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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,940 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 12, 2022

I​ cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!


Nov 13, 2020

Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.

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5276 - 5300 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Samantha L

Jul 29, 2020

Great class full of helpful strategies to keep in mind that really worked. Extremely glad I took this. Thank you for the free course!

By Azul R D

Jul 23, 2020

This was an amazing course, and I learned a lot. It is really well-paced and informative on the ways you can become a happier person.

By Katy M

Jul 20, 2020

Great course! Very interesting content and ability to add what you learn into your own life. Fantastic way to improve your wellbeing!

By Jennifer S

Jul 17, 2020

I highly recommend this course, The Science Of Well-being. I learned so much good information to enhance my life. Thank you so much!

By Briene L

Jul 16, 2020

Incredible, science-backed toolkit for how to improve your overall well-being and happiness. Very meaningful and manageable workload.

By Ana C S

Jul 10, 2020

Aprendi o que devo valorizar e desenvolver para ser mais feliz. Estou muito grata pelo curso. Foi uma enorme ajuda, no momento certo!

By Maiqi Q

Jul 8, 2020

Loved this class and prof. Santos! Learned a lot of amazing strategies to happiness and will continue to practice the habits learned.

By Nestor C

Jun 30, 2020

Great course. It helped me understand a lot of things about myself, and to find ways to be a happy person. I absolutely recommend it!

By Yosh W

Jun 22, 2020

Simply put - Life changing. I would definitely recommend this course to others. I feel like this should be part of primary education.

By Debra R

Jun 14, 2020

I loved the course and so happy I did it and I learned so much about increasing my happiness and finding more joy in everything I do.

By Nik D

Jun 14, 2020

It was very interesting. However, it is important to see this course as something you are doing for yourself, not for a career boost.

By Jose M M N

Jun 12, 2020

He obtenido valiosas herramientas y he podido reforzar aptitudes que ya poseía que me permiten vivir mejor y mas satisfecho y sereno.

By Albertt H

Jun 8, 2020

Este curso debería implementarse en todas las universidades, como algo complementario, donde enseñen a las personas a ser más felices

By John G

May 26, 2020

Great course to generally increase your awareness of your mental health and happiness state which you may not have considered before.

By Emily G

May 20, 2020

Very thankful I took this course. A nice balance of learning and applying new material. Happier now and I plan to keep it that way :)

By Emma H

May 18, 2020

Great course; crammed full of information, ideas, theory and studies to support and improve both individual well-being and happiness.

By Ciara J

May 17, 2020

Great course - especially during these times. Dr Laurie Santos is awesome! The learnings and exercises are interesting and uplifting.


May 1, 2020

This is a very well thought out course to get the user new ways to reexamine themselves and how the user can enhance their existence.

By David L

Apr 24, 2020

an amazing class. allowed me to look outside of myself and examine many areas. new ways to be happy with out the pressures of society

By Gosia S

Aug 22, 2019

A very educational course, I have learnt a lot and am going to use some of the techniques discussed in the course. Highly recommended

By Ellen R

Apr 29, 2019

A wonderful course everyone should take! This course really put me on track for a better, more fulfilled and happier life. Thank you!

By salvador g

Apr 28, 2022

The concepts are very clear and the backup data is also well reviewed. The teacher does a very good job answering student questions.

By Alla H

Apr 4, 2022

Thank you so much Dr. Laurie, I appreciate a gem like this at a time that is hard on all of us but filled with blessings like this.

By winnie I

Sep 17, 2021

Great to learn something useful and beneficial to our whole life.

Thank you Lauire. Love to join your new courses whenever there are.