Jan 1, 2022
Learned a lot about being a human as an entity and not just as a specie. A human is made of emotions and this course guides you to perfectly understand that just right. Happy to complete it.
Jun 12, 2020
Great Material! Excellent presentation! Very good use of Coursera technology including Avatars and great summaries in End Remarks on the videos. Highly recommend Bob
By Alexander S
•May 13, 2017
The course is a nice introduction to the subject albeit the lectures are hard to follow and the transcripts are abominable. Papers and additional videos are sometimes more beneficial than the lectures themselves. The course misses the opportunity of providing the students with the formative feedback.
Content-wise I missed the discussion on how emotions are being expressed in human communication (verbal or non-verbal), while the neuro-focus of the paper was a little bit too much for me.
By L.Z
•Jul 13, 2019
Great course, very thought provoking.
it is better to suggest a little background in philosophy (and the philosophy of science) as a condition to enter the course.
The course doesn't focus enough on philosophical aspects - in fact, I'd say a better title for the course would be "A general introduction to emotions", since the course doesn't focus on philosophical aspects of emotions.
By Joaquim
•Jul 19, 2017
The instructor is very enthusiastic about the topic. He is an active researcher, and provides updated information on the subject. Videos are generally about the right length, the lectures are well organized. The provided external links to videos and webs are informative. If you have problems following his funny English, you can always turn on language captions.
By Jaap T
•Feb 6, 2022
This week I start a beginner's classroom course Psychology Emotions. I thought there would be an overlap but there isn't.
This course gives a good idea of how the thinking about emotions developed from a philosophical point until robots today. Even the links to Buddhism and Heraclites are fine.
By Екатерина Х
•Apr 6, 2020
The course is well-structured, the tests and the information is delivered a way too easy; sometimes there was supposed to be a lot of information (on the slide), but not that much has been discussed. Anyway it was a pleasure to listen to prof Jordi Vallverdu and I enjoyed the course.
By Sheena B
•Jul 6, 2017
Very interesting approach to understand the Philosophical dimension of Emotions. I did face a a little difficult with the accent which was predominantly Spanish, but the subtitles and transcripts provided filled that gap too.!
PS: I also loved the Avatar!
By Cliff S
•Oct 22, 2016
This was a very interesting course. It presented a new way of looking at emotions I had not thought of before and the lectures were fun and interesting. The quizzes could have been a bit more challenging. Excellent forum participation from the mentors/staff.
By Emiliano B
•Jun 2, 2020
it was interesting and funny at the same time , maybe some part should be a litle mor edeveloped for my personal interested for example the part of cultural aspect of emotion, But as introduction to the field was very nice
By Patricia C
•Jan 9, 2023
Curso interesante,muchos videos difíciles de entender básicamente por la muy deficiente traducción.
Sugiero que las pruebas y los textos puedan ser traducidos.Sentía que no podía sacar el máximo provecho del curso.
By Berenice J S V
•Jan 5, 2017
Really enjoyable! A lot of information clearly unified and in consideration of different points of view. A little bit hard for the accent at the beginning, but fastly overcome.
By Estefania R B
•Mar 25, 2018
Interesting Course with a lot of information not only from a philosopical perspective but also from different scientific approaches!! Nice and very usefull bibliography !!
By Murilo F P
•Nov 23, 2019
Gostei muito, porém em determinados momentos me senti meio perdido, não sei se foi a dificuldade de traduzir alguns conceitos... Mas o tema é muito pertinente e atual.
By Nathalia M C H
•May 10, 2020
Me ayudo a tener una idea más consolidada sobre las emociones, las lecturas contribuyeron mucho a mi aprendizaje. El profesor tiene carisma para explicar.
By Margarita R H
•Oct 16, 2022
Quizas es demasiado complejo , pero creo que tambien el lenguaje utilizado no es clarificador, quizas porque las traducciones no son del todo precisas?
By Gayathri D P
•May 19, 2021
This is such a valuable and informatic course. The lecturer also explains everything clearly. References those provided are very useful and relevant.
By Juan P V
•Mar 25, 2021
Thrilled to have finished this very complete and interesting course. It was very well done and explained. Congrats to Jordi and the team.
By Joy S
•Jul 10, 2017
Pretty good course. Instructor is entertaining in a goofy way. Final week, about robots and emotions, kind of fascinating
•Nov 9, 2020
It is a good introductory course. However I feel a more elaborate description of the content would be even more helpful
By Åge R
•Sep 24, 2024
In my study of The Philosophy of Mind, I find "Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction" as a very useful supplement.
By Aarya M
•Apr 16, 2020
The professor is super fun and you will surely learn alot. for better understanding id suggest you to make notes.
By Mauricio M
•Jun 24, 2017
excellent content, a little difficult to understand because the pronunciation in english, great course anyway!
By Linda W
•Aug 2, 2020
An interesting and thought provoking course. The instructor presents information in an engaging manner.
By Egon W
•Feb 25, 2019
A Philosophical introcuction with a huge knowledge of different domains. I liked the course very much.
•Apr 6, 2020
The course is good. The teacher know about the subject and he transmits clearly his knowledge to us.
By Claudenice M d S
•Oct 22, 2021
O curso é muito bom (5 estrelas), minha avaliação se refere à tradução que poderia ser melhor.