Apr 2, 2019
This is my most favorite module module, especially the Linux, which is my all time favorite OS ever enjoy learning, working Programing, and configuring, and will continue enjoying til the end of time.
Jun 22, 2019
Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!
By Daniel K
•Oct 20, 2019
Personally, this was a bit challenging. But in a good way. I had to take my time, and watch my spelling and cases.
By Melanie B
•Jun 18, 2019
Had a little problem with the apparent shortcuts used in the command line instructions. Got lost a couple of times.
By Mohd A A
•May 11, 2019
I learnt many new thing & commands. How to find malicious files in Linux. I also learnt the IIS services in windows.
By A G K R
•Apr 1, 2019
excellent with good and help full basic things to know every IT person as well as every computer science students...
By Alonzo W H
•Sep 8, 2018
This course is tough! I have 2 days to figure out one command to up my grade on the Linux exam from an 80% to 100&.
By El h I
•Aug 13, 2023
this is literally awesom, great job, great experience, fantastic journey ... nothing to say but thank u so much ^^
By Bassem S H H
•Nov 21, 2022
From a nearly a zero to a hero concepts and understanding it might take a bit but it is worth the effort and study
By Candice R
•Dec 8, 2020
My only suggestion is to allow more time for the final assignments. At least another 30 minutes would be helpful.
By Mark C R
•May 13, 2020
This course was really helped me to understand new skills and concepts. Specially for Windows PowerShell and Linux.
By Sebastian F
•Aug 15, 2023
Well structured in an way that is easy to follow and understand and with real world use cases for problem solving.
By Rahman K Y
•Oct 26, 2022
I was really great and interesting course to studying and i enjoy being in this community.
Rahman Yaqubi
By Emerson U
•Sep 22, 2021
By far the moat fun out of all of them because it was challenging and you were made to use your head on last labs.
By Sneh E
•Jan 20, 2021
Really Good Course This Was The Course I Most Wanted To Do And It Was Really Good... I Loved Quicklabs The Most!!!
By Edgar C
•Dec 8, 2020
Good course. Learned a lot. Challenging on the Linux side of things since there are so many command lines to learn
By Stephon H
•Nov 9, 2020
This was a great course because it let you dive into the understanding of the systems and how they make decisions.
By Jair E R N
•Oct 8, 2020
It is a good course, all the content, videos, lectures, and labs are carefully designed to facilitate the learning
By Carlos F
•Jul 27, 2020
Really great and informative course. We just need more practice involving these commands and regularly doing them.
By Sacha Z
•Apr 28, 2020
Learned really a lot on OS and troubleshooting. And I want to know more! I reommoned this course for any beginner.
By DeMario A I
•May 17, 2019
An individual is given I😊nfinite possibilities if they're willing to go the extra mile or the extra line of code.
By Wasiu F A
•Oct 28, 2022
Learning Linux was one of the most exciting things I have ever done in my life. Who needs a GUI? Linux is OP AF!
By Jiho Y
•Apr 8, 2022
i didn't use linux much. I try to learn a lot for this course.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to study.
By Km H
•Mar 3, 2022
a lot of thing to learn.and some of them is challenging, but if you work hard you get the result.thanks .km hasan
By Deleted A
•Feb 14, 2022
That was fantastic, really easy puzzles became complicated towards the end and you really need to think for them
•Jan 9, 2022
So far this course has been my favorite. Lots of practical knowledge that you can immediately apply in your job.
By suraj v
•Apr 6, 2021
recommended for every one to take this course for basic understanding of OS how to work with different platform .