May 21, 2021
Thanks for the opportunity of this course which was interesting and very well presented .The single inconvenience was Quiz # 9 which was not only difficult but very chaotic to understand and follow.
May 30, 2020
Very interesting and complete -a great window into several art galleries (especially now, during the context of COVID-19!), styles, personalities and iconic works of art.
By Francisco L
•Aug 8, 2019
Mi idea sobre el curso al parecer estaba sobrevalorada, en el tiempo que lo he seguido he encontrado muy flojos los videos y el contenido en general y detalles muy molestos. Las introducciones a los videos duran 1,30 minutos, duración exagerada como introduccion a un video de duración 5 minutos de media. Las manchas negruzcas como de tinta en los videos entorpecen, tapan lo que se quiere mostrar y por tanto son molestas y torpes. Lo siento porque el contenido era muy interesante pero a mi juicio muy mal planificado.
By -
•Apr 25, 2016
Some interesting lessons, yet a rather boring presentation as most faculty were reading their scripts, or seemed nearly jet-lagged in some lessons. Sound recording is sometimes also perfectible (echo due to large museum room).
One may also take into consideration that the perspective given in the course is a bit "Australian-centric". I should have expected this as the course came from the University of Melbourne, but I have the feeling that some courses on Coursera feel a bit more "global"...
By Eduardo L V
•Jun 16, 2020
All the content is great, the course is really well designed interesting, maybe some times I wished for more technical information rather that someones opinions but that's just me, the reason I give it 3 stars is the lecturers, a course or two on how to engage an audience wold not do any harm.
By Deon M
•Jun 14, 2016
Very good information with a fantastic understanding of the variety of artists. However, I almost dreaded logging in to watch the lectures; they were often boring me to tears. Were this information presented in a more engaging way, this review would be much higher.
By Caroline F
•Dec 28, 2016
Superinteresting subject, but since I did not have access to all the literature through the website I was not able to finish it unfortunatly