Feb 24, 2021
Excdellent course! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn the material presented. Thanks you so much! All the work that was evident in putting this course together was worth the effort!
Feb 27, 2021
Thank you for this. Beautifully presented, well rounded, I am embarrassed to think of how little I knew before, but I'm glad I do know. This course is an inspiration to dig deeper into many topics.
By Heather B
•Aug 7, 2021
This is an amazing course, well presented and very eye opening. I highly recommend it!
By Amanda J D
•Jul 24, 2021
I appreciate the breath of what was shared and the respectful context this was done in.
By Giovanna S
•Jul 23, 2021
An exceptional course - every person living on Turtle Island needs to take this course.
By Natalia S
•Jun 24, 2021
Excellent course, packed with information and great introduction to Inidgenous history!
By Stephanie S
•May 12, 2021
I loved this course! It was so full of knowledge you all did a great job! Thank you!!!!
By Theresa W
•May 4, 2021
very well done ! Highly recommend to every Canadian to complete this course. Great work
By Shawn B
•Feb 6, 2021
Great historical information presented. Previously unknown incidents that have occured.
By Tashana E
•Feb 2, 2021
This was a very interested course, I learnt a lot, thanks to the University of Alberta.
By Shea H
•Jan 8, 2021
excellent course. well laid out in terms of diversity of topics. very thought provoking
By Hal Q
•Dec 20, 2020
This Course was enlightening and informative. It also clarified some misunderstandings.
By Mackenzie H
•Nov 23, 2020
Thank you to the faculty for this incredible course. It is necessary for all Canadians.
By Cara
•Nov 23, 2020
Great Course! Thank you all so much for providing this level of detail and information!
By christine d m
•Nov 15, 2020
thank you to all who helped but this course together - my greatest achievement of 2020!
By Tania E F V
•Oct 29, 2020
Excellent course! I enjoyed every single moment. It was really moving and eye-opening.
By Neil L
•Oct 18, 2020
This course provides a perspective on Indigenous Canada that wasn't provided in school.
By Deanna C
•Oct 7, 2020
I really enjoyed this course, very informative about the history of indigenous peoples.
By Rashmi V
•Sep 22, 2020
Excellent course to build awareness and understand the past and the present experience.
By Jason
•Sep 9, 2020
This was an extremely informative course with lots of great information that I enjoyed.
By Paul S
•Sep 8, 2020
This course really opened my eyes to the history of the First Nations, Inuit and Metis.
By Honor L
•Aug 17, 2024
Wonderful course full of history and knowledge. Very much enjoyed all the information.
By Dusty T
•Apr 16, 2023
This course has been incredibly valuable and well done! High recommended to everyone.
By Amir R M
•Jun 13, 2022
Great Course. I enjoyed the vidoes and interviews and course materials for future use.
By Cheryl R
•May 28, 2022
Learned so much about indegnous people and colonialization. Heartbreaking and ashamed
By Amanda P
•Mar 12, 2022
Was an amazing course. I learned so much and it has opened doors for me to learn more.
By Lauren G
•Sep 26, 2021
Insightful and informative! The course gave me a new prospective on Canada's history.