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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Power Onboarding by Northwestern University

37 ratings

About the Course

Power Onboarding provides practical, easy-to-use tools to guide an individual who is transitioning to a new job. Students will prepare an actionable personal onboarding plan that will set them up for success in their new role. Research has shown that an actively followed power onboarding plan will allow an individual to reach proficiency in a new position up to 30% faster than the typical transitioning manager. In this course, students will develop their own onboarding plan, allowing them to contribute sooner and be eligible for promotion earlier. In this newly revised format, learners can complete the course in no more than 7 hours, with approximately 2 hours dedicated to creating a personalized power onboarding plan. We have a suggested 4 week schedule to help you stay on track, but we recognize that everyone has different learning styles so we've added flexibility so you can complete the entire course in one or two sittings. This course has benefited tremendously from the feedback and advice we have received since the launch in the Fall of 2014. A recent survey shows: 1) 67% of participants are very likely to recommend the course to a friend, and the remaining 33% being somewhat likely 2) 80% of participants found the workload the same or lower than what they expected. We are enthusiastic about these findings and we know that you will find this course valuable and worthwhile as well!...
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1 - 10 of 10 Reviews for Power Onboarding



Apr 28, 2020


By Albert D


Aug 27, 2020

Very rich course, the topic needs to be taught to any young executive starting a career. It is also useful for CEO's to help them design an internal on-boarding plan.

By Rafa A


Mar 26, 2021

the course is vary helpful thank you

By Vickey B


Nov 12, 2016


By Olaronke B


May 12, 2020

I have completed the courses, but yet to get my completion rating

By Rajat D


May 14, 2020

After completing the course, I did not receive any grades.

By Neecie P a D E P


Jun 15, 2024

This is an excellent class on how to LEARN to set yourself up for success in your next job or career opportunity, as well as how to improve one's proficiency and be results-oriented within the first 30-90 days on their new job and much, much more!!

By Majid A


Jun 19, 2023

Great Course for newly comer, its really helpful.

By shivani c


Aug 5, 2020

Its was good

By Mona A A


Sep 12, 2020
