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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,540 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


May 20, 2016

I found this course incredibly useful and practical. It has not only helped me better understand the process of learning but it has also given me valuable tools in how to optimize my learning process.


Sep 10, 2016

This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course

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2026 - 2050 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By jamie b

Sep 9, 2018

This course is the best and the most powerful course PERIOD. Before learning any course or skill one must take this course and read ' A Mind For Numbers' so that it will open the neural pathway and help you understand how to grasp the concept of learning how to learn any subject or skill. Thanks Coursera and Dr. Oakley and her team of experts for the enlightenment .

By Edith R

Sep 18, 2017

El mejor curso que he encontrado para aprender a aprender, me habría encantado conocerlo antes de iniciar mis estudios académicos! No puedo dejar de recomendarlo a todos mis conocidos. Mi respeto y mayor admiración a todas las personas que hicieron posible este maravilloso curso. Desde Jalisco, México les envío mi más sincero agradecimiento y muy afectuosos saludos!

By Sherry A

Sep 14, 2017

This was a great course. I wish I had taken it before I began my studies in engineering. I would have tried to relax more and have fun! I can also attest to the importance of repetition and testing yourself in memorizing subject matter. I used those techniques for law school, and they worked so well for me. Whenever I used those techniques, I got an A in the class.

By Steve R

Sep 13, 2017

I just retired in June. I now have a number of challenging goals that I want to accomplish. This useful course will help me accomplish them. This course has taught me that it is the process, the new habits, that are important in this journey. Thank you Dr.Barb Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski for making such an interesting, understandable, and important course.

By Kevin A H

Mar 24, 2017

Learning how to learn should become mandatory at schools and not just for higher classes. THAT is the single most important skill students will need in their future lives. But even for those late beginners like myself, it's not too late. This course is gold and should stand at the beginning of any studying endeavor - unless you already know how to learn effectively.

By Darley G Q

Mar 10, 2017

Excellent training action, very enriching and of great impact at a personal level and therefore professional, is a course with a higher level of organization and a unique pedagogical design despite being such a complex and broad subject. My sincere congratulations to all the team that makes this beautiful activity possible, especially to Dr. Barbara as its director.

By Nachiket H

Sep 26, 2016

Absolutely fantastic course!! I found this course by chance last month when I was searching for study tips. I'm so glad I found this course. This course content has been presented so well and the teachers are so nice. I recommend this course to everyone because problems like procrastination are universal. So, learning how to overcome these problem is really helpful.


Feb 18, 2016

It was a great course to know about different way to study. In the seccsions, professors showed us plenty skills and tips about how to change our mind to face tough subjects. It was wonderful to know about Diffuse Mode and Zombies inside us, which are helpful for us to really know about our weakness during study. Try this course, you will find it's fun and valuable.

By Between L

Aug 19, 2015

this course gives necessary material in understanding how brain works and how to get benefits from it. it also inspires greatly, becuse the main idea lies in human's ability to learn and master almost everything, but much practice and patience is needed to achieve that. I wish I could take this course when I was at school and escaping math and other hard sciences =)

By Shreyas M ( m

Mar 25, 2024

great course ,you get great insight ,on what you know on some part and are told ,but here after the course ,you really learn why we are told so,and also familiar things we do ,which we think ,help in our learning journey but actually do the opposite really insightful,this course will greatly help anyone who would like to learn better and do better in life generally

By Allan H

Dec 31, 2021

This course have the potential to change the way you face learning, give you powerfull tools to plan your process and present the mindset to learn more efectively. Don't fool yourselve that you're a course away from having a photographic memory. Learning is a process, takes effort and knowledge. But missing this course is the same as going for a marathon barefoot.

By Bad M

May 4, 2021

This should be a pre-req in every college and university. I have a disability that disrupts my memory recollection and it is has been very stressful for me. This course has revolutionized the way that I will approach learning. The information is well-presented and easy to understand. I can safely say that this course has changed my life, academically and otherwise.

By Elizabeth L

Jun 20, 2020

This course was great. I learned so much on how the brain works, which led of course to all the helpful ways to learn. The lessons most importantly boosted my self confidence, thank you especially for that! Both Professors were excellent, easy to listen to and follow! I would love to take any class with them!

Yes i do plan on taking more online courses!!!!

Thank you

By Hashim E H

Jun 15, 2020

Great techniques paired with learnings that can be applied as you go throug the course itself! This is especially encouraging if your looking into taking on more courses or just want a refresh yourself on how to best Learn how to learn. I can positvely confirm that i'll be looking at my notes often going forward and might even look into courses on neuroscience .


May 10, 2020

At the beginning, i was like "Ooo Boy", but slowly as time goes, with all those videos and quizzes and not forgetting the relax and casual manners of both the tutors, i beginning to enjoy it. This course opened up my eyes and of cause my mind that there is a smarter way to learn. thank you to both of the tutors and all the contributors in making this course worthy.

By Victoria M

Apr 13, 2020

Such an excellent course- well planned and presented. I especially appreciated the personal experiences and the interviews with extraordinary people, including the presenters themselves. I will certainly employ the techniques promoted in this course and understand better how my brain works and how to train it in a more effective way. I highly recommend this course.

By Bob C

Dec 2, 2019

I enjoyed this course. The concepts of focused verses diffused thinking was quite helpful and there were a number of other tools that I was able to use and to share with my college age daughter. I sincerely believe in life long learning and will use the concepts and tools I got from this course to enhance my learning in the days and years to come! Highly recommend.

By Jenny W

Oct 25, 2015

Starts off at first, alarmingly easy but then very cleverly builds a more complex understanding of memory and learning. I found it very useful and it has changed my thinking about learning in very practical ways. I am very excited about new learning in a way I haven't before. I would recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn and remember more effectively.

By Ramon A

Oct 11, 2015

Es un excelente curso aunque para mi, presenta un inconveniente muy importante, que es con respecto a los exámenes, ya que cuando lo copio en el traductor de google pierden el sentido y se me hace muy difícil entender el sentido del texto, podrían por favor, ponerlo en español para que los que no somos tan conocedores del idioma ingles, podamos sacar mejor notas...

By Minh H

Sep 15, 2021

The lecturers have presented many useful skills and techniques to learn better. Each video is enough time not to get bored, they also use a lot of graphic elements in the videos so the progress was quite interesting. The course is quite basic and didn't go too deep into theorical knowledge, this is a good start for people who wants to improve their learning skills

By Shakirah G

Nov 19, 2020

Powerful and resourceful course. With practical steps and deep insights into the art of learning , Learning to Learn did not only help me to improve my learning strategies, it has also empowered me to be more productive at home and at work using pomodoro and other techniques that I was taught. It also inspired me to start a YouTube channel, with a blog on the way.

By Nicolas S V

Aug 30, 2020

Amé cada una de las clases, los profesores se notan completa y totalmente relajados y con un amplio conocimiento en el tema. Adoré a la profesora Barbara, tiene una forma de explicar y de terminar sus clases, que me encanta y parece alguien de mucha paciencia. Muchas gracias por tan excelente curso y por tantos tips tan importantes en los que jamás habría pensado.

By Yuqi Z

Jul 3, 2020

I've been learning different things for about 20 years but I haven't systematically been taught "how to learn" until I met this course. This course is inspirational to me. The instructors use creative methods to illustrate not only techniques but also scientific foundations behind the learning techniques. Really appreciate all the efforts that you made! Thank you!

By Anđa D

Jun 11, 2020

I highly suggest this course as a start point for any high school or college student (or anyone really). I learned the BASICS of effective learning and only those were good enough to pass two of my last exams with the highest score. I am looking forward to watching all of the additional material in this course and to read some of the books related to these topics.

By Katheryn G

Dec 1, 2019

This course was excellent. I am an educator and learned many valuable learning strategies in this course. This material presented is helpful to students and educators and will enhance the learning process and make your learning time more efficient. Combining the Science of the brain with the learning strategies was a very effective way to present the material.