are not always well perceived by society, The course helped by validating my way of living and address the thing I still have to incorporate, like sleep and exercise.

Along the course, I shared the lessons with my family members and friends, as a way to help them in these difficult times. Thanks, Laurie and thanks to all the people who have made It possible for this to be available for the world. I will keep spreading the word and what I have learned.

By Roberta R

Jun 10, 2020

I found this course well organised and well presented. I loved how the instructor relates to the students and the public at large. I enjoyed listening to her and actually would have loved even a bit more lecturing time from Lori who I found extremely relatable and unassuming yet so knowledgeable.

The one minor thing I would improve on is the use of "like' in the conversation, mostly from the students but also from Lori. I find that a bit distracting...and I am also aware that it is probably a sign of my being any case, I thought I would point it out as constructive feedback.

Well done Lori and I look forward to you running more courses as I think you are a spectacular teacher.

Thanks very much for giving me the opportunity to participate! R

By Connie S H

May 9, 2020

Wow. Just wow. This course changed my life.

In February 2020, I quit smoking after 26 years (it is a very depressing process). Three weeks later, I got fired from my Executive-level job. Two weeks after that, I was home-bound by the pandemic. I was having panic attacks pretty much 24/7.

I started the class with little hope--not that I had hope in anything. But, I have a Master of Arts degree in Counseling Psychology, so obviously I believe in mental health.

The change wasn't immediate, but once I started the rewirement process, it all took hold. I read three of the books that were referenced in the course-FLOW, Stumbling upon Happiness, and Mindset. These also helped solidify the information in my mind.

Thank you. I plan to work on getting happier and happier!

By Sanae T G

Sep 17, 2020

I feel inspired and fascinated by this field of science #PositivePsychology, #CharacterStrengths #happinesshabits #Flow #Savoring #Gratitude #Meditation #Exercice... Thanks to this course, I can think about human being in a new way and I am now confident to say that I have the power to control my own happiness.

I am grateful for the amazing quantity of information that was compiled in a such comprehensive way. My mind was on fire with wonderment!

Well-done Pr. L. Santos!

This Learning can transform you into the best version of yourself and make your ambitions a reality.

Learn about The annoying features of our mind, Intentional strategies for overcoming above biases, Strategies for putting knowledge into practice...

PS: Still some books waiting for me :)

By Delma B

Oct 9, 2020

The lectures were super interesting, the course design was appealing and easy to keep the pace, friendly platform and doable exercises, plenty of backup information to go deep on scientific documents and additional studies. The taking notes option was super useful. It was helpful to watch the TED talks to reinforce the information given during the lectures, etc., but the four weeks of rewirement challenge was a little hard to keep up the initial enthusiasm. Personally, I was able to value everything that I had learned through my personal and professional experience on how I have growth to be the person I am today. I’m always hard on myself, but with this course I’m able to appreciate my strengths and learn to be more compassionate toward my weaknesses.

By christina d

Jun 8, 2020

Extremely glad to have found & enrolled on this course, It has been amazing learning , reinforcing & practicing various habits , specifically the rewirements. The possibilities & the things that we can do to mindfully look after our wellbeing & happiness. The practice of gratitude, kindness,savoring, social connections, sleep, meditation & discovering our signature strengths. Most importantly, measuring our happiness before & after the course, & the evaluation of the actual wellbeing have answered why this course is called the Science of Well-Being. Thank you, Coursera, Professor Santos, all the resource persons who have been valuable in the contents & make up of the course, I pledge to contimue to apply to my daily life what I have learned.

By asha k

Jun 23, 2023

I really enjoyed this Course and feel proud of learning new theories and techniques. I believe in 'Art is long and the life is short', one life is never enough to learn each and every thing. Try to learn whatever is possible. Avail the opportunity to be more successful. Thanks to Coursera Team and the affiliates to make it possible for everyone. I have finished 6 Courses but am not giving up. I haven't been to any Computer classes. Being new to learn it , was always reminded that I am too old to learn it. I didn't give it up. Never ever give up. Your own confidence is the biggest treasure, you are blessed with.

Thanks again Coursera team and the affiliates. I am not stopping as yet but intend to continue and guide my friends too. All the best!

By Steve P

Jun 8, 2020

This course is an excellent, 10-week road to a better understanding of the many actions we can take to make ourselves happier. It is taught in a straighforward, honest language with a nurturing tone that is relatable and doesn't talk down to the students. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in exploring their own happiness and how it fits into the society in which we live today. I have always (naively) thought that in a life where you put happiness as your top priority, you will find the most fulfillment. It turns out, I wasn't wrong, I just wasn't able to fully see my happiness as it fits into a bigger picture when it comes to socialization, relationships, wellness, mindset, time management, and my own selfish needs and wants.