Aug 14, 2023
Course was very knowledgeable and worth taking. I feel like the training wouldn't be complete if I didn't know about security and how important it is not just for me but for everyone using technology!
Apr 26, 2018
Great course that is full of useful information and presented in an easy to understand way. It's an awesome beginner course that will add to your knowledge and further your knowledge of IT security.
By Manish B
•Apr 23, 2020
Really very good course.
It teaches so many things which we have facing in our digital life but didn't noticed.
After completing this course I'm conscious now about security and attacks.
By Michele P
•Jul 14, 2022
Very complex information, liked learning IT. There were times when I wished I could ask instructor a question or explain something further. Thats the disadvantage of online, I guess.
•Jun 20, 2020
Very good, but personally, I would have preferred visual mode of instruction, which includes but not limited to a blackboard rather than a person sitting and telling us the concepts.
By Andrew S
•Aug 26, 2019
I'm personally not a fan of cybersecurity as I find it boring and complicated. However, the teacher did a phenomenal job of explaining things and I genuinely enjoyed learning!
By Ioannis V
•Feb 13, 2021
I have to admit that the material was pretty heavy but the instruction and the structure of the lectures were amazing! Probably the best course of the series! Excellent job!
By Benjamin A
•Feb 7, 2021
This was pretty wordy, and the videos were long but packed with lots for information. There will be lots to review here, but I do feel like I learned a lot at the same time.
By Rufus F R j
•May 21, 2020
For all courses in the IT Support Professional Certificate, the Text accompanying the lecture videos need to be edited (cleaned up) to comport with the lecture videos.
By michael l
•Sep 12, 2018
Great course filled with a ton of information. More theory and less hands on. I prefer the hands on - it helps me remember better. Still would recommend course 100%.
By Kangan A
•Oct 12, 2020
More elaboration need using anime in explaining cryptographic topics and the speed has to be reduced in better understanding of topics like kerberos and aes des rc4
By Gene W
•Jul 13, 2020
This course had a lot of important information. IT Security is obviously a very important area of IT Technology. I'm planning on learning more about IT Security.
By Preston M
•May 19, 2019
Some of the labs earlier on were kinda confusing but I learned a lot to make up for it. Definitely recommend to anyone with basic knowledge or no knowledge of IT.
By Joseph L
•Sep 27, 2023
Good overview but needs more hands-on practice, fix the typos in the transcripts as there's many of them, and more instructor/staff involvement and assistance.
By Jason W
•Mar 22, 2023
I felt it could have given a little more attention to actually defending a computer system, in terms of Coding experience. Information wise it was very robust.
By Alexandra B
•Feb 8, 2019
It's very disappointing that I did all this hard work and the certificate looks so unprofessional with that paragraph on it, but the course was fine I guess.
•May 9, 2020
Am so happy and greatfull for this great institution for puting such things online it has really help me and i need to also acquire more for my given field
By Bethany R
•Oct 27, 2022
Would appreciate more dynamic visual content which is less focused on the speaker and better visually demonstrates how things are related to each other.
By Andrew S
•Apr 10, 2024
It was a decent course, I feel. There were issues with poor question wording in the quizes, and some problems with VM labs. Nothing too critical though.
By Andy W
•Jul 15, 2020
It is very useful. I need to go through many topics again and again to grasp deeper. In parallel, I need hands-on practices to enhance my understanding.
By Shubham s
•Jun 26, 2020
One of the best course conducted by google and on coursera platform loved the course and was a very fantastic experience. That's all Thank you coursera
By Wales B N
•Apr 6, 2020
Great and Interesting. There's always room for improvement. Thanks Google Coursera. I appreciate a lot for this opportunity and I look forward to more.
By Kelly P
•Feb 8, 2019
I would have liked more opportunities for labs and to learn how to implement the security infrastructure systems rather than do peer-reviewed papers.
By Ryan D
•May 9, 2021
I found some of the class acronym and discussion heavy. More graphics and real world examples may have made the material a little easier to digest.
By Jakub J U
•May 17, 2022
Important topics clearly explained in pleasent way for and experienced practicioner. The only downside is not enough practice questions.
By Nikos T
•Dec 30, 2021
Interesting course which needs a little bit of knowledge so as to understand everything in depth. However, very interesting and ispiring.
By Jayprakash T
•May 26, 2020
Practical things are less but course for theoritical knowledge in working of the things are excellent....speaker is good for explaination