Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Apr 29, 2020
One of the best course in Coursera. Explained in very simple manner to understand how to learn. Very powerful explanation and tricks. Recommended to all those who really want to explore their skills.
By Jorge T R
•Jul 27, 2017
Best way to learn something is learning first how to learn. This is the start to new horizons for personal learning. You discover how you can study to learn more and better.
By Melvin M
•Mar 8, 2017
The information on this course is very important. i will surely share this it with my family, peer and colleagues.
Thank you very much Coursera, Continue with the great work.
By Ekata L
•Mar 6, 2017
This course is amazing and a very unique one. I am really fortunate to have enrolled for this! I have learnt so much that will be very valuable to me all throughout my life.
By Iris C
•Dec 5, 2016
Curso genial, ayuda en múltiples aspectos de la vida academica y cotidiana, motivador, con mucho material adicional y una comunidad activa, se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo,
By Matt W
•Oct 7, 2016
How cool is this, I am so grateful that I am allowed to take this course and better my life all for free. Coursera is incredible and they didn't need to pay me to say that.
By Xile W
•Sep 6, 2016
I absolutely love this course! I have learnt so much from the professors, and I'm actually managing my life in a way more effective fashion than before. Thank y'all so much!
By shivam s t
•Jan 13, 2016
one of the best course on coursera. if someone have problem in managing his work,studies,anxiety etc., should go through this course.thank you so much for this great course.
By Juan P A
•Dec 2, 2015
It has been a marvelous experience to learn from Barbara Oakley. The teachings from this course will certainly go hand to hand with my interest in knowledge throughout life.
By pan p
•Oct 5, 2015
This course should be taught in any education system from the earliest age. It's really useful to whoevener consider himself as a life long learner. Thank you Barbara Oakley
By Duri
•Aug 15, 2015
Simple tips backed by the diffused vs focused thinking framework to make learning more effective. Definitely something to come back to and form the cornerstone of learning.
By Naël S
•Oct 8, 2022
Lot's of love and care have been put through this FREE course.
A must have cours to have the skills you'll need for your whole life.
Thank you for teaching how to learn ;)
By Varian W
•Aug 4, 2022
Very informative and helpful some things I knew already others I was learning for the first time, but those also helped me better understand the things that I already knew.
By Богдана Т
•Jun 29, 2022
Complicated things explained in simple language
Some of the techniques shared are quite obvious, yet very effective. I found out that some of them I have been using already.
By yasin s
•May 3, 2022
it is one of the best courses ever
I think the interview with such great people are really the most useful thing you've done
although its optional I tend to learn all of them
By Vitor M
•Jan 28, 2022
Simply marvellous!!! The course illustrates the learning process and how to optimize it. Besides that, it presents techniques of how to control procrastination and anxiety.
By Phan Q T
•Aug 25, 2021
A great course for everyone who want to find out more about our brain, our learning experiences in order to improve the quality of learning. Especially useful for students.
By Ma. C Q
•May 26, 2021
Excellent course!! Simple and yet deep. Also very dynamic and "interleaving"!! Congratulations to Dr. Oakley and all the wonderful scholars who participated in the videos.
By Светлана П
•Dec 5, 2020
Очень полезный курс. Я узнала много нового о том, как сделать свое обучение более эффективным. Считаю, что курс может быть полезен не только студентам, но и преподавателям.
By Pranjali D
•Sep 21, 2020
This course helped me learn lots of new techniques of learning different study material and gave me a understanding of how my brain works. Thank you so much for everything.
By Moshiur R 1
•Jul 25, 2020
I learned so much about how to study effectively. Every video was informative and I loved both the instructors' ways of teaching. I believe everybody should do this course!
By tomo s
•Jun 27, 2020
I loved it and I particularly enjoy my Friday emails you send me weekly - full of very useful info I pass to my friends on Face book.
I never knew zombies are so beneficial
By Luca L M L V
•May 24, 2020
I'm sad because I came to know about this class too late in my student's career .I will recommend this course to all the people that i know who struggle with school or life
By Sana A
•Apr 12, 2020
the very best thing that i've found it in my entire life. thats excessive haha. but this course is really great before you take any course. highly reccomend this to anyone.
By Christian L
•Jan 8, 2020
Helped me a lot overcoming procrastination! Highly recommend this course to everyone having difficulties to focus and wanting to understand how human beings actually learn.