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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,564 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 24, 2016

Very useful. Explained how the brain - mind and memory - works, and showed techniques for learning more effectively. Wish I'd known about this stuff while I actually went to high-school and college!


Feb 1, 2016

Inspriational! Well presented, interesting and useful. Everybody should take this course. Thank you to all those involved in developing this course. I'm already putting the teaching into practice.

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3326 - 3350 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Indhuja N S

Jun 17, 2020

The best thing I have ever done to me ever in learning is taking this course.I started this course when I felt that I was falling back in my studies.This saved me.I could not thank enough.Thank you so much for this valuable course.This should be taught in schools and colleges.

By Misael L

Jun 17, 2020

I enjoyed this course from beggining to end, the way the teachers explain things, it's just awesome, they make such complicated topics into understandable topics. If you want to know how to learn things better or to improve your learning on any subject, this is for you!! 10/10

By Mohamad H A

May 27, 2020

Valuable and very useful information that I benefited from with this course, it made me realize many of the capabilities of my brain, how it works, how it thinks and preserves information.

All thanks to the person who created this course and who helped to complete this course.

By Somik V S

Apr 26, 2020

This course helped me a lot. I got an important knowledge about procrastination and how to avoid it. This course would be helpful for everyone who interested in self-development and just trying to get fundamentals which will help in building career, own future etc. Thank you.

By Pedro E J S

Apr 25, 2020

Es un curso muy completo, realmente me llevo una aprendizaje mas reforzado en cuanto a las técnicas y métodos para ampliar mis conocimientos, espero poder ponerlos en practica y así , poder mejorar cada día en mis hábitos de estudiante, y poder ser mejor a la hora de aprender.

By Ian K

Sep 16, 2019

A wonderful course that I think should be taken annually! Let's remind our selves that how we approach learning is as important as what we are trying to learn. Definitely picked up a few helpful hints, and emotionally won't be as hard on myself for procrastinating and resting!

By Jessica S

Aug 19, 2019

I would recommend this class to EVERYONE. I loved the spaced out content. I love the neural and cognitive explanations. I loved Barb. I liked the little quizzes and questions we followed up with. I think more activities would be great. I wanted to engage more with the content!

By Thomas S

Jul 27, 2019

An amazing course, which gives you insight to many concepts and knowledge. It should be taught at the beginning of school to make students life easier. At the last week they provide you with excellent tips for test taking methods and anxiety.

Thanks a lot for this great course.

By Hans F

Jun 6, 2018

what a great course covering the most basic skill of all: Learning!

Barbara and Terrence created a wonderful, modern MOOC to engage the audience and have them improve their learning skills. A good investment of my time of which I feel certain I will reap the benefits. Thanks!

By Freddy B

Feb 11, 2018

I will never see sleep as a waste of time thanks to Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski. We have to rest to allow our brains to make connections and improving our performance, even if it sounds as a cliché I have to say to myself: I only regret not finding this course before. Thanks.

By Tim C

May 27, 2017

Wonderful engagement and enthusiasm for the material. I enjoyed seeing educators delve into the process of learning rather than the mechanical bubble test format that is passed off as learning in our society today. Thanks for the great effort you put into this lovely course.

By Ed F

May 15, 2017

Great class! Learning something new everyday, specially learning how to learn is a very useful tool to navigate through life, wether you are a young person going thru school, college or grad school, or even if you are middle aged or older and want to brush up on your skills...


Feb 25, 2017

vraiment utile pour vous permettre d'apprendre efficacement et développer vos talents d’ingéniosité et de créativité dans tous les domaines de la vie . Je suis très heureux d'avoir pris connaissance de ce cour a temps . Merci à toute l’équipe et à Dieu qui permet toutes choses

By Eunsun G

Jan 21, 2017

The best course I've studied. (not only in Coursera) Your Learning skill, and more importantly, Understanding of How learning works can Improve magically through it. You can learn better other things with it. Thank you Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr.Terry Sejnowski. Happy Learning!

By Oleg T

Oct 5, 2016

This course is amazing! The lectures is short and easy to understand but at the same time contains a lot of useful tips and tricks. I am very glad to master that lessons and for sure will recommend it to all my friends. I thank to all of the creators for their invaluable work.

By Dmitriy

Jan 10, 2016

Курс помогает углубиться и систематизировать знания свои знания и навыки учебы. Это то, что не преподается во многих университетах. Очень хороший материал.

Лектор очень радует красочными аналогиями, картинками и всяческими визуализациями и метафорами. Огромное спасибо лекторам!

By Antone N

Dec 21, 2015

An outstanding introduction on how to undertake deep, life-long learning that will delight and challenge you while helping you achieve your goals and dreams. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and entertaining course with the world. I only wish I had taken it 20 years ago!

By Gabriel d M Y

Dec 1, 2015

A very helpful course to anyone interested in growing intellectually, crafted with the finest current knowledge into the human mind and the learning process. I enjoyed this course a great deal and I recommend it to anyone thinking about enlarging his/her knowledge boundaries.

By kirthika t

Oct 25, 2015

With help of this course I did a workshop in Tamil language in a TamilNadu school, India. It was huge success and students nicely picked up the points. Thanks a lot to professor. Great course..needed for all students..not only everyone.




By Василий

Oct 16, 2015

Классный курс, он очень помог мне понять как стоит учиться. Никогда раньше не слышал про "помидор". И не мог понять почему дело не движется дальше. Откладывать на потом я мастер, поэтому ничего и не получалось. Спасибо за советы насчет спорта и активного образа жизни. Спасибо.

By Arati H

Oct 2, 2015

It was an awesome experience going through the videos and thinking about the material later. I would find myself eager to watch the furthur videos. THe instructors were clear, and explained well. The video quality, editing were top notch. Overall, definitely a great experience

By Edgar R

Sep 18, 2023

This course has taught me a lot of new things that I can put into practice every day to achieve what I really want in my life, I really like how the course is not a ton of long videos with boring subjects, it's really straight forward and teaches you a lot of valuable things.

By Juan D

May 26, 2023

Excelent course, makes you aware about what things you're doing wrong in terms of studying and provides super insightful ideas about the neural processes occuring during learning. It also presents many good learning techniques that are useful for almost every kind of student.

By George C

Nov 24, 2022

Agradezco profundamente que este material se encuentra disponible a traves de esta plataforma. Estoy convencido que con estas valiosas herramientas podre alcanzar un mejor desarrollo personal y profesional. Felicidades por el gran esfuerzo de compartir. Excelente material!!!

By Laurie M

Feb 2, 2022

This course has given me a number of techniques and skill which will help me in other courses I will be taking.

I've shared many with my peers and associates. Thank you for all that you shared with me and everyone else taking this course. Happy Learning

Laurie Majewski CT, USA