Jun 3, 2019
I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.
Aug 4, 2020
Nice course. Coursera helps me a lot with give me financial freedom. I want to do more course from this platform like meditation, mindfulness, etc. Etc. Please coursera help me. Thank you. Love you.
By Hafiz M H K
•Feb 14, 2023
Thank you, Professor , for your remarkable teaching and your invaluable insights. You have made a profound impact on my life, and I will always be grateful for the time I spent learning from you.
By Deleted A
•Oct 19, 2022
Dr. Santos is engaging, easy to understand, and is very knowledgeable. I enjoyed taking this online course because it felt as though I was actually sitting in a classroom instead of in front of a screen.
By Ornella B
•May 16, 2022
a course which scientifically demonstrate how simple but constant good routines about exercise, sleep,, meditation, healthy eating and emotional settings and control , can help to have a worth living life
By Rebecca B
•Apr 30, 2022
This course taught me how to develop the skills necessary to live a happier life. I loved learning the science and research behind happiness in such an engaging way. I can't recommend this course enough!
By Vijay G
•Sep 21, 2021
Research-backed, engagingly delivered and comprehenisve in coverage. Loved this course!
Have been recommending it to friends and am implementing what i have learnt - it has made a difference to my life!
By Ann M
•Sep 5, 2021
Really good course. Good personaly and to share. I took the course since I am going through a big transission but also to enhace my work with students. This course has made a big impact on me and my work.
By Aidan D
•May 25, 2021
Amazing! The lessons in this course are easy to understand and practical. Dr. Santos is an amazing Prof and I can't recommend this course enough for anyone looking to learn more about how to become happy.
By Nancy G
•Jan 30, 2021
I am happy to have completed this course over Pandemic time. It distracted from being depressed and thinking just sad stuff. watching sad news on TV. I really enjoyed taking this course during this time.
By Charity
•Jan 15, 2021
Best Free Course I've Ever Taken...only bad part was trying to submit my final assignment because I never figured out how to read feedback. Laurie was amazing. It was like taking a course with a friend.
By Stefie
•Sep 19, 2020
it was a very interesting and enjoyable course. I recommend everyone to take it, you'll get a new perspective of life. Thanks Yale & Prof Santos for making this course available online and also, for free!
By Liv P
•Jul 6, 2020
Really enjoyed this course! Would definitely recommend. Can't wait to implement learned techniques into my daily routine to improve happiness and stop focusing on things that don't actually make me happy.
By Anuj K
•Jul 1, 2020
I t was an amazing course. i could follow easily. Science of well being gives insights to satay happy regardless of Money and grade factor in our lives. Happiness depends on our attitudes and inner peace.
By Mary A A
•Jun 30, 2020
Great class! The strategies are great and will help with making life happier in a positive manner. Thanks for the tools and they can be shared with others to help make our world a happier place for all.
By L R
•Jun 25, 2020
Easy to follow and very beneficial. Dr. Santos does a great job of keeping the subject and required activities simple. First course in my life where completing the assignments improved my mental health.
By Sherri V
•Jun 22, 2020
At first I wasn't sure where the course was going, but as the weeks progressed the content and learnings became meaningful. I use some of the principles learned daily and will hopefully continue to do so!
By Katie J H
•Jun 15, 2020
great course and great professor.
I wish it would move the course to my complete section on coursera even though I didn't pay to earn a certificate. I still did all the work in the course and finished it.
By Eden M
•Jun 2, 2020
Such a fulfilling and eye-opening class. Everyone should take this class! It is amazing how much there is to learn about happiness. Dr. Santos presents the information in an interesting and memorable way.
By Deliana N
•May 27, 2020
What you will learn in this course goes beyond soft skills and "just happiness". If you apply it, you will be truly successful, confident and will also feel in the right place at the right time, any time!
By Sanober N
•May 23, 2020
This is very informative and life changing course I ever attended. I have learnt multiple skills of rewirement for psycho social well being. Thank you course facilitator, you are an excellent facilitator.
By Ali E
•May 12, 2020
Laurie does such great job at teaching. She is very articulate and specific with her communication, and tend to deliver great energy to the course. She certainly is a perfect fit for teaching this course.
By Meghan S
•May 7, 2020
Changed the way I looked at "my happiness" by taking care of myself through productive habits. It helped me create a meditation practice, a journaling practice, and also how better to manage my spending.
By Bernadette S
•May 6, 2020
This is an excellent course. We really are the drivers of our own happiness. I highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in learning how just a few changes can make a huge difference in your life.
By Sara G
•May 4, 2020
Loved the course layout and material. Delivered in an easy to digest way with points of reference to measure your progress and understanding. I learned a lot and enjoyed the scientific research presented.
By Fatma H E
•Jan 7, 2020
it's an amazing course & incredible instructor that makes me know myself better and encourages me to bring new habits in my life :)
it's will be a reference for me & I recommended it already to my friends.
By Juan V G M
•Apr 20, 2018
Great course. Very well organized. The teacher is really helpful in her explanations. I really love the science based approach to delve into the happiness and well being realm. I strongly recommend it ;)