Feb 4, 2021
This is the most deep security Labs which GCP has installed for us as learners and beginners of this certification, an insightful experience hands-on lab that practise makes perfect !
Jun 24, 2019
Great course and specialization. Google is pretty amazing with the security services. I think everyone will eventually migrate their data centers to Google Cloud Platform.
By Duong T A
•May 4, 2021
By Justin B A
•Sep 14, 2021
By Nevin M
•Oct 23, 2019
Some labs did not work as expected. The training material presented could have been presented in a more clear and concise method. The person giving the course delivered the content in a very monotone fashion, and provided examples that were some times unclear.
By Trevor S
•Sep 23, 2019
I felt that there was a TON on the exam that this course did not cover. The quizzes and tests are nothing like the exam. Overall, I feel like this course did not provide the necessary training to prepare you for the exam.
By Damian M
•Sep 2, 2021
Labs instructions were sometimes confusing having to repeat them several times. Again, the instructor could talk a little slower and explain things better.
By Otis B
•Jun 8, 2020
Labs need some work.
•Oct 22, 2019
Not very great
By Guilherme C M
•Nov 22, 2020
Estou tendo problemas com duas avaliações. Onde me impede de ser aprovado por conta de instruções inconsistentes no laboratório. O qual prontamente foi aberto chamado via Chat do quicklabs e continuo sem resposta.
Não acho justo o aluno ter que ficar pagando para refazer uma prova de laboratório com problemas.
Gostaria que fosse analisa a situação pois estou sendo prejudicado.
By Matvey L
•Jun 29, 2020
Instructor is impossible to listen to
It is obvious that he reads a script, and that intervenes with proper learning because of bad emphasizing in a sentence, resulting in a need for revision.
I had to watch each video several times before I understood what is going on, and that was only when I was reading the text and not listening to a guy reading from a screen.
By dilip r
•Mar 10, 2019
where is my course certificate ? I completed all three courses under "google cloud platform security specialization" yet did not receive final certificate since I somehow did not get certificate for this one :-(
By ajith r
•Nov 3, 2020
pretty badly setup. The quality control of the assignments are terrible. There are so many bugs and issues with most of them.
By Marilyn M
•Mar 31, 2021
Lab Number 3 on Configuring and Viewing CLoud Audit Logs needs some serious revision.