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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox by Johns Hopkins University

33,983 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio....
Foundational tools

(243 Reviews)

Introductory course

(1056 Reviews)

Top reviews


Sep 8, 2017

It was really insightful, coming from knowing almost nothing about statistics or experimental design, it was easy to understand while not feeling shallow. Just the right amount of information density.


Jun 3, 2017

Nice Course. Basics are very well taught in this course.Thank you JHU and Coursera for this course. I have decided to donate 10% of my first salary to coursera once I am complete this and get intern.

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276 - 300 of 7,160 Reviews for The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

By Hrishikesh P H

Apr 16, 2020

A very easy to understand, nice and simple course. ample quizzes and puzzles available. A recommendation : please include a thing or two about RStudio Cloud. Especially, please include how to tie up your github repo to RStudio Cloud; as the procedure s different for it.


Jan 29, 2020

It's really enjoyable, a lot to know and a lot to discuss. The other links provided for more details are very much helpful. The feature of the discussion form is very helpful. Thanks, to Coursera and the team of Coursera for your high great work to open this platform.

By Juan C J T

Jun 12, 2018

Muy buen curso introductorio en el que se pueden observar las herramientas necesarias para realizar análisis de datos, además de que muestran quienes son Científicos de Datos en la actualidad y qué tipo de análisis realizan, todo adquiriendo la información de internet.

By Daisuke I

Mar 7, 2016

Setting up the environment is often the tricky part that deters people from moving into, or back into coding. This class provided me with a hand-holding needed to start coding again. I recommend this course as a kick starter for those who were on legacy environments.

By Kimiora H

Apr 28, 2022

The course content is great, with great real world examples linked to the topics.

The quiz questions are of varying difficulty, most are easy if you give the right time to the course, but some can trip you up if you don't put the necessary thought and time into them.

By Ahmed M S K

Oct 1, 2016

What a great introduction. It needs a lot of reading and self developing to be able to do that project at the end. It's kind of difficult but you'll feel that you've really learned something that will be useful for the rest of your life. Thanks JH and Coursera staff.

By Joan c h

Sep 6, 2019

Es un buen curso. te lleva de la mano pero no te da todo digerido en cierto momento debes buscar alguna solución para las tareas que te piden pues por razones de versiones ya no funciona igual.

Sin embargo el contenido temático es lo importante y me pareció perfecto.

By Richard E H

Apr 27, 2018

A good introduction to analytical processes and tools. The course by itself, however, is only a first step. I find many threads begun but not tied together. I anticipate that the remaining nine courses will expand and consolidate everything opened in this course.

By Pedro A

Sep 11, 2020

Es un excelente curso, te insta a ser ordenado en tu trabajo con el uso de las herramientas que existente para que podamos a cada proyecto que tengas y podamos refrescar rápidamente todo el historial con el control de cambios. ¡Excelente introducción del Programa!

By Mark K

Jun 14, 2020

The course is great at explaining the preliminary steps for setting up an R development environment and describing the basics of data science. Videos were paced well, not being too short or long, which allows the viewer to stay focused and interested. Recommended.

By bekir y a

Sep 16, 2020

Quite helpful course in teaching the fundamentals of data science, do not expect to use statistical analyses programs effectively with the help of this course. This course's main aim is on teaching the fundamentals of data science just like we see in a university

By RCantu

Sep 14, 2020

Super!, I was an excellent way to start the certification, and also a very good motivation to learn about contents included ( R, R markdown, github, control advance) . At the final of all, it is not possible to run if we do not to learn to walk. Thanks for it .

By Rajat A

Jul 13, 2020

Very well paced course with a well structured approach to the toolkit. I would encourage people to take this course to get a hang of the basic working environment. It works even better if you already have a strong foundation in Statistics, and Research Methods.

By Kevin C B C

Nov 6, 2017

A very eyeopening introduction to the discipline of Data Science. Hope this prepares me for R programming soon. :) I also realized how relevant this is today especially in the sciences, wherein one must have a good grasp in programming as an aid for research.

By Roberto A

Mar 11, 2017

I found this intro course really useful as a warm up and to get into the "data scientist's mindset". The only (minor) point for development is to devote more time to Git and Github, as some of the steps were not particularly straightforward. Well done though!

By Eduardo A

Feb 7, 2017

I really loved the course. My peers were amazing. They always help and when they review your project they make sure that you will understand what you did wrong, explaining why and how you might gei it right the next time. Mr. Peng you are amazing. Thank you!

By Sandra N

Aug 22, 2016

This is a fantastic way for individuals to get a leg up if they want a competitive edge in an ever-changing scientific environment. It is important to be able to use certain programs and code to some degree in order to be competitive using today's technology.

By Drew W

Aug 24, 2019

The course was well put together and documented. My only critic is that I would like the lecturer to go over Git and Github more thoroughly as I had to do some extensive outsourcing to be able to figure out how everything worked. Overall, a very good course.

By Saurabh C

Jun 9, 2016

Best in it's Class. Short but so much descriptive with a constant effort to deliver high quality teaching with easy understanding language and concepts!

It's highly recommended to those who are new to Data Science, and want to make their Base strong( like me)


Apr 7, 2022

I found it very useful to start learning version control before I start coding. The robotic voice of the video is unpleasant but the readings allow to skip them without any problem. A well structured course. It makes you want to continue the specialization.

By Alerik E R

Oct 14, 2020

Good introduction to Data Science, I learned a lot. I am used to just using spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, I am glad this course introduced me to R, RStudio, Git and Github. It also helps that the course gave out examples, and good guided works.

By Michael A C R

Jun 24, 2020

Fue excelente la metodología utilizada para guiarme por este curso de manera introductoria. Comenzando desde la instalación de los programas, hasta la utilización de los mismo. Realmente para quien no conoce nada del tema y está muy interesado es muy útil.

By k s k

Jun 3, 2020

This course provides great insight into the use of Data Science and its future applications in the field of science and technology .

The course also provided brief and necessary tutorial to use the R software which was of great help.

Thankyou and Great job!

By Rabindra T

Nov 27, 2018

Really nice intro to the set of tools to be used. Step-by-step instructions. It might be useful to have it called out that versions may change, but the basic video instructions will not. There were slight updates that made things look a little different.

By Nedim K

Sep 27, 2020

The only thing that might be tiring during this training, I guess, is the robotic voice that has been created to ensure the actuality of the course material. As a result, this course was really helpful to get acquainted with the basics of data science.