May 10, 2021
Honestly, one of the best course I have ever taken. I am such a fan of history and culture, being an immigrant in Canada, this helped me gain a better understanding of Indigenous history and culture.
Feb 24, 2021
Excdellent course! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn the material presented. Thanks you so much! All the work that was evident in putting this course together was worth the effort!
By Cathy L G
•Jan 17, 2022
The course was interesting and informative. I really enjoyed the use of multi-media AND the quizzes. It held me accountable to the learning. Thank you!
By Keith D
•Dec 13, 2021
This course has provided me with an excellent foundation for understanding the history and challenges of reconciliation with indigenous peoples in Canada.
By Haleigh R
•Sep 27, 2021
This is hands down the best education I have ever received. I learnt so much about the true history if Canada, I will be forever grateful for this course.
By Carmen C
•Aug 19, 2021
Very eye-opening experience studying a wide variety of history, culture, politics, and tradition of Canadian indigenous peoples. A well-presented course!
By Louis L
•Aug 12, 2021
Thank you for this important course. I have learned so much and want to continue learning about my relation to the land and the history of Turtle Island.
By Allana M
•Feb 7, 2021
Excellent course, I experienced a return to the enjoyment of learning while gaining knowledge of our Canadian history. Thank you for offering this course.
By Chad L
•Jan 8, 2021
Thank you. Excellent delivery of the material and a great, broad introduction to Indigenous Canada. This should be included in high schools across Canada.
By Brian R
•Oct 9, 2020
So much information. Things I did not know. Alarming way we treated Aboriginal peoples and how we seem to continue down that path. Shameful government.
By Andrea
•Aug 28, 2020
Very informative, in-depth, covers a variety of topics. I learned so much, thank you to the faculty and teachers and artists who put this course together!
By Jan P
•Aug 25, 2020
I found it informative and insightful. i'm so glad i did this and i will look for other opportunities to learn more on this and other subjects. Thank you!
By Mingxin L
•Jun 27, 2020
It is very helpful to acknowledge the history and present situation of Canadian Indigenous. Thanks to the researcher and scholar who are concern about it.
By Jennifer H
•Jun 28, 2023
Indigenous Canada was very informative and really thoughtfully prepared. Thank you for the opportunity to learn so much about our first nations peoples.
By Paul W
•Feb 17, 2023
I thought the course was very inclusive and I learned many new aspects of collective history that I had wished was taught earlier in my life. Well done.
By Sherri A S
•Jan 17, 2023
Excellent primer course - sparks interest in learning even more! Thank you to the University of Alberta for putting this together for the general public!
•Nov 27, 2022
Thank You - I am 67 years old and I needed to know some of my country history and this did help me to understand some of what took place in Canada's past
By Monique S
•Sep 4, 2022
An amazing and multimedia way of learning about Indigenous History in Canada. I feel much more aware of the history and resilience of Indigenous peoples.
By Rajneesh K
•Aug 10, 2022
Well organized and nicely orated. Thank you!! I learnt so much more through this course. I will continue my learnings and try to find more such programs.
By Travis F
•Apr 23, 2022
This was a great introductory course. I didn't know a lot about Indigenous issues so I'm very grateful I got an opportunity to learn a bit more about it.
By Alysia M
•Nov 14, 2021
I learned our nation's history in a new and different perspective that I feel I should have learned in elementary school. Thank you for this opportunity!
By Roger M
•Sep 15, 2021
By far the most interesting and important independent learning I have ever done. I said many times during this course " I never knew what I didn't know"!
By Scott J
•Sep 11, 2021
This was an excellent, wide ranging course. All Canadians should take it to increase their understanding of Indigenous peoples, cultures and struggles.
By Sarah-Jean S
•May 18, 2021
Very thankful to have been able to take this course. It provided education aspects of Indigenous People and I will take what I learnt in my work forward.
By Lyndsey
•Feb 23, 2021
I am so grateful to have taken this course. I am an elementary teacher with much more to learn, and this course has given me a starting point. Thank you.
By Robert M
•Dec 19, 2020
Well worth doing. Every Canadian needs to understand our history in order that true reconciliation can take place. Too many have suffered for too long.
By Robert W
•Oct 13, 2020
I am not a young man but have had a my beliefs challenged and questioned which needed for growth
I am greatfull that seeds have been planted