Jul 2, 2020
While the information from this course was awesome I would've liked some hand on projects to get the information running. Nonetheless, the two simulation task were the best (more would've been neat!).
Mar 31, 2020
It is very nice to have a very experienced deep learning practitioner showing you the "magic" of making DNN works. That is usually passed from Professor to graduate student, but is available here now.
By Vishal C
•Jul 31, 2018
Need Some more reference related to these topic covered in this courses. If possible please email me.
Thanks in advance
By 任玉æ¦
•Mar 16, 2018
Thanks for your help to make me have the chance to know more about deep learning and ML.Thank you(all of the workers)!
By Tuan N
•Nov 16, 2017
This course focuses more on the design concept for machine learning and sometimes the videos are quite long to follow.
By Qi Z
•Oct 18, 2017
Good course, help to understand how to tune your deeplearning networks, a guide to improve your deeplearning networks.
By Sebastian A Y P
•Sep 13, 2017
More of like a business mindset applied to DL projects. Really useful to understand DL from this scope and perspective
By Chaofan H
•Sep 3, 2017
Very instructive on how to build a real-world machine learning project. He gave a lot of useful tricks and strategies.
By nidhir b
•Sep 23, 2020
because of their various flight simulators, have helped a lot in understanding the various concept of deep learning .
By Amandeep S
•Apr 21, 2020
Great overview of how to access performance and create a workflow for the ML projects. Easy to understand concepts :)
By Jiani S
•Feb 28, 2020
This course is more concerning about the strategy, it is helpful for implementation under the complex neural network.
By Vishal Y
•Sep 26, 2018
These interviews at the end are really insightful thanks for doing a little extra effort. Very happy with this course
By Jair G
•Aug 15, 2018
For me this is a continuation of the last course. Very useful to get a broad understanding of deep learning projects.
By Junheng Z
•Jan 27, 2018
It is all about though to deep learning. No code-task but still is more important. Is is all bout real-world solution
By Youdinghuan C
•Dec 31, 2017
This is a short and sweet set of lectures that provides insightful guidelines about machine learning / deep learning.
By Eric
•Dec 13, 2017
A good introduction for discussing the details about how to think while designing a machine learning related project.
By Yonas T
•Nov 1, 2017
Again another excellent course. Thank you Andrew Ng and team and also the vibrant community of students in the forum.
By yuji w
•Oct 6, 2017
This part is about the real world experience with AI. I go through the couse 2 times to learn all these widom of AI.
By Muhammad I
•Aug 3, 2023
This course will enable you to go strategically while designing a machine learning systems for a particular problem.
By Muhammad I
•Sep 4, 2022
Its a great course. Highly recommended to you if you are trying to find your way into the relam of Machine Learning.
By Patrick M
•Nov 15, 2021
Wonderful course on developing strategies to bring your machine learning project to a succesful conclusion. Thanks!
By Adinda F G
•Feb 15, 2021
The instructor gives a understandable languages. He could make a complicated things into a simple things. Thank you!
By Paulo R I d L
•Dec 22, 2020
Conteúdo extremamente aplicável a realidade do mercado de trabalho. Faz um ótima conexão entre "teoria" e aplicação.
By Nikos R
•Dec 18, 2020
I believe it is essential for every Machine Learning practitioner, twice so if he intends to user it professionally.
By Gomez R
•Jun 1, 2020
It is rare to find courses where real life problems are shown and explained. I learned a lot from this small course!
By Pranjal T
•Apr 10, 2020
Really liked the course materials,the assignments were really close to the real world scenario and quite relatable.