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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere by Google

111,611 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. Organizations of all kinds need data analysts to help them improve their processes, identify opportunities and trends, launch new products, and make thoughtful decisions. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of data analytics through hands-on curriculum developed by Google. The material shared covers plenty of key data analytics topics, and it’s designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. Current Google data analysts will instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common data analyst tasks using the best tools and resources. Learners who complete this certificate program will be equipped to apply for introductory-level jobs as data analysts. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, learners will: - Gain an understanding of the practices and processes employed by a junior or associate data analyst in their day-to-day job. - Learn about key analytical skills (data cleaning, data analysis, data visualization) and tools (spreadsheets, SQL, R programming, Tableau) that you can add to your professional toolbox. - Discover a wide variety of terms and concepts relevant to the role of a junior data analyst, such as the data life cycle and the data analysis process. - Evaluate the role of analytics in the data ecosystem. - Conduct an analytical thinking self-assessment. - Explore job opportunities available to you upon program completion, and learn about best practices you can leverage during your job search....

Top reviews


Apr 4, 2022

I​ truly recommend this course. It will change your mind about how you see things, and how things happen around any business or even at your own house. Data and collection of data get to conclusions.


Jun 25, 2021

Awesome class. Found out why I'm always analytical about things in my personal life and the critical thinking that this provides. I love it and hopefully this will help me land my dream job at Google!

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451 - 475 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

By Manish K S

Oct 31, 2021

This course gives you a glimpse of the DATA Analyst World. It will clarify all the doubts that we have about the term "DATA SCIENCE". It will show how we do data analysis in everyday life and what is the power of data in solving both micro and macro challanges in both personal and professional life.

This course shows you how to step into the data science world and use the unlimited power of DATA to see the future potentials.

By Di C

May 9, 2021

The best course that I had passed. The course is introduction to Data Analyst specialization, but it provides the big-picture vision, full description with a lot practical examples, and without redundant theory. Of course, the technical tools, the notifications to email, the file templates to hands-on assignments, the video lessons and presentation are wonderful, useful and comfortable. I feel that I spent my time the best.

By David G

Nov 27, 2022

I really loved the way this course provided an overall view of where I could go and what I could do after completing the entire course. I think it is very important to help set vision and goals from the beginning to give online learners the ability to push through challenging times. Excited to see where I can put this information to use in my current life and what future opportunities it may bring as I enhance my skills.

By Sakshi G

Oct 6, 2021

The course content was excellent and focused on the basics, the foundation of any learning path. The quizzes and case studies were also good in level as they compelled me into thinking of different scenarios. However, I wish there could have been more business case studies in the assignments.

Thanks to all the Googlers who took the extra responsibility to make their knowledge and learnings reach out to the other learners.

By Jane K

Sep 2, 2021

I liked the way the content was presented for this course; it was very engaging, with varied mediums and approaches to getting the students engaged (there was a forum, written responses, multiple choice quizzes, the option to "like" and "dislike" content, etc.). I wished there were a few more videos and maybe some more animated visualizations though; I think the videos and tutorials really help to let the concepts sink in.

By terra_miaw

Jan 21, 2023

This course is a great way to understand what data analysts is. They help you understand basic knowledge what you need to know in data analyst world. They'll guide you step by step that you don't need any understanding about what you should know if you want to jump in this job field. As someone that take IBM data analyst course too, I recommend you to take this course instead (if you have zero knowledge about this field).

By Bayonne K

Sep 5, 2023

This course is everything I needed to make a move in my career, the flexibility offered by the program is amazing. The quality of the content and the clarity in the explanation is absolutely unbelievable. I am determined to continue and finish the entire program and see what opportunities this can open to me. I will also in the future continue with others certificates for my own knowledge and benefit.

Absolutely amazing.

By Syed N A

Jul 29, 2023

It was a fascinating journey going through this course. Every step was so detailed and easy to understand that even someone with basic computing skills could opt for this course. I have a great deal of appreciation for our instructor, Tony, who accompanied us and motivated us throughout this journey and made it fun and exciting to learn everything. Looking forward to learn from our next instructor in the upcoming course!

By Zoulikha S

Feb 26, 2022

Thank you to Google for giving me an opportunity to learn, which was a wonderful experience, and I benefited a lot from it, represented in the possibility of solving problems and developing work in scientific ways and means, even though I am Arabic and I am not fluent in English, but my insistence on taking lessons in English in order to learn language terminology English increased my love to learn the English language.

By Lisa B

Aug 13, 2021

I really appreciated that this course had different types of learning such as reading, videos, reflection, and practice items. With the videos being short, I was never bored and all the speakers were easy to understand and listen to. I only wish there was more practice items as far as SQL was concerned but the course did provide links to places you could practice SQL and I'm assuming we'll learn more in another course.

By Muhammad S S

Oct 21, 2022

This is an excellent course as it teaches you the complete basics of data analytics. For anyone starting in the field of data analysis it's a great course. One advice I would give to new learners, is to really learn and understand things. This course helped me open my mind in ways I didn't know I could. It teaches you to think like a data analyst and provides a stepping stone for further courses in this certification.

By Wojtek K

Oct 4, 2022

I am very satisfied with the course. In my case, the way the material is divided up (number of chapters vs the amount the information) and motivating to continue learning deserves special praise. The exams, called "challenges" are not overwhelming. In addition, the questions verify understanding of the issue and reward the ability to apply the information learned. Less frequently, they verify terminology and details.

By Kevin S

Sep 1, 2021

Very nice, terrific "Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere" : Actually, even not 100% sticking to my head now, comparing to beginning of this course, i feel i'm getting know to the concepts and how to proceed for data analysis process. I'll back here when i need to refresh what i had learned later. Many thanks to all instructors guiding us try to recognize the entrance of data analysis process. Best regards, Kevin Song ~

By Inna S

Jul 7, 2023

Сподобалася структура курса,бо я тільки починаю.З задоволенням виконувала завдання,вони були для розуміння професії,розкривали її суть, допомагаючи зрозуміти потрібні навички,заставили перевірити і переосмислити вибраних шлях.Мій рівень англійської мови поки що не дозволяю вільно користуватися курсом ,виконую завдання завдяки Google Перекладачу.Чекаю на продовження,ще багато чому треба навчитися.Дякую за можливість.

By Bobby J

Nov 20, 2021

My experience with this course was great. I have a formal background in Finance and worked within Financial Services for 5 years, but have been growing an interest in other fields and careers. I have experience with SQL and spreadsheets, but I never thought I was competent enough to be a data analyst. After this Course I feel more secure in myself and my experience to go forward with the confidence that I can do this.

By Semere M M

Feb 6, 2024

It is very essential, as it focuses on the basics of data analytics, which prepares you for the next steps of data analytics with a solid understanding of what data means to organizations, how they utilize data to drive their goals, and what is expected of a data analyst in such cases. The instructor presenting the material makes it personal, and it is easy to comprehend as it includes examples in practical contexts.

By Melvin Y

Apr 13, 2021

I'm really happy and impressed by this course so far. The pace is just nice and though we didn't have a formal sort of test or evaluation for the course, the knowledge transfer and test along the way was very effective that makes you realised that you really learned alot and I could apply it throughout the entire course. I'm ready to bring it forward to the rest of the courses and deep dive further. Thank you Google!

By Golla R K

Feb 7, 2025

This course provided a fantastic introduction to the world of data! It helped me understand the importance of data in every industry and gave me a solid foundation for the concepts that I can build on. The material was engaging and easy to follow, with useful examples and insights. I highly recommend this course for anyone new to data science or looking to understand how data plays a crucial role in decision-making.

By Goiffry F M

Jul 15, 2023

Very Beginner friendly yet packed with the right tools and information to understand data analytics in a rifghtful manner where Tony and other google team professionals really helps us to understand Data Analytics precisely. I like the course program overall with videos, the readings, learning logs and weekly quizes. I feel like I'm really in a school but with awesome google professionals teaching me data analytics.

By el m j

Sep 5, 2022

Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere Certification by Coursera introduces learners to the domain of data analytics with a hands-on curriculum curated by Google. The course material deals with ample key data analytics topics comprehensively and provides learners with industry-oriented learning through practice exercises, expert training and readings. The course will be delivered by current Google data analysts. 

By K L K

May 22, 2022

This course was a great starter for a beginner like me who wanted someone to guide them through the subject and what its real world applications are, the language and terminology were easy to understand and the faculty teaching us had great methods to make us understand the concepts as easily as possilble.

I would recomend this to any beginner who wants to have a deeper understanding of the subject of data analytics.

By Kathryn H

Feb 14, 2022

I really enjoyed this course! It's aptly titled because it does set you up with a foundation for what will be further learned down the road. One thing that I really appreciate is the mix of different activities, so different types of learners would at least be able to enjoy some aspect of the course's presentation of the material. I'm excited to continue on this journey in Google's professional certificate program!

By Michael A

Oct 9, 2021

I genuinely enjoyed this first course and find the journey engaging. My only neutral feedback is that some self-reflections or practices were worded in a way that confused me and made me think I was on the wrong chapter, wording things like "Now that you know that right questions to ask..." when I haven't gotten to that chapter yet, but other than that, I truly enjoyed this chapter and it's a 5 stars in my opinion.

By Joy D S

May 1, 2021

This course was so awesome. As a student of data analysis I recommend everyone to do this course to get a clear and better idea about data analysis approach and path. This course will just guide you to do your best and give you clear idea about the responsibilities and a clear vision about data analysis. And I must say that the instructor is awesome. He explained everything clearly though some topics were complex.

By Adali J O

Aug 15, 2024

The program have help me a lot in gaining insight of what data analytics entails, the instructors did a very good job in given detailed explanation of every unit in each module, there are lots of learning resources to fall back to if in doubt, the module quiz also helped a lot in building confidence. I'm looking forward to next next course. Thank you Google team for making this platform a great place for learning.