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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,950 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 18, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Nov 13, 2020

Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.

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4151 - 4175 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Natalie O

Jan 2, 2019

Fabulous course. I didn't want it to end! It gave me so many strategies, but also time to just sit, think, reflect and action those strategies. Well laid out course.

By Isabella d S T

Feb 27, 2025

Curso extremamente necessário! Fiz na intenção de aprimorar minhas práticas como psicóloga, mas como bônus, apliquei a minha própria vida e tive excelentes resultados.

By Natalia A R

Mar 4, 2024

Este curso es absolutamente asombroso, entender como funciona la mente en relación con el bienestar y tener herramientas prácticas que te ayudan a lograrlo, es genial.

By Caroline G

Jul 17, 2022

Excellent course that teaches both theory and practical skills for putting well-being strategies into our lives. Thank you for the great effort and wonderful teaching.

By Nancy L B

May 10, 2022

Learning about what we can do to improve our sense of well-being and implementing those changes raised my overall happiness score by several points. Excellent course!

By Harini H

May 4, 2022

Most eye-openeing studies to point us to the fallacies of the mind, which are hard for us to realize and come to terms with. This should be a mandatory course for all.

By Adriana A R

May 31, 2021

It is an exceptional course! highly recommended to focus our lives on what is really important,starting with ourselves, really thank you for sharing so much knowledge!

By Brian L

Apr 13, 2021

This is a great self motivating and science based course, understand the fundamentals of happiness and learn about yourself. I highly recommend this course for anyone!

By William S

Feb 13, 2021

I not only learned a lot, I especially learned a lot about myself, and have chosen to share my best qualities with others, those I know, AND those I Don't know...Yet!!

By Karla C

Feb 2, 2021

This was a great course full of empowerment and tools to help us live with a stronger life purpose, I definetely recommend it because it is a life changing experience.

By Colombe S

Dec 1, 2020

Most interesting course, very well structured to keep us interested from the beginning to the end. I appreciated we had to be involved to test all we had just learned.

By Ruchira K

Aug 31, 2020

Very informative and insightful course that helps your personal development. Really like the character profiling bit and how it is related to happiness and well-being!

By Susan R

Aug 28, 2020

This was a really interesting and rewarding course. I am really pleased I followed it, carried out the rewirements and completed all the tasks and the overall course.

By Johanna H

Aug 13, 2020

The course was so far the most interesting course I have had. It helped me a lot, and I gained so much new information. This helps me with my own teacher studies, too.

By sandeep g

Jul 6, 2020

This was a very good course especially since we are all going through tumultuous times. I believe it is important to study what makes us happy and how to re learn it.

By Allison S

Jul 5, 2020

I loved this course so much and I learned so many new things on what it means to be happy and how to create your own happiness using the tools provided in this course.

By Astrid C P N

Jun 9, 2020

This course truly changed my mindset, specially having done it during lockdown in UK. Thank you Laurie so much for sharing your expertise in The Science of Happiness !

By Hristina T

Jun 8, 2020

I highly recommend doing this course! Was very insightful, learnt lots and was able to incorporate rewirements into my everyday life moving forward. Thank you so much!

By Shannon M V

May 26, 2020

Laurie Santos is engaging and inspiring. A course for everyone at any time of their life wishing to make lasting changes and connect with themselves on a deeper level.

By Jenifer V

May 25, 2020

This course is wonderful! I highly recommend it to everyone, regardless of age. I learned a great deal about what, specifically, I can do to be happier and healthier.

By Filimonas A

May 24, 2020

One of the most uplifting educational experiences in my life. Dr Laurie Santos was excellent as a speaker, with enthusiasm and inspiration. Thank you for that program.

By Lianne H

May 19, 2020

This is a great course and I recommend everyone (not only students as the lecturer is targeting) take it. This is knowledge to improve your life and the quality of it.

By Magda H

May 6, 2020

I'm very pleased with the choice. Maybe the course didn't give me a lot of new things, but it's nice to hear about the scientific explanation and try to be more happy.

By Lisa M

May 5, 2020

Enjoyed everything about this course. I wish I would've taken this years ago as my career would've been very different. Thankfully it is not to late to change course.