Jun 8, 2020
This was a great course regarding contact tracing. Very efficient and very easy to follow along. The course was filled with great information and I’m excited to use the skills I learned in the future.
Jun 17, 2020
This course was extremely beneficial to me and I learned so much. The presenter, Emily Gurley, Phd, is a remarkable presenter and she made it all so clear and efficient. I would highly recommend it,
By Jose M
•Sep 10, 2020
Good detail without feeling overwhelming. Solidifies past knowledge and better prepares me for assisting my District through recovery.
By Joseph B
•Aug 29, 2020
This was an excellent course. Very informative, very easy to follow and gave me a better understanding of the role of a contact tracer.
By Dominic
•Aug 18, 2020
In covid-19 Contact tracing we learned how to know the persons have a case of asymptomatic and symptomatic, specially how to handle it.
By Curtis M
•Aug 18, 2020
Thank you very much. It was a very informative course.
Some aspects proved difficult but the lectures and readings were absolutely clear
By Teresa G
•Aug 18, 2020
It was great! ilearned so much and feel much more prepared and confident when I now try to find a contact tracing job
are you hiring?
By Vanshika P
•Aug 15, 2020
I have got to learn so much about ongoing pandemic COVID19 I feel very confident now to speak up on this topic with right information .
By Mary M
•Aug 1, 2020
very helpful and will be useful in my role as a nurse, but a bit optimistic regarding the window of opportunity and test result returns
By Kristine C
•Aug 1, 2020
This course is very informative. The information is easy to understand and very helpful when thinking about becoming a contact tracer.
By Jon L
•Jul 26, 2020
This course was very informative, not just for contact tracing, but it has skills useful for every day life in and out of the workplace
By Matheny V
•Jul 24, 2020
Very informative, I'm definitely going to take what I learned and apply it to my skill set especially the module about active listening
By Chris Z
•Jul 17, 2020
I liked the interactive nature of this online course.
The videos were helpful.
The instructor was very clear and was easy to understand.
By Deleted A
•Jul 7, 2020
It was a very useful and helpful course . I really learned a lot . I'm happy that I know some things and I can educate people around me
By Isioma N
•Jul 7, 2020
It was quite an eye opener, and a good training process for anyone who wants to help during this period of pandemic, and uncertainties.
By cathleen S
•Jul 6, 2020
The course was thorough and very clear to follow and understand. The practice quizzes kept me on track and was great for quick review.
By Rebecca A
•Jun 24, 2020
Very clear, organized, and educational. The examples near the end were very helpful. I feel more confident in my knowledge of COVID-19.
By Aidan C
•Jun 24, 2020
An amazing course to take. Everything felt simplified and laid out all the info in an easily-accessible way for students to learn from.
•Jun 20, 2020
well, this was my first completed course in coursers which is amazing awesome. i have learn details about covid 19 and contact tracing.
By Manuel R d J E
•Jun 15, 2020
Very informative. Every health care professional involved in front-line assistance for the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic should take this course.
By Nick J
•Jun 12, 2020
Very informative and well laid out. Really appreciate the info on a personal level, much less putting it into work practice. thank you!
By Roberto C
•Jun 11, 2020
Excelente curso muy importante información he recibido y puedo ayudar a combatir la Pandemia del covid 19 con el conocimiento aprendido
By Dr A B
•Jun 7, 2020
Very much informative and useful. I will try to go with this as I am in a health setting. Thanks, Hohns Hopkins University and Coursera
By Natasha M
•Jun 7, 2020
Great information pertaining to the pandemic that is upon our nation. Look forward to using the skills obtain to help combat the virus.
By Ryan C
•Jun 4, 2020
Very informational and helpful to learn helpful techniques needed and reliable information used to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
By Cioly d C M D
•Jun 2, 2020
Curso con mucha pedagogia. Muy actualizado. La profesora excelente. Muy didactica. Ha sido una gran oportunidad. Agradecezco altamente.
By Jeannine P
•Jun 2, 2020
This thorough, well-delivered course gave me a great basic understanding of contract tracing. Thank you for making it widely available!