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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Digital Marketing Revolution by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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About the Course

The Digital Revolution is dramatically altered the way many products are created, promoted, distributed, and consumed. Before the advent of new digital technologies such as the Internet, personal computer and smartphone, marketing was largely an Analog (i.e., physical) activity. Today, many marketing activities such as how products are promoted are increasingly Digital in nature. However, we still live in an Analog (or physical) World. For example, even today, most sales are still conducted in physical stores. Thus, both marketers and consumers must simultaneously navigate both the Analog and Digital worlds on a daily basis. This course examines both the Analog and the Digital and how these two forces relate to one another within the Digital Marketing Revolution. This course will begin with an exploration of the key differences between the Analog and the Digital and then examine four ways in which the Analog World has been affected by the Digital Revolution: Domination, Resistance, Synergy, and Transformation. This course will contain several examples of each of these concepts and explore their implications for both marketers and consumers. This course will also employ a variety of learning techniques, including video lectures, case studies, hands-on exercises, and interviews with leading marketing scholars. The learning approach will be highly interactive; you will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of hands-on activities and be a member of a rich learning community. I hope you will join us in this learning adventure. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: -Understand the key differences between Analog and Digital and the implications of these differences for marketing. -Understand the four ways in which the Analog is being affected by the Digital Revolution. -Develop and apply critical thinking skills regarding the role of both the Analog and the Digital upon both firms and consumers. -Learn several real-world examples of various strategies for successful marketing of Analog products and services in an increasingly Digital world. This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Oct 11, 2020

Quite unique in its view of Analog VS. Digital in today's world. I would recommend it for any aspiring marketing professional as it offers a different perspective than most digital marketing courses.


Apr 2, 2021

Professor Rindfleisch is a great professor. I look forward to his sessions because he always keeps it interesting and he seems so excited by what he teaches he makes it interested for me as well.

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26 - 50 of 460 Reviews for The Digital Marketing Revolution


Jun 19, 2024

Hi! I actually opened a Coursera account way back before the pandemic, but in the past 5 or 6 years, Udemy has been my go-to platform. Recently though, I needed some more in-depth, intensive courses and decided to revisit Coursera. That's when I came across GIES, and let me tell you, I was hooked! Out of all the courses I've browsed and taken, GIES is definitely my favorite. I'm so impressed that I'm planning to stick with them until I finish everything they offer. I even applied for their iMBA program! For anyone feeling lost on which Coursera specialization to choose, I highly recommend GIES. You won't be disappointed!

By Leslie K

Apr 2, 2021

Professor Rindfleisch is a great professor. I look forward to his sessions because he always keeps it interesting and he seems so excited by what he teaches he makes it interested for me as well.

By Burhan Z

May 2, 2023

Just a waste of time. it didn't give any info about digital marketing its just theory whoever wants to waste his/her time please do take the course. They tell you in so many details what happened and what is going on but have no practical knowledge.

By Kevin S

Jun 10, 2023

Outdated material. Professor's style is slow and not engaging. Stopped taking the course because it offered absolutely 0 in the way of current digital trends and best practices.

By Abbey H

Mar 1, 2022


By Vishal H H

Dec 13, 2021


By Tato T

Jul 11, 2020


By Claire S

May 20, 2023

I found this course to be an informative and practical learning experience. The instructor's expertise and clear communication style made complex concepts intuitive and easy to understand.

The course provided real-world examples and case studies that demonstrated the practical application of digital marketing strategies across different industries. The interactive exercises and discussions encouraged active participation and thoughtful reflection. I liked the sense of place that the instructor brings to the course, using local Illinois businesses as case studies.

The course structure was well-organized, presenting the material in a logical sequence and covering key topics effectively. Each module concludes with an industry expert interview, bringing in diverse perspectives and experience on the topic at hand.

The only area for improvement that I can offer is my suggestion to use more recent articles for the required and supplemental reading. Some of the articles are almost 10 years old and, while much of the content is still relevant, it does not send a strong message in the context of a constantly-evolving landscape.

Overall, the Digital Marketing Revolution course is a valuable resource for individuals interested in digital marketing. It offers practical insights and tools that can be applied in the dynamic world of digital marketing. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their understanding of digital marketing strategies and the ways in which the digital world changes and interacts with the analog world- a topic of interest for anyone, not just marketers.

By Marianna B

Nov 1, 2024

With this course I have learned several new concepts about the analog and digital world, how they co-exist and today how companies can maximize their products, brands and communication marketing strategies, by adding features and skills to its services offering added value, premium prices and higher margins using the best of both. It will all depend on the angle they will put the prism on (usully an outsider view see the opportunity where nobody else did - like in Uber case) ...To the FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) consumers, companies can propose schools or vacations without internet connection (at least for a while), for fashionistas, brands can offer phygital spaces (as they did with Ice Cream Museum) where the analog and digital bring the comfort and the nostalgia while the digital permits the audience to play and post their experiences and providing content to the brand (reducing cost and making it viral). I think it was a great way to open my mind to the intricacies of both worlds and how digital revolution is shaping the future.

By Rehab S

Aug 21, 2024

يمنة الرقمية والتسويق الرقمي هما من أهم الاتجاهات التي تعيد تشكيل العالم الحديث. في هذا السياق، الهيمنة الرقمية تشير إلى القوة التي اكتسبتها التكنولوجيا الرقمية على حياتنا اليومية، حيث أصبحت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، محركات البحث، ومنصات التجارة الإلكترونية تتحكم في العديد من جوانب حياتنا. التسويق الرقمي، من جانبه، أصبح أحد الأدوات الأساسية لتحقيق النجاح التجاري في هذا العصر. بفضل الإنترنت والبيانات الضخمة، يمكن للمسوقين الآن استهداف الجماهير بدقة غير مسبوقة، وتخصيص الرسائل التسويقية لتناسب اهتمامات وسلوكيات الأفراد. من إيجابيات هذه الهيمنة الرقمية، أنها تسهل الوصول إلى المعلومات والمنتجات، وتخلق فرصًا جديدة للأعمال وللمستهلكين على حد سواء. لكنها في نفس الوقت تثير بعض القضايا، مثل الخصوصية والأمان الرقميين، وتأثيرها على المشهد الاقتصادي والتوازن بين الشركات الكبرى والصغرى. بشكل عام، الهيمنة الرقمية قد تكون سلاحًا ذا حدين. إذا استخدمت بحكمة، يمكن أن تكون أداة قوية لتحقيق النمو والابتكار. ولكن إذا لم يتم التحكم فيها بشكل جيد، فقد تؤدي إلى تركيز القوة في أيدي قلة، مما يضر بالتنوع

By Raphael D d M

Jul 21, 2023

It's a very interesting course, I haven't seen anything similar yet that addresses Analog and Digital and how they oppose and at the same time intertwine. It brings in a didactic and reflective way, ways of thinking about marketing within the context of the digital revolution and also analyzing the world around us to take advantage of the best of both worlds (analog and digital) in our marketing efforts.

É um curso muito interessante, não vi nada parecido ainda que aborde o Analógico e o Digital e como eles se opõem e ao mesmo tempo se entrelaçam. Ele traz de forma didática e reflexiva, formas de pensar o marketing dentro do contexto da revolução digital e também à analisar o mundo ao nosso redor para aproveitar o melhor dos dois mundo (analógico e digital) em nosso esforços de marketing.

By Karishma V

Feb 27, 2022

The course is truly awesome with a detailed explanation. The case studies are very good and have a unique concept attached to each of them, these concepts are very interesting and help us as a learner to understand how digital and analog are complementary to each other and are helping each other in some aspect or the other. The detailed course material as well as the practical exercises, help in creating a vision for the learners to think from the aspects they have never thought about before. This course is certainly an eye-opener and helps learners with the ever-evolving digital vs analog relation, educating us of the different aspects and the need for both of them to co-exist.

By Alejandro B

Aug 3, 2021

This sequel is not only good, but even better than the real thing, as it puts the student to analyze and to be critical at more cases in topics which are just unfolding nowadays. Prof. Rindfleich keeps the classes structured and communicated at his top, mixing with some moments behind the scenes and his generosity giving minutes to his smart collaborator Nadia. Finally, the bid is raised with four insightful contribution interviews by guest professors who are world renowned experts. With courses like this one student’s life is really beautiful.

By Khawaja A Q

Sep 11, 2023

The course is very informative with well-organized content. It served as a good opportunity to learn some important concepts of digital marketing evolution. The case studies and other course material provided a great insight into the topics covered in the course. On the whole, it has been a great experience and I have already enrolled in the next course of this series. Thanks to the Course Instructor Aric Rindfleisch (John M. Jones), the team Illinois, and Coursera for providing such a wonderful learning experience.

By Lim J C

May 7, 2020

Professor has a very friendly demeanour that engaged the participants easily. Most important the contents of this course is well research and provide some counter-intuitive perspective for all the marketers out there. I was so lucky that I found this program on Coursera. In fact, this platform has been a corner stone for me in my life. I wish more university will produce more programs as such and try to reduce the cost for the graded experience. Overall, you can't go wrong with this course.

By Suhendra S

Apr 2, 2022

For this first course I attanded online, I really grateful for Coursera, University of Illionis and Professor Arich to bring this digital courses to us. I think you have done very well, reaching to many people including people like me who live in the third world country but can still experiencing your lesson through digital media. Courses and modules were systematically design, on point teaching, let attendees having a deeper understanding about the courses and lesson.

By Nazar Y

Jan 10, 2021

It was an interesting journey within 4 weeks. Every person knows that he/she could shift between the Analog and the Digital, but how and what with it benefits one's demands you are not able to realize. During this course I really understood that and started to notice such interesting interconnections within these two worlds - the Digital and the Analog.

Thanks for good precious time I had!

By Jaime L

Jun 8, 2020

I have completed the 5 prior course in Digital Marketing Specialisation and found this the most interesting! As a marketer, it is important to evolve as the world transforms.

This course is value adding to enrich a marketer's perspective as Professor Aric successfully explained and linked what we see everyday in digital or analog world to the changes or even resistance around.

By Haseeb A

Jul 12, 2020

Aric Rindfleisch beautifully explained the difference between the analog and the digital world.How the digital is transforming the analog and where these two are working together.If someone wants to learn Analog and Digital strategies to implement in his/her business I strongly recommend them to take this course and learn some new things about Marketing in the Analog World.

By Ndudi M M

Apr 26, 2022

This course is rich in knowledge, provoking, and informative. I truly recommend it to all who want to learn about the analog and the digital world, and how digital compliments analog. It was interesting learning 'embracing and subtracting' and understanding that humans remained the most element in analog or digital worlds because humans create what is analog or digital.

By Moustafa A E

Dec 5, 2022

The course is very well constructed, and has many details and i have been surprised by the content which is richer than the course title and what it look like initially. I liked the variation of using different educational tools too and the Style of explanation from the instructor Aric which was easy and fun sometimes and concentrated at the same time.

By Yogi H C

Sep 23, 2020

One of the best course in Coursera. Professor Eric has done it again even much better than the previous course Marketing in a Digital World. Always love his presentation and effort he puts in the courses. A lot of unique case study for us to engaged and of course the material is really compact with a strong and clear explanation on each module

By Adrija D

May 5, 2020

The course is great it gives a different perspective to the analog world of products that are still existing and performing well in the digital market. The case studies which are mentioned in the course are very unique. Aric is great and he explains the concept very well and breaks it down so simply that helps us to understand and remember it.

By Ivan V

Feb 15, 2025

El curso es bastante completo, nos da información base de gran importancia para entender el marketing digital. Las herramientas implementadas en el curso son útiles para el aprendizaje, permiten que te mantengas conectado durante el proceso, permiten que realices análisis detallados y en general, te motivan a seguir aprendiendo sobre el tema.

By Muhammad U

Nov 16, 2023

Loved the course. Mr. Rindfleisch is a remarkable instructor. He designed and crafted this course spectacularly. This course opened up new avenues of thinking and exposed me to several useful and new concepts related to digital marketing and marketing in general. Would recommend taking this course, and all the courses in this specialization!