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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Psychology by Yale University

30,698 ratings

About the Course

What are people most afraid of? What do our dreams mean? Are we natural-born racists? What makes us happy? What are the causes and cures of mental illness? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, persuasion, emotions, and social behavior. We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury....

Top reviews


Mar 14, 2024

An excellent course to get a general idea about psychology as well as understanding of what to do next if you are into learning more. Very useful links for extra reading. And very engaging instructor.


Dec 31, 2020

The lectures were very fun, engaging, and interactive. Taking this course gives you a deeper understanding of life and helps answer questions we have about ourselves, others, and the world we live in.

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326 - 350 of 6,705 Reviews for Introduction to Psychology

By Edrine K


May 29, 2020

The course is a very beautiful one with an out-rightly well thought display of knowledge, clear explanations and very beneficial to me. as a matter of fact i found beauty in its complexity, a notion that lingered in my mind the whole time i studied henceforth deeming it very interesting and a perfect choice for during these times. no doubt it has added a new scope of knowledge to my understanding and hiked my interest in psychology and the unfolding of humanity back from its history.

By Sofía P


Jun 26, 2020

Agradezco las herramientas que se pusieron a disposición en este curso. Está muy bien hecho para que cualquier tipo de estudiante conecte con los temas y se interese, los vídeos y las lecturas son llamativas, por no hablar del excelente trabajo del profesor Bloom, que con su forma de dar las clases, invita a la reflexiona y al pensamiento. Lo más fascinante es que se puede llevar este curso a cualquier parte del mundo sin problema alguno. Lo realicé desde Caracas, Venezuela. Gracias.

By Ana F


May 29, 2020

I feel that I learned a lot of useful tools that I could also apply in my day-to-day life, as well as if I'd like to pursue a career in psychology. I was always passionate about psychology and it felt natural for me to analyze facts and ask myself complicated questions, but I never studied psychology in depth. However, now I am thinking more seriously to get involved in psychological research and in providing psychological help to other people , especially after taking this course.

By Neeti J


Oct 14, 2020

I have learned so much and gained immense knowledge on this wide subject psychology. I would like to thank my college for giving us this opportunity to access to online courses on coursera. I am really grateful to my professor Mr. Paul Bloom who helped me and guided me. I loved how he taught and explained all about psychology and the way he teaches, I can surely say, he is a humble and sweet man. I loved his lectures. I will continue to learn more about psychology in the future.

By nadim a


May 18, 2020

Outstanding course! Paul delivered a terrific lecture and has an outstanding style. Thanks for making this available to the general public. The only area that I think he needs to be careful about is the concept of free will. He refers to it once, but I think the context in which he referred to it may subject to a different interpretation. He may want to check with Sam Harris. I would love to hear a podcast between Paul and Sam where they debate the concept of free will. Thanks!

By Marc L


Mar 10, 2022

A truly inspiring course delivered by a highly motivating Professor Blum in an excellent style of blended learning. Content-wise a really good overview of the width of the field of psychology with excellent follow-up reading and learning references. I especially enjoyed listening to Professor Blum's vivid lectures well supported by little animated videos, looking forward to every subsequent session. Great course for anyone interested in understanding the human brain and mind!

By Eduardo C B


Apr 26, 2021

The course is excellent for presenting the main theories of the mind explaining psychoanalysis to contemporary neuroscience. Its development is very well planned, ending in an affective, gentle, and stimulating way to deepen some critical issues raised that concern the modern world and its challenges. I am happy to have accomplished and come out more enriched and stimulated to deepen some of these issues. A comprehensive bibliography is suggested for continuity and deepening.

By Sinead H


Jul 19, 2024

"This course is fantastic. I want to congratulate everyone involved in creating and sharing this great work. The lectures are the perfect length and very informative. Professor Bloom has a really nice way of explaining concepts and theories and while completing the course, I found myself reflecting on my personal behaviours and applying what I had been learning to my everyday life. This course has inspired me to explore this subject further, and I'm looking forward to it!"

By Milly


Sep 25, 2023

The format is well done for people with lots of time as well as those who would be busier, with facultative reading and short videos. The overview of all branches of psychology was fascinating and the dilemma questions were great for self-reflection both from scientific and personal perspectives. We were sometimes led astray from traditional theories in these questions, and the course can leave us with as many questions as when we started, however more directed and precise

By Mihir P P


Jun 5, 2020

It is a comprehensive guide to anyone who finds psychology interesting but doesn't know where to start. It introduces the learner to variety of new topics. Excellent supplementary material available for reading. If you are a student who finds psychology interesting and are not sure if they want to major in psychology this is the perfect course for you to help make that decision. The videos are very engaging and ignite curiosity to know more about a given experiment or idea

By Hallie J


Aug 8, 2020

As a high school student, I'm a bit limited when it comes to studying psychology through school. Taking this course allowed me to delve into psychology while developing basic understanding and appreciation for the field. If you think you will be. bored taking an online course, Professor Bloom is a talented and engaging speaker and his lectures coincided very well with the graphics presented on the screen, so please don't worry. I am so glad I decided to take this course!!

By Nadia


Apr 22, 2019

This was probably one of the most interesting, interactive and fun course I have ever had. The animations make every lesson fun and much much clearer than they would have been if it was just professor Bloom speaking in front of the cameras with a bunch of slides on the side. I recommend it HIGHLY! Thank you Professor Bloom for the lightness of the tone, the striking examples and the NBA free references!! And thank you dear Illustrator for such a beautifully executed work!

By Raquel C


Nov 19, 2021

O curso foi bastante educativo. Para além de facilitar para os alunos com outras línguas maternas (pois tem a possibilidade de assistir aos vídeos com legendas), as aulas têm conteúdos interessantes e a forma de ensinar do professor cativa bastante os alunos fazendo com que tenhamos vontade de assistir ás suas aulas... Nunca tivemos contacto direto com o professor pois as aulas são gravadas mas deu para perceber a simpatia do professor e a paixão que tem pela disciplina!

By Ungureanu O R


Oct 2, 2019

I feel more complete with the understanding of the human mind. I am also a Life Coach and it has made it easier to deal with the identification of the tendencies a client has and understand the reasons behind. Also, it is perfectly complementary with the Science of Well-Being course. Great opportunity and I am grateful that such great teacher form Yale took the time to create such amazing courses also for those not able to pay or to go to the Yale University. Thank you!

By Francesca P


Oct 11, 2020

I'm so thankful this intro course was free to do. I have learnt more about psychology and maybe in future might be something id consider to study. This course is great s its a do it at your own pace and time. I especially loved the animated videos compared to the reading as I struggle to keep my focus at times due to my ADHD. But overall it would be a course anyone could do if they wanted to see if a psychology career/ degree is something they would want to pursue :)

By meta


Nov 18, 2019

I took this same course on Academic Earth 10 years ago and benefited from many insights due to that experience. This was review for me but I was pleased that the lectures had been updated with recent recearch. I appreciate the interactive quizzes as they help to remember the material, I just wish there were more optional supplementary questions as well. Professor Bloom is an infectious lecturer and I'll be looking for more courses from him like this in the future.

By Raymonde B


Mar 16, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed this course as I had not taken a basic Psychology course before. I found the material fascinating, the lectures stimulating and motivating and overall I consider Professor Paul Bloom to be a fantastic teacher ! I graciously thank him for this course!

Finally I would like to say that as an auditor, I can honestly say that it is a wonderful way to pass the winter months in learning something that inspires one and encourages one to study more!

By Benedict A


Dec 17, 2019

This course touched upon many of the topics that I have been curious about and discussed socially in a very structured format. Many of the topics presented and the optional readings reinforced the concepts taught that I feel confident that I can provide insights to others on these topics. It has also further enlightened me on my thoughts and behaviors as well as the people around me. I truly enjoyed and am grateful for the knowledge that I obtained from this course!

By Puja R


Jul 13, 2020

It's a great course if you want to under psychology as a field and what all it deals with. Of course, it's not going to give you in-depth knowledge about everything because that's too vast to be done, but it does a pretty impressive job at piquing your interest by making the most of the limited time. The Professor is absolutely amazing- not only does he know what he's talking about but he explains everything from different view points and is very open to new ideas.

By Olga K


Apr 19, 2020

An excellent course to get introduced to the most important part of the basics of Psychology!

The lecturer is grasping my attention! The illustrations, sources, external materials and graphics make the lessons not only more attractive but also more clear and understandable!

I would suggest this course to anyone being interested in Psychology, even for first year students! The information presented are also part of every good "Introduction to Psychology" study book!

By Chris N


Dec 13, 2019

This course has been a great experience! The course is sectioned out into separate topics that provide interesting information and flow into the next topic. Professor Bloom does a great job of explaining interesting and complex topics in a way that is easily understood but doesn’t feel watered down so it is easily understood. The animation and video style is great for those who learn best through visual learning. The course definitely deserves a five-star rating.

By Alejandro D O


Oct 11, 2024

This is perhaps the most gratifying course I have taken from an intellectual point of view. It opened my mind to many topics I ignored, clarified some ideas I had, and most importantly, contributed to a better understanding of myself and others. I am convinced that I am a better person after having taken this course. The amount of information contained in the course is only matched by its relevancy. Prof. Bloom is a knowledgeable and excellent communicator.

By isa g


Oct 24, 2023

De alguna forma te abre mas el panorama hacia lo que es la psicología, sus bases, pioneros, hallazgo etc. De verdad mesenti muy bien haciendo este curso...claramente lo recomendare. Muy buena las explicaciones del profesor Bloom, muy sencillo, facil de entender y su manera de explicar es muy importante. Este curso es el primero que realizo de coursera y debo admitir que me ha gustado que este haya sido el curso numero uno. que maravilla haber podido realizarlo.



Jul 28, 2020

A fantastic medley content that examines a range of issues & implications of psychology. The narration is smooth and his vocabulary easy to comprehend. This course easily unravels a lot of layers and can help you to ask yourself some critical questions - do you wish to pursue an academic or a professional career in this field? Does the brain fascinate you or the social/medical ailments? After this course, you will be begin to see the path that you should take.

By Hannah


Sep 12, 2021

This course was really great! The videos were constructed well, Professor Bloom was engaging and knowledgeable, and the additional readings/resources were relevant and helped to get a better understanding of the topics discussed within the course. In addition, the weekly exams weren't too difficult and could be completed fairly quickly, depending on the questions. Overall, I would certainly recommend this to anyone who is interested in the field of Psychology.