Oct 7, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Apr 29, 2020
One of the best course in Coursera. Explained in very simple manner to understand how to learn. Very powerful explanation and tricks. Recommended to all those who really want to explore their skills.
By Olga P
•Mar 30, 2020
The course will be useful to anyone – from college students to people who want to master a new hobby or read a complicated book. Highly recommend it to everyone :)
By Maria S
•Mar 23, 2020
This is the best course about work our brain when it get new knowledge.
The material simple for understanding. Great test for fix information.
Thanks for learning!
By William J
•Feb 26, 2020
Whilst some of the videos are a little old, they're still very helpful and relevant. Anyone who is studying or wanting to pick up new skills can benefit from this.
By Chi C
•Dec 8, 2019
Very useful course, learnt so many techniques and tools that can be used in daily learning activities. Also the supplementary reading materials are real gold mine.
By Dmytro H
•Jul 7, 2019
It's so powerful course for everyone not just because of the material but because of professors and way of teaching. I'm really glad to have completed this course.
By rex
•Jun 6, 2019
Through out this course, I've gained several practical techniques to learn the skills that I want to require. Thank you for providing such a useful course for us!
By Zach Y
•Apr 2, 2019
I greatly enjoyed this program and I can honestly say that I've never been more excited to learn things, especially things that I thought I never would understand!
By Sijo X
•Feb 6, 2019
Amazing information on how to learn. The teachers are awesome and helped me to learn new things, especially the things I considered as very difficult. Thanks a lot
By Biljana H
•Mar 22, 2018
Very helpful, easy to understand and accessible. I personally like the option of having a phone application whit which it was all time available to audit a lesson.
By Pelayo V
•Feb 12, 2018
Really useful if you are currently studying or in a career, sport or hobby that requires you learn new stuff.
Therefore it is very useful regardless of what you do.
By Afsheen H
•Jul 25, 2017
I would recommend this course to everyone as it helps us understand the mind, memory and how to learns new skills. Thank you to the team for designing this course.
By Diogo M
•Jun 27, 2017
Great course with lots of material to understand how our brain works and how you can take advantage of it. Furthermore, the course is fun (it is not overwhelming).
By santosh r
•Jun 19, 2017
By Lion F P d S
•Jun 4, 2017
Thank you so much for this course. I will apply the techniques explained on it, and I will come back, in the future, as a Mentor, to maintain it and help students.
By Alejandro P
•Apr 26, 2017
Awesome Course.
I must say, I thought I knew how to learn but there are some good stuff here I will now use. I will most likely re-visit this course in the future.
By Arun S
•Apr 14, 2017
An absolutely fabulous course. Dispels some common notions and helps you break down and overcome the barriers that can hold you back and be frustrating at times...
By Андрей Ф
•Mar 14, 2017
Осознание этого курса у меня пришло немного позже. Но ей Богу, если вы начнете использовать хотя бы на 30 % процентов наработки этого курса - Ваша жизнь изменится!
By Nitin C
•Dec 31, 2016
The mentors in this course are excellent. they are doing good job .please conduct more sessions based on these concepts .Thanks for giving such valuble concepts .
By Yu O
•Nov 15, 2016
Thank you. I could complete this course even though I had a procrastination habit. The contents of the course will definitely improve my learning. Thank you again.
By Zhu H
•Nov 1, 2016
really helpfull course, through which we can understand how our brains works when learning. also it teaches some learning techniques when we learn some new things.
By Antoine C
•Oct 18, 2016
This course provides very interesting information about how our brain works, and how through effective techniques we can improve our abilities to learn any topics.
By Agnieszka T
•Apr 15, 2016
I love this course! It has given me tools that have enabled me to be much more effective not only in learning, but also at work, and has made both more pleasurable
By Scott N
•Mar 6, 2016
I really enjoyed the course. Thanks Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski for presenting us with a lot of great insight into how we learn and the pitfalls we may encounter.
By Simon S
•Jan 30, 2016
Excellent practical skills for eliminating procrastination, studying effectively, and excelling in your academics! Well thought out course that I highly recommend!
By Ravi N
•Dec 2, 2015
Thanks to Dr Barbara and Prof Terence.
The course is wonderfully structured and unique . I could hardly wait to move on to the next module.
Continue the great work..