May 10, 2020
This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance
Mar 10, 2021
This course is easy to follow and interesting. Professor Shiller is very motivating. It not teaching about finance but more importantly how finance can build a better life for all. Really recommended.
By Arjun L
•Apr 23, 2020
A well organised course taught by an esteemed figure in the field of finance. I was told to not under-estimate the abilities of Prof Shiller in making me understand the fundamentals and expert opinions of finance and boy was he right. It covers not only the stock market but every possible financial market that exists for the individuals to invest in and borrow from. It showed me how many avenues to raise funds or invest funds in are available that i didn't know about. This course made me even more eager to begin my career in Finance, which I hope to do so by 2021. Hopefully one day I will get the opportunity to meet Prof Shiller personally and discuss the ongoings of Finance at the time and I am sure he will have some interesting points to share, even then.
By Patrick F M C
•Dec 8, 2018
This course was a very good introduction to finance. I was already involved in this market and this helped me to deeply understand the terms that I usually was involved with. This course helped me changed my focus of finance and how it can actually be used to benefit society and not just individuals. Robert Shiller is a very exceptional and entertaining lecturer. I found myself very interested into all the subjects and his explanations. Would definitely recommend the course for people who have basic knowledge of finance since this will really enhance what they already know. For new comers to the financial world, this course is very good although they will have to do research of their own to fully understand everything, which in my opinion is a good thing.
By Mehmet G
•Aug 11, 2022
This course helped me refresh my knowledge of financial markets. The emphasis is on application of finance theory. Prof. Shiller covers almost all aspects of finance without getting lost in detail and theory. He also underlines the social responsibilities of finance people as hid did in his Yale graduation speech and his book: Finance and the Good Society. The course covers 18 lessons but each lesson contains 3-10 minute modules, making it easy to follow at one's own pace. Regular short quizzes help reinforce the learning. As an experienced finance profoessional dedicated to continuous learning, I think it is a golden chance to be able to take this course from Prof. Robert Shiller. Sincere thanks to Coursera and Prof. Shiller of Yale University.
By Jiaju L
•Nov 17, 2020
Very useful course, comprehensive insights into financial settlements. Under a relay atmosphere, talking about different causes by using most general academic terms, so lots of straightforward simplification of the obscure conclusions by apply to various situation. Consistently stating rigorous words, many aspects connected past history to today’s more advanced and tech-developed society. Professor Shiller is a great economist also a experienced lecturer, such high quality course are just about to attract into the study of this financial world and give me “puzzles” to think and elaborate, also try to judge the rationality of all human beings and any state-owned organizations. I’m looking forward a further study and journey with Prof Shiller.
By Donald A
•Jan 19, 2020
He puts forth a solid set of ideas, well-proven, well tested. He does not follow Fads, nor teach Fads. There are new, small-cap companies all over thew world. He focuses on the large, giant-size features of various markets, and profitable investments. He uses a balanced approach to teach a very large subject. All investments are subject to some risk, but wild, pure speculative plays into gold coins or hedge funds carry a much higher degree of risk (danger) than others. His systematic and holistic approach of teaching the fundamentals puts the new investors feet on solid ground. He gives us a clear mind to use Mutual funds (or Balanced funds) to make money with moderate returns (and Low risk) methods, with discipline and confidence.
By Ofiaeli D
•Mar 1, 2023
This course was really helpful as it helped me understand some concepts that were unknown, also it has armed me with insights as to the different aspects of finance which would potentially lead to me making better decisions both for myself in the future and also to help better the society.
I want to appreciate Professor Shiller who took his time to teach this course and break it down in ways that made it interesting and easily understandable. it actually felt like I was in a physical classroom and it was a wonderful experience.
I recommend this course for anyone who wants to deeply understand the financial markets and also want to learn ways that they could do good for themselves and society using various financial vehicles available.
By Phil W
•Sep 24, 2022
I feel very lucky to have seen Professor Shiller lecture via Coursera and think that the students that have met him and have him as their mentor are incredibly lucky. His lecturing style is so friendly and easy going that you can't help but want to listen to the next part in the 'financial story'.
One thing worth mentioning is that the level of Math required for this course is not basic, it requires a good knowledge of Algebraic equations to fully understand the formulae described by Professor Shiller to work out true values of companies etc.
That said, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this course to anyone interested in how the variety of financial markets are working around us and how they affect many different areas of their lives.
By Jose T V
•Oct 6, 2020
After completing my masters, and thanks to quarantine I had some spare time to dig into a financial markets course. It is just what I expected, I truly enjoyed the classes and I think it is a really good quality course as it introduces the topic of finances and completely passes through its subtopics. It is a course that gives a good overview of the system, the current problems and gives good real life examples which can be related to. Topics are explained in a easy to understand way. I actually wanted some more deeper knowledge but for people trying to figure out the financial system or to get to know what finances is about this course rocks, with that being said I must give it 5 stars since it is a course well done for beginners.
By Sandeep A
•Feb 2, 2025
The course is awesome. Though lecture is not specifically for online students but is recorded overall it is good can have been better. It is completely based on US Financials Markets. Some concepts need to understand by rewinding or looking at other source on internet. I am rating it 5 star as I gained lot of knowledge the origin of different types of institutes thought process and other things. I am not a finance student but was interested in finance from last few years and I didn't know this complete course is available for free. Thank you Coursera for this full course for free. Even though they are not giving certification as we need to pay to get it that we can do depending on our need. Thank You Once Again
By Felipe G
•Mar 27, 2024
Esse curso foi muito importante para entender o mundo dos mercados financeiros, como funciona a parte financeira, as finanças e economias comportamentais, a fim de compreender o funcionamento real dos setores de títulos, seguros e bancos. Os ensinamentos dão uma visão geral de ideias e métodos para promover o gerenciamento de risco e o empreendedorismo, com a finalidade de tornar a sociedade em um lugar melhor. Fico muito honrado por ter feito esse curso com um professor tão sábio, que com suas aulas, abriu meus horizontes para os mercados financeiros, me dando muito conhecimento não só para esse tema em si, mas como são as pessoas que investem neles e o que podemos fazer para ajudá-las a fazerem boas escolhas.
By Grace D
•Dec 5, 2024
I took the "Financial Markets" course at Yale University because I am working as technical advisor at investment and strategic planning department. The course content was touch my expectation what I need to learn more about the banking and financial rule and regulation as well. The instructor, Mr.Robert Shiller, was touch by very patiently and clear direction that we should improve and learn what we need to know exactly. The materials course outline and short Q&A, module Q&A are provided was very effective and great learning as beginners. Overall, I am so impressed and delight to learn the course and would like to learn more about in future as similar course . With much appreciated, I would highly recommended.
By Million K
•Aug 30, 2020
I attended the course from Ethiopia, where the government is drafting the first capital markets regulation. This course played a significant role in my understanding of the financial markets. Now I am no more foreign to the concepts of the capital markets and I can easily read and understand newsm views and events in capital markets. I highy recommend this course to those who plan to be part of the wider financial markets world. The professor has emmense ability in explaining the concepts of financial markets in very simple and day to day language. I had no language barier in attending this course as the professor was so simple and down to earth in explaining the course. I found this course to be invaluable.
By Maria A N S
•Jun 27, 2020
4 words. I LOVE THIS COURSE. For me, it's truly an eye-opening experience. When I first enrolled, I hardly know anything about the financial market industry, but after taking this course now I can finally engage in discussions related to finance and I can actually voice my opinions. I also love how Professor Shiller teaches this course, I can immediately notice how much he mastered the field since week 1.
I also appreciate the chalk talk session very much, the students' questions successfully represent the voices inside my head. I hope other courses adapt this chalk talk session, that would be really helpful.
Thank you Professor Shiller and Coursera for keeping me productive while in quarantine!
By María C
•Jan 27, 2025
!Muy sorprendida y encantada con este curso! Soy científica y tenía pocos conocimientos sobre finanzas. Aprendí muchísimo y me encantó la dinámica del Profesor Robert J. Shiller, que con sus conferencias sencillas, plagadas de ejemplos y de buen humor, logra llevar cientos de conocimientos financieros a las personas. Me ha encantado además la dinámica de las preguntas de los estudiantes. Muy refrescante ver como son los estudiantes de Yale: muy inteligentes, serios y bien portados. Felicitaciones a Yale, por tan buen curso y a Cursera por dejarnos participar de estas lecturas tan interesantes. Me voy bien contenta y con cientos de nuevos conocimentos. Gracias! Muy recomendado este curso.
By Thirupathi N V
•Dec 13, 2020
Fabulous course in online education. From a knowledge prospective, II have learned about financial markets. Mr. Robert Shiller is one of the best economist and Nobel winner also. I strongly believe this course is useful day to day financial market activities in global market perspective. A lot of areas of modern financial were covered and many advanced economic examples also. Mr. Shiller talks about the historical economic context and given modern economic theory examples. Yale University is ranked #11 in Best Global Universities. I'm so glad I participated in this course. It was definitely time well spent, and I believe it adds immense value to anyone looking to understand Finance.
By Adeola O
•Mar 10, 2018
This is a very great course. Before i took this course i had very little knowledge about the financial markets. Professor shiller has really opened my mind to the world of investment banking. I am going to pursue a career in Investment banking and Prof. Shiller has laid a perfect foundation for me.
The lessons were concise and interesting. The quizzes did a great job of testing my knowledge.
I am also very grateful to the Financial markets Coursera team for granting me the opportunity to take this course at no charges whatsoever. I got a financial aid and I'll be forever grateful to the team. Thank you guys!! I love you!! May God continue to grant all your heart desires!!
By Krishna K M
•Apr 9, 2024
"Robert Shiller's Financial Markets course on Coursera is an absolute gem! Shiller's expertise in economics and finance shines through every lecture, offering a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of financial markets. His ability to simplify complex concepts makes this course accessible to learners of all levels, whether you're a novice or an experienced investor. The blend of theory, real-world examples, and practical insights equips students with invaluable knowledge to navigate the dynamic landscape of financial markets with confidence. Highly recommended for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of finance and make informed investment decisions."
By David O
•Aug 31, 2017
How often do you get to learn from a world leading expert and Nobel Laureate?
My background is in engineering & tech, so I've been looking for some good materials to broaden my mind around financial markets (beyond common investment topics like stocks, bonds, etc) and peek under the covers of what makes our economy tick in a digestible and fun way.
I got way more than I hoped for with this course- the videos were very well put together and I enjoyed the deep dive sessions with the students as well.
Professor Shiller is a great storyteller and that makes the course intriguing, it feels more like a really good novel that's hard to put down once you get started!
By Rafael P d S
•Mar 1, 2020
The reason I started to study Financial Markets was the connection to Mathematics. I decide to take this course instead of reading random posts from various websites on the subject. I special thanks to Professor Robert Shiller for changing mine overview on the meaning of Finances, It was an honor and in the end, I felted like I was a 'real' student in is class.
I have learned that there is more in Financial Markets than profit, for example, their “true” purpose our society-development.
That said, I 100% recommend this course and last but not least thank you to coursera for the well-designed and user-friendly platform.
Keep challenging yourself!
Rafael da Silva
By Matías Z P
•Aug 18, 2020
Muy buen curso, el profesor es entretenido, explica varias temáticas y se pasa el tiempo rápido aprendiendo, me sirvió para complementar las otras nociones y cursos de finanzas que había hecho. Lo único que faltó, material complementario. no tener que pagar por él sino que gratis, como cualquier otro curso, ese aspecto se debe mejorar.
Very good course, the teacher is entertaining, explains various topics and spends time quickly learning, it helped me to complement the other notions and finance courses that I had taken. The only thing missing, supplementary material. not having to pay for it but free, like any other course, that aspect should be improved.
By Oscar Z
•Jun 14, 2020
Excelente curso, los contenidos están muy bien concebidos e hilados.
El profesor Schiller tiene una capacidad increíble para transmitir el conocimiento y para explicar con simpleza conceptos avanzados de finanzas y macro-economía.
Personalmente viví una experiencia mágica con el curso, siempre a la expectativa de los nuevos conceptos por asimilar.
Agradezco infinitamente a Coursera por permitir a latino américa y al mundo acceder contenidos de tan alta calidad y a maestros del prestigio y trayectoria como Robert Shiller. Realmente es esta una forma de democratizar el conocimiento y contribuir a hacer de éste un mejor mundo para todos.
Infinitas gracias
By Samy A
•Mar 8, 2019
Financial Markets is a very resourceful and comprehensive introductory course for neophytes. I think it emphasizes the the different "pillars" and fundamentals notions of modern finance but mostly, describes the bigger picture : the roles finance can play in societies and for business. This course is also interdisciplinary and covers equations, basic statistics and psychology. It is also filled with examples drawn from history, showing how finance met the challenges growing societies had faced for centuries.
I have now grasped , in an overall manner, what finance is and I sure would like to drill down on this subject. Thank you Professor Shiller !
By silverace08
•Jun 7, 2020
thank you for sharing this course online for free: it was really informational in educating the lay person on important financial concepts that run the world, with extremely relevant, historical, real world examples, it was an intrigue to listen to professor robert shiller, who is a boss, his philosophy on life, the world, and on finance is quite inspiring, combined with his humility, humour, and humanistic values, on making financial markets accessible for all to understand in practical terms - if it was not for him i probably would not have been able to finish the course, the diverse range of material drew me in, but his enthusiam kept me going
By Michael H
•Jun 20, 2020
A brilliant course and introduction to Finance. You can tell a lot of care has gone into making this course and to improve financial education at an affordable price. It has really made me think a lot more about the financial tools available and how they can be used to solve problems in everyday life. Could not recommend this enough and everyone should read into this course to understand the basics of how the world works.
Huge thanks to Professor Shiller for taking the time to do this course and the bonus interviews at the end (also worth a watch). I'll definitely be taking what I learned from this course and applying it to ideas and engineering.
By Marcin L
•Aug 13, 2017
Professor Shiller is an inspiring person with immense knowledge and great personality (down-to-earth, positive, encouraging ethical and socially-responsible attitude). The course itself is comprehensive, well structured and gives historical background to the theoretical concepts, which helps to better comprehend the reasoning behind them. For me, it has propelled my interest in finance and motivated me to undertake new endeavors in the field.
If you were to take one online finance course, choose this one. Trust me, before I enrolled I had seen stellar reviews too, and the course has definitely lived up to, or even exceeded, my expectations.