Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Sep 10, 2016
This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course
By Beibin L
•Nov 24, 2015
I recommend all college student to take this course. It will be extremely helpful for every learner.
This course is also helpful for older learners (e.g. my parents). Great course!
By Boris A
•Nov 17, 2015
I like this course for it gave me more information of the way I may study new concepts. I was really motivated to start learn some new tough things after pass some from its stuff.
By Andrew L
•Aug 15, 2015
I wish I could have taken this course before I began my academic career. The theories and practices discussed in this course have the potential to vastly accelerate your learning.
By Alice G
•Dec 9, 2022
this is an awesome course! i learned a lot, and it helped me quite a lot, too! Great big thatks to Dr. Terrase sejowski and Dr. Barbara Okaley. You both helped me lots! Thanks!
By Daystrom
•Aug 7, 2022
Seriously, amazing. Combined with the video content and some of the readings, it's a fantastic course that summarizes the literature on learning extremely well. Take this course!
By Quentin W
•Mar 31, 2022
Absolutley fantastic. Great for students and working professionals alike. These are important skills for anyone who wants to progress in their life and keep improving themselves.
By Daniel P
•Jan 25, 2022
Amazing, all the new learning techniques I have learnt are invaluable. I have a deeper understanding on how my brain works and proccesses new and existing information. Thank you!
By Heidi C
•Oct 11, 2021
I really enjoyed this course and recommend it to anyone that is beginning and/or already enrolled in classes. This course will really help to learn to new ideas on how to study.
By Gabriel
•Oct 9, 2021
I think this course is extremely helpfull to understend the learning process i can´t wait to put in practice what ive learn over this course, and probabaly gonna take it up later
By Ahmed S
•Oct 2, 2021
Very Informative Course not only in learning , But also show you how you brain work , And all of this coming in Easy material from the lovely teacher and there passion to teach .
By Muthuselvi S
•Sep 30, 2021
This course helped me look at learning as not a chore but as a life skill. It helped not only learn my own UG course but also other extra subject, like languages and instruments.
By Sanjeev K
•Jul 9, 2021
Prior to this course, my thought process was different about how to learn things, but it totally changed now, In my opinion it is one of the best course I took in last few years.
By Shannon B
•Jul 7, 2021
Lots of great information -- some I had learned before, but I was able to gain a better understanding of why and how the methods work. And Dr. Oakley was a delight to learn from!
•Jun 22, 2021
The best course on Coursera. Learn how to learn first , before you take other courses. I also love the humour in the quizzes, if only real life exams have such humourous options.
By Natasha P
•Apr 10, 2021
This course was a fresh perspective on how to learn. I enjoyed it, thoroughly. Kudos to Drs. I intend to use the concepts learned to further my studies and those of my students.
By Luc
•Feb 8, 2021
Simply and succinctly putting multiple skills you can really benefit from right inside your brain, with humor and some deeper sources if you want them. Can't recommend it enough!
By Deleted A
•Dec 11, 2020
Excelente Curso. Muy recomendado, especialmente para aquellos que quieran adquirir destrezas y habilidades para mejorar sus modos de estudios y el como enfrentarse a los exámenes
By Viktorija L
•Nov 12, 2020
Very very useful, especially for older people to believe in your self and start to learn NEW not always difficult subjects. Thank you very much. this course was the best for me!!
By Abdulrahman J
•Jul 27, 2020
An excellent and mind opening course that has backed by world class neuro-scientists research. This course has immensely helped me in my pursuit of learning and growing everyday.
By Anand H
•Jul 7, 2020
Some of the techniques taught by both professors ideally helps me making my learning experience more faster, intutive and retain them... Best of all I NOW DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!!
By Greg T
•Jul 7, 2020
Fantastic course for learners at all levels. I took it partly to help my own students, and my children, but learned a great deal that was useful for myself as an adult with ADHD.
By Ekip K
•Apr 24, 2020
The course is not only very informative but also very scientific and fact-base. I learned a lot and analyse some of my personal issues. Thank you very much for this great course.
By Ahmad F
•Apr 11, 2020
This is amazing course!
I've learnt a lot about how to learn effectively by the combination of focus and diffuse. And briefly taught about how to overcome stress before doing test
By Ahmed M A
•Apr 1, 2020
This course has grouped many points that I have always thought of as a problem to find that it just a common (wrong) understanding AND a good start off on how to re-look to them.
By Prachuryya K
•Mar 6, 2020
Wonderful course. It taught me many concepts which I never knew or misinterpreted. Now, I hope, I would do a lot better in upcoming examinations and overall learning experiences.