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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

32,993 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Aug 23, 2021

Very informative! Thanks for having this course free so that more people who are starting to learn about eating properply (like me) will be able to get access to authentic and legit lessons on food ;)


Aug 25, 2020

This course really changed the way i look at food. Honestly made me more conscious of what I consume and what I let my family consume. Thank you for the wonderful knowledge you shared, Dr. Maya Adam.

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726 - 750 of 9,385 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Kevin A A G

Aug 27, 2019

Bastante claro, explicaciones directas concisas y muy entendibles, generación de interés, ayuda a la vida diaria, te capacita para situaciones preventivas de obesidad y a situaciones donde ya se esta en el problema. Felicitaciones y sigamos aprendiendo juntos.

By Luis R H S O

Jun 20, 2018

Its was clear and good, but maybe would be more efficient if their show how to deal exactly with nutritional facts of the food we could found at the supermarket or while doing exercise. In general really work to me to practice English, either speach or writing

By Namig I

Mar 29, 2018

Decent course for beginners. I have read a lot about Nutrition past couple years so it was easy for me. If you already read couple solid articles about food and diet I would suggest to skim through in an hour so. I am indeed excited about the recipes though :)

By Rachelle L

Sep 7, 2023

I really enjoyed this course because it wasn't overly complicated, and I learned how to choose the healthiest foods. Not having to learn the micro and macro nutrients made this course a lot more fun, and it was a sustainable way to learn better eating habits.


Jul 10, 2023

Excelente, es importante tomar conciencia de lo importante de saber alimentarnos y no dejarnos llevar por el consumismo. Me deja muchos consejos a aplicar en mi vida diaria para cambiar hábitos poco nutritivos a otros mucho mas fáciles y saludables. Gracias

By Ruth T

Mar 24, 2022

Introduction to food and health course have tought me about food nutrition, cooking food, moderation and most importantly how to treat food the way I should feel about food.

I am very honerd for getting this apportunity to learn how to sustain a healthy life.

By Yuliya Z

Jan 23, 2022

Великолепный курс, в котором подробно изложены основные принципы правильного питания. Живая беседа преподавателей, информативный материал, яркие, полезные ролики - все располагает к вдумчивому изучению. Плюс - подтянула английский. Благодарю за отличный курс!

By Deleted A

Jul 29, 2021

Before this course my perspective towards proper nutrition was totally wrong!

This course helped me towards a positive approach to my food.

I learned food choice, food safety, good food, real nutrition and many more.

I'm really grateful that I took this course.

By Sreenija

Jun 25, 2021

I'm 14 and this course helped me and my family by showing easy to implement ways to choosing a better diet. It explained everything really well and gave great tips to start eating healthier. I truly enjoyed this course and learned a lot. Definitely recommend!

By Alexia B

Jul 3, 2020

Easy to follow along and straight to the point with great information, especially for beginners. I would love to take a more advanced class from Stanford that delves more into the science of nutrition. Overall, great course and I would recommend to beginners.

By gatiri a

Jun 1, 2020

This course was was taught using simple articulate scenarios. I understood what was taught and I learnt to make some changes in my personal life. I retail some farm produce and I needed this course to understand food and nutrition better. Thank you for this.

By David S P

May 4, 2020

Excelente curso, me siento agradecido con la Universidad de Stanford y la plataforma Coursera por permitirme realizar este curso de forma gratuita. Espero se hagan cursos de nutrición acerca de como es la dieta adecuada en un adulto para engordar. Un abrazo.

By Talitha H

Jan 14, 2020

Fantastic insight in how to make healthier choices for you and your family when it comes to food. The videos were clear and enjoyable with great personalities. Many thanks for giving this opportunity. I loved it and can't wait for the second round of courses.

By Rodrigo L

Sep 3, 2019

Es un excelente curso introductorio, fácil de entender y con información muy útil y práctica. No requiere conocimientos previos muy específicos por lo que cualquier persona puede sacar provecho de él, sean del área de la salud o no. Lo recomiendo ampliamente.

By Paul E

Feb 9, 2017

Very interesting and worthwhile course, especially for overseas students. English used and speakers are very clear and concise. The content was excellent and opened our eyes to nutrition values and the sneaky psychology of supermarket logistics and planning.

By Dylan R

Aug 18, 2022

I was so interested in this course that I couldn't stop learning more as I continued, and I ended up completing the class in less than one week! It really put into perspective and even corrected some behaviors and views I had about food in American society.

By Dhananjay C

Sep 8, 2020

A great course for a basic insight into into existing food trends driven by the food industry with an ulterior motive.

The course also has very helpful guidelines on how to inculcate healthier food and eating habits into our lifestyle.

A quick and easy course.

By Megan E O

Feb 25, 2020

this is a wonderful course everyone should take. Being introduced to nutrition and healthy eating in an approachable and easy to understand way makes becoming more healthy seem more achievable and less overwhelming. This is an important subject for everyone.

By Anna H

Feb 7, 2016

Every human being must take this course to be conscious on what they are eating and what they are feeding their children. The lecturer's clear voice and pronunciation will be very easy to understand, especially for those who are not native language speakers.


Apr 11, 2020




By Laura C

Feb 21, 2022

Being Italian I was curios to know more about your approcah to eating and found out the healthy eating is very much like our Mediterranean Diet we are ussed to use evry day of our life. And discovered I'm pretty healthy and follow the right advice. Thanks

By Alisha R

Dec 19, 2019

Very informative and easy to follow! I'd consider myself to be a healthy individual but I did learn a lot more from the biological side of maintaining a healthy diet. I would recommend this course to any beginners who would like to improve their lifestyle.

By Ryan L

Mar 27, 2022

The best coarse that I'd ever had , this not just taught me the basic healthy rules but a skill as well that can helps me to work on with my daily living. This really helps me built an idea to support livings to live more helathy an happy.

Good choice!

By Filiz Z S

Feb 17, 2021

I LOVED this course. Maya, you and your children are great. I loved them. I even watched cooking vdos with my mother having fun. Please kiss the children for me... I love the recipes and will try them as soon as possible. lots of loves from Turkey, Filiz

By Ekaterina

May 17, 2020

It was my first course on this platform and it was really amazing. Enjoyed each lessons especially last weeks (on the 1st week the material was a little bit difficult, but extremely useful). All in all, the course is great!!! Thanks to all creators of it!