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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods by University of Pennsylvania

1,183 ratings

About the Course

Learners discover how apply to research methods to their study of Positive Psychology. In this course, we study with Dr. Angela Duckworth and Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft. Through an exploration their work "True Grit" and interviews with researchers and practitioners, you develop a research hypothesis and learn how to understand the difference between internal and external validity. You also begin to understand and apply the strengths and weaknesses associated with different types of measurements and evaluation designs. You then interpret the results in an empirical study. Suggested prerequisites: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science and Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions....

Top reviews


Dec 7, 2020

Amo todos los cursos de psicología Positiva. Aprendo mucho de ellos. Muchas gracias por su apoyo económico. Le estoy sacando mucho provecho para mi y para mis terapias.De todo corazón mil graciasPaola


Dec 28, 2019

Though i have nightmares of research design from my undergraduate career, this puts a neat spin on it and reminds the sheer importance of it. Thanks for the reminder of what is important UPENN!

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76 - 100 of 339 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods

By Alfonso C

Aug 4, 2018

This course was awesome. Because of its statistical content is not that fun as the prior courses, but once you get thru and understand the end goal, it is so insightful and useful to understand scientific research.

By Víctor O

Jul 9, 2018

This MOOC, together with the other 4 MOOC of Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, changed my life. I highly recommend it to everyone regardless whether you are interested or not in psychology.

By Sara U

Nov 8, 2021

Great material, easy to navigate. Only frustration with the course structure is the peer feedback piece. Having to wait for others to review your submissions is tricky when timing is off between participants.

By Lisa M P

Apr 3, 2020

This was an exceptional course, with a lot of detailed information on experimental research models. I enjoyed reading the material and exploring my hypothesis utilizing character, grit, and research methods!

By Stephanie M S

Aug 11, 2020

This was by far my favourite course of this specialization. Angela and Claire made math and numbers enjoyable! I never thought Id hear myself say that, but it happened! it was well placed and well executed.

By Shivani M

Oct 22, 2022

An extremely well developed course about not such a simple topic ir research methods. The instructors broke the topics down into easy to learn bytes such that an interested learner can complete easily

By Paola D M C

Dec 7, 2020

Amo todos los cursos de psicología Positiva. Aprendo mucho de ellos.

Muchas gracias por su apoyo económico. Le estoy sacando mucho provecho para mi y para mis terapias.

De todo corazón mil gracias


By Lívia K D A

Nov 6, 2021

This is the best course of the entire Foundations of Positive Psychology Program. I've learned how to read the scientific articles in a very critical way, including those about positive psychology.

By Ray W

Dec 28, 2019

Though i have nightmares of research design from my undergraduate career, this puts a neat spin on it and reminds the sheer importance of it. Thanks for the reminder of what is important UPENN!

By Molly W

Oct 24, 2020

It was a wonderful class! While I was expecting something different than learning about research and how to read research papers, that is my fault for putting my expectations on the class.

By Heleen W

Jun 25, 2018

Claire you did an AMAZING job having me listen and absorb all about statistics, every class again.. I had never expected I could be so attached to a statistics class. Thank you very much.

By Blase S

Jun 26, 2018

A bit of a struggle to learn the technical terms, but helpful in understanding and appreciating the scientific approach to researching various approaches to positive psychology.

By Ingrid U

Jan 6, 2021

A super course if you want to gain a better understanding of research design, and the strengths and weaknesses (including validity and reliability) of research methodologies.

By Ngabirano D

Jun 8, 2020

i am so happy that i graduated. The course has helped me understand more. Now when i learn this course in class i can easily see that i am ahead of others in understanding it


Jun 16, 2020

Thank you very much!

I am very grateful for this course and great work of both ladies, professors Angela Duckworth and Claire Robertson-Craft.

I wish you all the very best!

By Alan P

Jun 29, 2017

This is an excellent course as an introduction to reading and understanding research. As an early stages post grad student, I have benefitted enormously from this course.

By Christophe T

Mar 13, 2021

Quite a hard course for me because there are a lot of stats notions. Very interesting course. Quite proud I managed to finish all the assignments the best I could.:-)

By Noorudin M

Feb 5, 2019

An exciting introductory course for understanding research design and analysis. Highly recommended for beginners in research. Thanks Dr. Duckworth and Dr. Kraft.

By abhishek n

May 18, 2020

This course is very well designed. It has been informative and is a valuable and essential component of the Foundations in Positive Psychology Specialisation.

By Derrik G

Sep 27, 2019

love the class. read Angela's book several times as I used resilience in my dissertation years ago and was familiar with the foundational studies. Thank you!

By Mary M

Jun 20, 2018

I thought one of the ideas behind this course in helping people find an easy way to read research articles and not be intimidated by the process was great!

By Annika W

Apr 28, 2018

Such a great course! I really like how you combined research methods and design with the theory of grit. It gave me a lot of ideas for my own research.

By Upeksha P

Mar 17, 2021

It was a great experience on this module, I learned about how to start the research and very important how to start reading the articles.

Thank you!

By Francisco O T

Nov 24, 2018

Angela Duckworth is amazing, she is an expert and example of Grit, thank you so much for your honesty and authentic search of meaning and purpose.

By Kalina N

Dec 29, 2020

Not a fan of research and stats etc but this course was brilliant because the content and examples used as well at the lecturers were phenomenal.