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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,930 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


Sep 22, 2020

I found the course content to be interesting and very well organized. I often find myself thinking about the ideas presented and how to apply them to my daily life. Dr.Laurie Santos did a great job!


Apr 4, 2021

Fabulous course. I learned a lot of does and doesn't make us happy, and learned valuable tools for introducing and integrating new habits into my life that will definitely contribute to my well-being.

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201 - 225 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Megan L

Nov 25, 2018

Really interesting and useful information. Since this course is now hosted on coursera for a global audience though I would suggest the professor re-film the course with that audience in mind. We aren't all privileged college students. It would be greatly appreciated for examples to be framed with a diverse audience in mind.

By Douglas O

May 11, 2021

Frankly, I was underwhelmed. There was way too little discussion about the intensity of the conflict between the things that make humans happy and the real world context of our lives. Without this, there seems to be too little acknowledgement of the challenge facing those who want to be happy in today's world and therefore the recommendations in the course come across as rather pollyannaish. Yes, you can empty a cup of water with a spoon - but if you're confronting a tidal wave, a spoon isn't going to be all that helpful.

Much of the data and literature used in the course is quite dated. As such, I didn't have a high level of confidence that the conclusions were really supported by a wide and continuing body of literature or whether they were simply cherry-picked to support the professor's views. (I also wondered how many of the referenced social science experiments were replicable.)

The software was a bit glitchy at times. Delays in elements being marked completed, etc. Could use some improvement.

I also thought the professor waffled more than a bit on the issue of social media. If social media is really making people intensely unhappy, say so - and then ask yourself how easy it would be to attend an modern academic institution without access to social media. (And, BTW, what's Yale doing about it?)

On the upside, the price is right for this online course. If you were going to spend money, however, I would suggest purchasing "Excellent Sheep" and then really talking about the main topics in the book with a group of friends.

By Sampurna M

Oct 11, 2021

The GI Joe fallacy is, itself fallacious. The GI Joe 'fallacy' states that 'knowing is NOT half the battle', but then treats it as half the battle! It further acts as if the GI Joe original statement, that knowing is half the battle accounted instead for the entirety - but it was ALWAYS action + knowledge!

By Danielle D

Apr 2, 2021

Too superficial for me. Geared to undergraduate student experience and I am an adult with post graduate degrees sa JD life experiences.

By Wendy M

Mar 23, 2021

Much of the course material contained typos or grammatical errors. The first quiz was incorrect. Much of the material was outdated or incorrectly interpreted. I went through the first five weeks of the course and learned nothing but some jargon with no real-world application.

By Ethan T

Sep 6, 2020

It's stupid to allow others to determine my grade based on the information I put in. This has got to be, hands down, the worst grading system they could ever implement in a course.

By Черкис Я А

Oct 23, 2020

зачем русские субтитры на виднео, если всё остальное - теория, задания и проверочные тесты на английском? это курс по английскому языку?

By Epic M

May 1, 2022

I am not used to tutors being that easy going. Felt more like an instagram influencer livestreaming than a professor teaching.

By Teron E N B

Apr 8, 2021

Not enough interactive learning

By Catherine A

Mar 17, 2021

Very biased and basic

By Raviprakash G

Nov 26, 2020


By Omar M

Mar 2, 2021


By Mary L R

Oct 9, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot from it. Dr. Santos has a nice presentation style and provided a significant amount of relevant information. I found the results of the research on happiness to be very interesting and helpful in increasing my understanding of well-being, which enabled me to increase my overall sense of happiness. Also, I am currently reading two of the books Dr. Santos recommended, and appreciate that she gave us so many good recommendations for further study. I would have preferred to take the course face-to-face because there's so much potential for great discussions, which i find more difficult to have in an online environment, but I am glad that technology enabled me to take the course while living far away from Yale.

The pandemic and the current political situation in our country have made it much more difficult than usual to maintain a good level of well-being, so the course came at a really good time for me, and I appreciate that Yale made it available tuition-free. I think my friends and family would benefit from the course as well and have recommended it to many of them. Thank you to Dr. Santos and Yale for providing this very useful course!

By Satinder G

Jan 23, 2021

The course was very enriching and gave new insights into the science of well-being. The concepts covered are very relevant, especially the focus on positive psychology. Special kudos to Prof. Laurie Santos for putting together this beautiful course. In the times in which we are living, it is important for evolved minds like Prof. Laurie to come forward and extend their influence on large sections of society to change the course of the current discourse. We need inclusion, of all...humans, our nature, and everything around, in our concept of growth and progress. We have allowed things to drift too far. It's time that positivity by evolved and spiritual souls like Prof. Laurie is spread more and more. It's time for action. As I complete this course, a thought that crossed my mind have done a course from Yale, a thought which is so uplifting. Thanks Prof. Laurie and thanks Yale University .

By Shawn E

Jan 14, 2021

The class was well organized and the modules were easy to work through. I enjoyed learning about the latest research about happiness, the importance of social connections, meditation, and how to create new habits and goal setting strategies. Although I "know" about these things through my experience, it was insightful to learn some of the science behind these practices. The professor did a good job too, and I enjoyed the videos of her with the students in a discussion class, as well as the interviews. Finally, I have a list of some books and TED talks to check out. One thing I'm curious about... Was this class recorded before the CoVid crisis? It was very valuable to me after 9 months of shutdown and quarantine, and I think others would find it helpful to cope as well. Thank you.

By Deleted A

Dec 23, 2020

The course was very interesting and enriching. It provided me insights into the psychological perspective on how an Individual can train oneself towards making the best out of whatever life has offered . It has helped me see the silver-lining that surrounds the dark cloud of difficulty or adversity. This course has helped me in a big way to make my NEW-YEAR resolutions, to lead a more meaningful life.

May I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Course teacher, Laurie Santos and her team of experts. They were truly inspiring and meticulously chosen for the sessions. Overall the course was truly absorbing and of course the "Re-wirement exercises" were nice.

Many best wishes for the New Year-2021 in advance, to the entire community at Yale.

By Riley C

Dec 22, 2020

This is an incredible class! I cannot recommend it enough! I really encourage anyone to check it out. I was going through a bit of a low point when I began, and now I just feel like I have a fresh perspective on things around me. We took a pre test and a post test with this class and my happiness levels nearly doubled from start to finish. I mean if that isn't enough evidence of what an excellent class this is, I don't know what is! Also the professor is someone young and relatable, and the examples are very 'real life', so that is always awesome! Check it out!

By James C

Mar 30, 2023

I took this one after taking the newer Teens one. Both have been an extremely rewarding experience that have helped me continue my pursuit in life. Dr. Santos is definitely helping everyone who takes this to truly learn how to effect positive change in their lives for the better, and supports it with excellent references to great research. This one feels a bit more in-depth than the Teens one as far as the science goes, but all the material is mostly the same.

By Eirini K

Aug 22, 2022

This course is incredible, everyone I meet almost knows how much this course helped me and what it is about! I have lots of notes for revision, I learnt so many things, I made meditation and gratitude a daily routine, plus I saw the magnificent results of not using socialmedia for 19 days. It is a must for literally everyone!!! Thank you so much for this knowlegde and these gifts professor.

By Pau

Dec 25, 2020

I enjoyed the course more than expected. :) Great examples of studies and resources for deep dive. Practical and useful information to rewire your habit, but also I learned why we should change the habit, what obstacles can we face, and how everybody will need to be patient in building them.

Definitely recommended if you seek more than just a checklist and best practices.

By Harshita S

May 8, 2021

The reason why this course is as amazing it is is simply because of Professor Santos. The information, data, and experiments that she shared were undoubtedly interesting; however, what made me stick to the course and learn diligently was Professor Santos' engaging personality. The various interviews that were included in the course increased its engagement value.

By Connie

Oct 17, 2024

Well Being is indeed a very important topic as we are moving towards the new future with AI etc......There are science supporting the various tools and strategies that we can use in our everyday life. Thank you. Some of the tools I am familiar and this course refreshes my mind and inspire me to follow through.

By silvia r

Jun 8, 2024

This course gave a spin to my thinking of well-being. It provided me with many resources to change my mind set about how I perceive things, places and people. Professor Santos is very motivational and provides the information clearly and precisely. I am highly recommending this course to my family and friends.

By Charmaine T

Oct 5, 2021

Exceptional course that teaches one to tune into the foundations of constructing a good life and to redefine what success and happiness means. The tools explored resonates and implore one to make intentional happiness a bigger goal when forming your experiences.