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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design by Google

71,410 ratings

About the Course

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical objects. UX designers make those everyday interactions usable, enjoyable, and accessible. The role of an entry-level UX designer might include empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for design solutions, creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, and testing designs to get feedback. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define the field of UX and explain why it’s important for consumers and businesses. - Understand foundational concepts in UX design, such as user-centered design, the design thinking framework, accessibility, and equity-focused design. - Identify the factors that contribute to great user experience design. - Review common job responsibilities of entry-level UX designers and teams that they work with. - Explore job opportunities and career paths within the field of user experience. - Explain why design sprints are an important and useful part of a UX designer’s work. - Describe common UX research methods. - Identify and account for biases in UX research....

Top reviews


Jun 29, 2022

I really liked the course. Lots of good information broken down. It reminded me how much I had forgotten! I would recommend it to anyone in the field or who is interested in learning more about it.


May 14, 2021

This course introduced me to the world of UX Design. It has also encouraged me to go deeper in this field and explore more. Thank you, Google, Coursera, Commonwealth, and the Government of Bangladesh.

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576 - 600 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

By Vijay Y


Nov 1, 2024

This program has been an excellent guide for my skill development in UX design. The structured approach and engaging content made learning both effective and enjoyable. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from Google with Coursera, as it has equipped me with the tools and knowledge to succeed in this field. Thank you!

By Yuyi


Apr 20, 2023

Great course, covering the fundemantals. Lots of useful information, the course is well layed out and the utilities provided in order to help you lane has a good mix of variation in videos, reading, presentation slides, quizzes and prompts. Very much enjoyed this course and looking forward to the rest in this certification

By Daniel D


Oct 23, 2022

I loved it; a great course, at least for me; thanks to all involved in creating it. The only issue I have it's about filling out certain tasks on my Ipad, Browser or the Coursera app is not really doable; I would like to be able to complete the course on any medium especially if Coursera has apps for that specific medium :)

By Gabrielle H


Jan 13, 2022

This was a beautifully crafted introduction into the world of UX for someone who had no baseline. I have always been a freelance designer, dibbling and dabbling in the things that inspired me in that season, not knowing that part of my passion was rooted in UX. Thanks Google for the introduction. I can't wait to learn more.

By Kimberly F


Nov 2, 2022

J'ai suivi des cours sur Linkedin Learning et le contenu n'égale pas un instant la qualité des cours Google. Les contenus sont très bien expliqués, précis, pleins d'exemples concrets, les exercices optionnels nous permettent de construire une réflexion sur des sujets du cours et surtout les contenus ne sont pas indigestes.

By Yussef K


Oct 1, 2021

Very clear program focusing on an introduction to the industry and best practices to mapping a path to an entry-level position. Thank you so much for this course I have learned so much from this course really helped in so many ways. I also suggest you to taking this course and kick start your carrer in UX desing community.

By Rares D


Jun 21, 2021

One of the best course experiences I've ever had. I've enjoyed the combination of reading materials , exercises, videos ,answering questions during videos to test proper understanding of concept and terms, multiple quizzes, external links and many practical examples and also reading other people's experiences and opinions.

By Nadeeka A (


Mar 15, 2021

It felt good to polish up the basics again, I enjoyed the structure of the course. I was inspired to keep up my career goals and even to re-align by doing this. Recommending to anyone who wants to become a UX designer, brush up the basics, or even find some motivation. Looking forward to completing the rest of the courses.

By Md. S A


Mar 2, 2022

Indeed a great foundational course to delve into the UX field. I really loved the way this course is designed. For me, it was like listening to a story and solving some interesting puzzles. As an anthropology graduate and UX Designer in training, it increased my thirst to know more about intricacies involved in UX Design.

By Nesrine K


Jul 14, 2021

This was an amazing Ux design course! I started from a point where I had a very basic idea about Ux design and now I know all the fundamentals to start a career in this field. The course covered thouroughly the concepts related to Ux design and in a very structured manner.

Thank you so much for this amazing course, Google!

By Jesica P


Nov 28, 2022

Me encantó el curso, aprendí mucho. Muy bien organizado para dar un pantallazo general y dar un vistazo a todos los campos que integran la UX. También pude sumar conocimientos aplicables a la vida misma lo que lo hace cercano. El curso es muy interesante y motivador. Tengo muchas ganas de seguir para terminar la carrera

By Arthur S N


Aug 15, 2022

More than 20 hours were invested in background or foreground knowledge, from discovering user experience and why it is important for customer and businesses to identifying steps of a design sprint and how an entry-level designer takes part.

The course is well structured, easy-to-use and understandable language and format.



Jul 25, 2022

Fantastic Course!! I had hard time finding a good UX design course and I was frustrated with that. This course is amazing for those who are new to UX and want to learn everthing about how UX designers work, working processes and methods. It was worth to enrolled in this course. Thanks to Google for this excelent course!

By Ananya G


Jun 20, 2022

I Really enjoyed this course, it helps me to gain the knowledge and vocabulary too. Sir/Madam are really Great who instructed to me about What is UX Designer?, An Entry - level UX Designers, UX Research and so on, and that was my Great Experience.


By Anica Ć


Mar 28, 2021

Great topics in this course, it is very well organized and explained. I love that it tackles important equity and accessibility questions from the start. I am working as a UX designer for 5 years, but I have learned so many new things, and I have the motivation to learn even more.

Amazing course, more than I've expected!

By Ikram Z


Jul 16, 2023

I am a UI/UX design student, I decided to take this course because i was eager to learn and I was really curious to know the things that might have slipped during my 3 years of studies. Turned out that this course is a real MUST, it helped me discover things i didn't know helped me expand my vision, I AM SUPER GRATEFUL!

By Jessica B


Jul 7, 2023

Great overview of the role and what to expect. Offers lots of examples of careers in the field and stories from actually UX designers, researchers, etc. Great foundational understanding after taking this course. I found it to go by very quickly, and with only a few hours each day I actually finished it in a week's time.

By Inioluwa O


Aug 29, 2022

I like the fact that this course broke down concepts in a way that is easiliy understood. The reading materials helped to renforce the information from the lectures and the tests helped me to actively recall important concepts that I have learned.

I would recommend this course to anyone just starting out their UX journey

By Ashish K


Jul 28, 2022

Okay, I didn't expected that this course would be engaging at first. I was thinking, it would be a average content and less engagement. But, I was wrong. This course or specilization in particular is very good in aspect of content and enagement. I give it a big thumbs up for purchase or enroll in this course. Thank you.

By Jackson B


Mar 24, 2021

As a novice designer I found this course both thorough and helpful. I was super nervous when I started, but the way things are broken down and explained clearly and in detail made them easier to learn and less scary to try out for myself. I'm really loving this journey so far and I can't wait to find out what's next! :)

By Richard A


Mar 15, 2021

well worth the time and effort no matter if your familiar with these skills, or coming into the field brand new. If you have done UX or UX design in the past, the refresh and in-depth details about the terms and practices are valuable just to confirm your understanding - and, you'll most likely learn something new too!

By Tejaswini R


Feb 28, 2023

This course will definitely help a beginner to kick-start one's journey towards UX designer. It not only explains you the required basic concepts but also helps you to understand how these concepts are used in real time projects. I would highly recommend this course if you are trying to build a strong foundation in UX.

By Qi S


Nov 1, 2022

Throughout the course, I learned about the initial design process.

And the platform of ux design, each platform design has different things to consider.

In addition it is important to have empathy. And the initial stage of research knowledge.

All of this knowledge is very exciting for me to start the next course of study.

By Paula D M


Dec 1, 2021

I think it was an amazing course, I learnt so much and I feel more confident to continue to learn. I'm currently doing the whole UX designer course and I'm enjoying it, it gets more in depth and you really need to put in the work but it's worth it. You learn so much, I encourage you to take the whole course if you can.

By Maya H


Sep 30, 2021

This first course was very informative and a great introduction to UX Design. Google has crafted a carefully thought out and simple class structure that allows for easy digestion of all the concepts an entry level designer needs to know. I had fun and the activities were engaging, I can't wait to try the other courses.