May 20, 2016
I found this course incredibly useful and practical. It has not only helped me better understand the process of learning but it has also given me valuable tools in how to optimize my learning process.
Sep 10, 2016
This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course
By Nelly S R C
•Nov 13, 2016
Es un curso genial, gracias por enseñarme a usar mis propias habilidades y sobre todo a tener confianza en mi mismo, todas estas técnicas han sido muy útiles tanto para mi vida estudiantil como para mi vida personal. Esta es una de las experiencias que mas ha aportado a mi vida, de verdad me siento satisfecha de haber elegidos este curso.
•May 20, 2016
Really helpful. Everyone who stuck by math or other tricky subject should take this course. Lots of strategies and tactics are taught through it and optional interview. The reference listed at the end of each lesson is very specific and in detail. You can practice each skill individually. What was once a trickle has since become a stream!
By nmarcel
•Feb 28, 2016
Excellent course about learning and how your brain works. Definitely I'll try teach my 10 years old son techniques from this course and explain him all what I learned to help him make his life easier with learning. Knowledge is power and power is freedom.
Thank you very much for opportunity to go through this course. You did great job guys.
By ameesh s
•Nov 28, 2015
thank you for making this available.. these contents must be used in induction courses at all graduate and undergraduate colleges.. it may improve the quality of efforts put in by students thereby improving the overall standard and ranking of a college or degree... colleges can atleast start experimenting this with some sections / batches
By Tom G
•Aug 17, 2015
This course has given me super information on how to become a better learner. Moreover, it has taught me that blindly following my passions isn't enough - I have to learn how to broaden them as well. Equipped with many tips and tools, I now feel confident to face challenging subjects with excitement rather than dread. Highly recommended!
By Custor M
•Oct 28, 2022
I am actually mindblown by the knowledge in this course. The things I've learnt here will forever change my life, I am currently starting a new life and setting myself for a better future and career path. My learning experience has improved after finishing this course! I am confident in my ability to tackle new subjects!
Highly recommend!!
By Serena M
•Dec 11, 2021
I prefer the organization and maturity of Mindshift over Learning How to Learn but the mostly cover the same core strategies. Mindshift is more suited to those on the self-paced lifelong learning, choose your own adventure path vs a curriculum handed down by an educational institution with strict deadlines and narrow mastery evaluations.
By Shannon E
•Jun 25, 2020
I have been out of school for about 5 years, and have been terrified of going back for a graduate degree because with work and a dissociative disorder, it is difficult to retain information. This program has given me tools to overcome that fear and an approach learning in a different way. I am so excited to earn this MS degree. Thank you!
By Subrata K N
•Apr 20, 2020
This course has been a real eye opener in terms of the study methodology that one can adopt for optimized learning. The fact that process is more important than the product in achieving our learning goals, itself was a major shift in perspective for me. I look forward to attending future courses offered by Professors Oakley and Sejnowski.
By Fredy Y A F
•Feb 20, 2020
It was a great experience. I ignored the way our brain works. Definitively it is an amazing organ. It was hard to realize that I was a procrastinator; now I understand it, but the best thing is that I know how to deal with it. The pomodoro technique and the difuse thinking mode have helped me to asume leraning process in a different way.
By Maureen Y
•Aug 5, 2019
This is a great course to provide you with a solid plan to lean and *retain* material in literally any subject or skill. While the phrasing of several of the videos make it clear that it is aimed toward a student studying in a formal-educational setting, the material and information is broadly applicable any time. 13/10 would recommend.
By Peter F
•Nov 3, 2017
As a Technology teacher, now retired, I told my students the content of what they learn in my courses changed from year to year but if they learned how to learn effectively then they would be successful in whatever direction their education lead them. This course focuses on that goal and it should be a part of every students instruction.
By Stanley K
•Dec 22, 2016
Well structured, easy to move along. Reading the author's book, which is not required but compliments each other well.
I learned a lot in this course. Planning to recommend this especially to college students. I wish it was available then. Even now, I'm planning to put more focus into the main ideas from the course to my future learnings!
By Olena G
•Sep 11, 2016
Thank you very much, the authors of this course! First, to be honest, I thought the course will be boring, buy after first 2 or 3 lectures I was really into it! I loved the short lectures, tips and tricks and the information how our brain works! I really enjoyed the time spend and definitely will use the tips for the learning! Thank you!
By Elizabeth S
•Jan 31, 2016
The course was very helpful in understanding the challenges that we face in learning new things and techniques to address and solve those challenges. The content and the instructors were engaging. Since I am no longer in school, the portion of module 4 on test taking wasn't relevant to me; however, I recommend this course to all learners.
By Reetuparna N (
•Oct 22, 2021
Amazing insights into how people learn with practical ways of implementing these tools and techniques is what made this course not only informative but useful for students and professionals alike. I have learned a lot of cool techniques that i can't wait to apply and get benefitted. Thanks to Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnovski for this course.
By Francesco F
•Aug 22, 2021
It doesn't happen so often to feel sad when a course is over, I got incredibly excited about how prof Barbara and Terry took me in such an interesting section on neurosciences! It definitely changed my way to think about approaching to a new subject. Since learning doesn't stop at college, this is an incredibly worthwhile course. Thanks!
By Javier C M
•Mar 26, 2021
Conocer con mas detalle como funciona nuestro cerebro referente al aprendizaje y memoria, creo que nos permite optimizar y ser capaces de llegar mas lejos en nuestras carreras, comprender temas mas complejos, dominar mejor nuevas áreas de interés, en definitiva, lo que aprendes en el curso lo puedes aplicar en todas las áreas de la vida.
By Yudhistra V
•Oct 25, 2020
It is the first course on Coursera which I have completed and that too 2 weeks early. It has given me some great tips and tools to improve time organization and learning effectively. The course provides helpful tips on improving test scores, coming out of traps of illusions of competence, and many more obstacles that hamper our learning.
By Chairman M
•Aug 25, 2020
Great Course .Well taught and researched and indeed the best on learning how to learn .Thanks A lot Dr.Barbara Oakley and Dr .Terrence Sejnowski .Excellently Done Work .Having Done Mindshift Course too by the same team and having highly benefited so much ,I would be earnestly looking forward to more courses and material from them soon .
By Luciano F C
•Apr 21, 2020
Un curso muy interesante. Donde podemos encontrar formas más óptimas y efectivas para estudiar, como también para lidiar con la procrastinación. Me gustaron mucho las entrevistas realizadas a profesionales de diversos sectores. El curso presenta el tipo de herramientas que todos desearíamos haber tenido previo a entrar en la universidad.
By Mostafa N E S
•Apr 6, 2020
This is a life changing course. The course is loaded with important knowledge and tips, so you need to pay attention to every word. The number 1 benefit I got from this course is knowing the spaced repetition and Anki application, and they helped me a lot in improving my learning and my mind in general. Don't hesitate to take this course
By Amy
•Jan 12, 2020
Very helpful techniques to make sure you're making the most of your learning time - study/learn for the same amount of time, but getting more out of it. It addresses things like how to make sure you actually know the material (rather than the illusion of competence), handling procrastination, and making sure you gain long term retention.
By Josh V
•Nov 14, 2019
An excellent course for learning new study tips and new ways of thinking about learning. The course provides lots of insight into how we learn and how we can use this knowledge to maximize our learning. The ideas taught in the course are backed by real neuroscience and help give you an understanding of how your brain works when learning.
By Haroun D
•Mar 17, 2018
After learning this course, I found out about various ways to improve my learning process and successfully implemented in my own learning. Some of the learning methods were already familiar, but I was always hesitant to adopt them. Barbara has a knack in convincing people to give these methods a go by outlining how they might be helpful.