Sep 15, 2016
This is a university degree course which takes enormous effort to complete. But still its beond the programming course range giving you whats not possible to google or learn practical way. Thanks!
Mar 18, 2018
Thank you for this exciting course! I did the FP in Scala course a few years ago and decided to do the full certification now. I am looking forward to the next courses in the specialisation.
By mostafa n
•Apr 29, 2017
nice course but i was expecting more about actors and futures
By Andrew Z
•Sep 5, 2016
The main difficulty of the task does not apply to the course
By Bert H
•Oct 6, 2016
Course material looked sometimes recycled and unstructered
By Dimitri M
•Feb 1, 2022
Very interesting but the topics were not easy to grasp
By Chang F
•Dec 5, 2016
Not as good as the first one, esp near the end.
By Sergei S
•Dec 17, 2016
progfun and reactive programming was better
By Kuba F
•Sep 24, 2016
Worse than Scala Principles - too chaotic.
By dani l
•Sep 27, 2016
The old version was more interesting.
By Ivan P
•Oct 27, 2019
The first week is simply useless :(
By Dmytro K
•Dec 3, 2016
Asigments are too easy to implement
By Luigi
•Sep 23, 2016
I was expecting more from it.
By Shodz
•May 17, 2020
Subjects of exams are really cool but they are already written at 80~90%, I would prefer to have to do things from scratch even if the subject is less interesting. A part from that, there no connecting thread during the course, each weeks is about something new and we don't really use stuff from the previous week. Globally, it's hard to retain the new knowledge...
By Tomás T
•Apr 23, 2021
This course will shatter your desire to learn Scala. I recommend you use it as a means to test how much you really know AFTER learning Scala from another resource. The videos are old and the staff will not help you even though there is such little time to finish each assignment.
By Krushna C D
•Jul 3, 2022
The concepts are not explained clearly. I need to take help from other websites to understand them.
The example was also not complete, just a theory without running code.