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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,950 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 18, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Nov 13, 2020

Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.

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4001 - 4025 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Hnin O W

Oct 14, 2020

I found this course incredibly helpful in my growth as a person - especially feeling closer to my strengths and being more aware of the things that truly shape my happiness.

By Erin M T

Oct 11, 2020

Awesome experience, this course was able to relight a candle in me to keep me positive during this summer of a very uncertain year, I really appreciate your work Dr. Santos.

By Marina R

Aug 29, 2020

I really appreciated doing this course. It really helped me implement new healthy habit in my life. Great teacher as well. I often listen to her podcast. "The happiness Lab"

By Sherelyn S

Aug 23, 2020

Love it from day one to the last one. Thanks you Dr Laurie for this course. Highly recommend to listen to her podcast The Happiness lab. This course truly changes your life.

By Abigail M

Jul 14, 2020

This was so timely! Not only was it perfect timing dealing with COVID 19 and social injustice, but it has helped me learn new tools to navigate my life and continue to grow.

By Reena K

Jul 3, 2020

What a fantastic professor. Thank you for making this course accessible to a working mother in Auckland! I cherish your lectures and have started listening to your podcasts.

By Carlos S

Jul 2, 2020

A must for these times. Dr. Laurie Santos has amazing insights that is delivered with impressive simplicity about the science of happiness. You should take this right now.

By Isabella G R

Jun 27, 2020

A very insightful course, one in which I have learn new ways of thinking, listened to interesting speakers, and developed techniques to reflect on and improve my well-being.

By Matthew Q

Jun 12, 2020

This is a fantastic course that has truly helped me with my own well-being and also helped me see and understand the challenges my family are facing in their own well-being.

By Phillip N

Jun 10, 2020

Great course during these difficult times, Dr Laurie Santos's course is extremely well balanced with the academia component with the rewirement challenges that are provided.

By Janice M

Jun 8, 2020

I loved everything about this course. The instructor, the content, the layout, the presentations all were very conducive to great learning with great outcomes. Thank you!!

By Lorena U

May 27, 2020

This course helped me remind myself what the important things in life are! I enjoyed every class and task and I have generally finished this course as a happier human being.

By Melissa S

May 26, 2020

I would take this instructor over and over again! I loved this course. It taught me about myself, reflection and being mindful. I am excited to see what I will take next!

By Jocelyn B

May 22, 2020

If you truly commit to the tools provided, you can see and feel the results in your everyday life. I'm thankful I took this time for myself to improve on my daily happiness.

By Munize M

Apr 30, 2020

Informative. Interesting. Easy to follow. Engaging "homework". End result upon completion is 'real' -- you actually learn how to improve on your wellbeing and state of mind.

By Evgeniya

Apr 22, 2020

The course is wonderful! It has a lot of interesting and useful tips on how to be TRULY happy. The instructor is very knowledgable and is a pleasure to list to her lectures!

By Uri G

Sep 7, 2019

This course equipped me with a thorough understanding of the science of well-being, and provided lots of approaches and techniques to help me enhance my sense of well-being.

By Karen S

Jul 8, 2019

The Best! I am so pleased with this course. The teacher is engaging and friendly. The information is scientifically proven and helps me feel in control of my own well-being.

By Kia W

Jun 12, 2019

This course was incredible and I've shared it with several colleagues. I've also begun implementing some of the strategies into the treatment plans of people on my caseload.

By Deborah T

Apr 30, 2019

As an educator with two degrees of my own, it is refreshing and exciting to participate in a class with such incredible value! I truly enjoyed the class, thank you so much!

By Tarindu P

Jul 9, 2018

An excellent course, one everyone will benefit from completing. I wish I had learnt the concepts taught here a long time ago, the understanding I have from this is profound!

By Madhu P

Nov 11, 2022

Very much interesting Course i ever attended.. the Tutor was amazing.. I loved the Course and much into practical knowledge received. Must Required Course for Every one...

By Lourdes C G

May 24, 2022

Everybody should take this course. I'm glad to learn there is a high school version. It is of critical importance to properly learn the meaning of happiness and well-being.

By Delores O

Apr 11, 2022

This is a terrific course. The class was interesting, the research shared pertinent, and the information was valuable. The goals are individualized and totally attainable.