Apr 2, 2024
"Thrilled to complete my first course in Cybersecurity - a perfect blend of tools and tactics. Insightful, engaging, and foundational. Highly recommend to anyone starting their cybersecurity journey!"
Dec 25, 2020
If you want to learn cybersecurity and you have no idea about that. Then this is the best course which covers all the basic topics and provide you a best knowledge about cybersecurity and their tools.
By Nelson Y
•Aug 30, 2021
Great beginner course, only thing I would like to see improved is the audio quality on some of the videos.
By Mutrib
•Apr 16, 2022
It is a very beginer course in cybersecurity, only the theory of cybersecurity is covered in this course.
By Mian H J
•Oct 4, 2021
Introduction is nice but it's better if cashing the course community session is also included and taught.
By Naman P s
•May 8, 2020
The audio could have been more clear.
The examples used to explain the concepts of cryptography were good.
By Arslan A
•Aug 6, 2022
•Sep 4, 2020
Only voice problem in some videos, otherwise was the best starting introduction to cybersecurity course.
By Visvesh J K
•Oct 27, 2019
Best Knowledge presented so far. 4 star only because in some of the videos audio quality was really bad.
By Shailendra K
•Aug 9, 2022
The course was fabulous. It just had a slight problem in regarding to audio and presentation a little.
By Havva O
•Apr 20, 2022
I like video .I learned different somethig with cybersecurty .All teacher explained clearly.Thanks IBM.
By Muhammad A T
•Jul 14, 2020
Wonderful course, Lots of new things to learn, Add some more content in digital forensics. Many thanks!
By Utkarsh S
•Jun 28, 2020
i like the course material very much and got to know very new and intresting thing about cyber security
By Sümeyye Ö
•Nov 28, 2023
Ben türkçe altyazıyla izledim ve maalesef anlatım bundan dolayı kötüydü ama yine de verimli diyelim :)
By Martha O
•Oct 3, 2023
I learned a lot of necessary terms, however some videos were hard to understand because of the quality
By Erley D J M O
•Jan 20, 2023
excellent course but it was much about theoretical than practice. it is needed mora practice examples.
By Santiago M M V
•Nov 13, 2022
Some of the audio records have little issues in the pronuntiation of the teachers, great intro course.
By Juan M R
•Sep 28, 2022
Great info, a little dry so it helps to do research on the side. Realy try hard on the practice quiz!
By Cervey J
•Apr 21, 2022
Buena opción para iniciar en el mundo de la ciberseguridad, sólo recomendaría actualizar el contenido.
By Dianne S
•Apr 9, 2022
I really enjoyed the course. The only problem was the poor transcription of some of the presentations.
By Priyanka d
•Apr 30, 2022
Course covers every single aspect of cyer security basic and cyber crimes. Helped a lot in my career.
By Leon H
•Dec 15, 2021
Interesting material and valuable knowledge, but sadly the audio quality of most videos is very bad.
By Zach H
•Aug 28, 2021
Information was well thought and presented but suffered a bit from microphone/recorded audio quality.
By Emin L
•Jul 23, 2021
Audio recordings are not good for some classes. I wish they did a test listening before releasing it.
By Shikher G
•Jun 7, 2022
A little bit less practical knowledge for beginners, although very resourceful through the theories.
By andrea s
•Mar 18, 2021
very interesting course for starting to get familiar with terms and specific topics on cybersecurity
By Navneeth P J
•Jul 6, 2020
An excellent course,just had some difficulties understanding some peculiar accents during the course