May 18, 2020
This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.
Nov 13, 2020
Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.
By Ignacy Ś
•Jul 24, 2019
I cannot stress how much I enjoyed this course. Material wasn't huge but really valuable so it was quite easy to grasp it. Seal of approval on this course :)
By Amanda L d S
•Dec 13, 2022
A remarkable gathering of scientific findings and learnings that one can take and apply in life to become happier. Thanks Prof. Santos and Yale University!
By sonia m
•Aug 21, 2022
a great course - an opportunity to explore what really makes us happy and the science to support it. Fantastic tutor and great to be able to pace learning.
By Cancan J
•May 11, 2022
very intriguing and helpful course! I like the organized content supported by scientific research evidences. and the rewirement really support my practice.
By Deborah G
•Mar 8, 2022
This was a well designed, effective course which has been a great help to me. The professor was amazing and I will be looking for more of her instruction.
By Mona C C
•Aug 28, 2021
The course was very clear and the Instructor made it clear with nice examples little hilarious as well.....Enjoyed the whole flow with great involvement....
By Rodrigo A
•Jul 23, 2021
SImply the best choice made during the pandemia!!
I really enjoed and I´m sure that will take for life many of the thoughts learned during the course.
By Paula G
•Apr 30, 2021
The course is incredible and it helps you to understand what is really going to make us happy.
Recommend to every person that wants to change their mindset.
By sergio o
•Mar 14, 2021
I am very happy with this course because it teach you how to understand better the daily day, the routines and how to make healthier routines to be happier.
By Veronica P
•Jan 27, 2021
Thank you very much for this course! It is very well made and so interesting! I started as a new year resolution and i will continue this journey by myself!
By Anke B
•Jan 1, 2021
I really liked this course. Dr Santos is very engaging. The material is well laid out. All the research behind it is amazing. Well worth taking this course!
By Jose M
•Oct 14, 2020
This is an excellent course that brings many useful tips on positive psychology that can really help improve your happiness. Both interesting and enjoyable!
By Heather B
•Oct 11, 2020
I highly recommend this course. The topics apply to everyone and are backed by science. I'm already feeling happier with some of the rewiring assignments.
By Djallon M D
•Sep 27, 2020
Excellent course, do not hesitate to enroll. Gain insight and tools of scientifically proven methods to improve your well-being.
Thank you Professor Santos!
By Angelo A S
•Sep 21, 2020
given me new perspective in life as I continue to face new challenges and responsibilities outside my comfort zone. thank, keep safe and GOD Bless us All.
By Andres Z P
•Sep 20, 2020
Specially for the current days it´s really a great course with lots of usefull tools. The challenge will be the practice. Thank you Yale & proffesor Santos
By Mario F
•Aug 31, 2020
Absolutely great job done.
It was the first time that I approached with this kind of matter but find it very interesting. The WOOP tool is great.
By Stephanie H
•Jul 20, 2020
I though it was an incredible course. Easy to follow and very important facts to bare in mind. I am more aware of what makes me enjoy my life and happiness.
By Yasmin
•Jul 10, 2020
Awesome course! Clear, engaging, informative, friendly, and most importantly; life enhancing. Thanks Laurie and everyone involved in developing this course.
By Francesca M
•Jul 7, 2020
Great content, especially during a pandemic. Rewirements seem simple until you do them for four weeks and then it is a good challenge! Thank you, Dr Santos!
By Helen S
•Jul 3, 2020
Really thought provoking course that deals with practical application as well as theory. What could be a more valuable skill to learn than how to be happy?!
By Courtney Z
•Jun 29, 2020
Absolutely loved this course! Would take again. And recommend to anyone who wants to challenge themselves to become a better, happier version of themselves!
By Kristle B
•Jun 28, 2020
This was one of the most useful and interesting classes I've ever taken. They need to be teaching this in elementary and high schools as well. Thank you!!
By Danielle P
•Jun 27, 2020
Excellent course to discuss how to be happier by identifying some things we put so much pressure and effort into that inevitably do not make us any happier.
By Kristen A H
•Jun 27, 2020
By far the best course I've ever done! It was so needed during the COVID-19 Lockdown and all that I learnt throughout the course will be used post lockdown.