Aug 21, 2017
I highly recommend everyone to take this course. The course makes so much of sense and it reasons why someone learns the way they learn and it debunks a lot of misconceptions and myths around memory.
Jul 15, 2022
A very helpful course, with good content and good presenation. Well worth the time spent working through the lessions. Thanks for spending the time and effort to create the course, Barabara and Terry!
By Sofia M
•Feb 14, 2018
Thank you for your work! I found out some really brilliant techniques for myself and start to use it in my biological study. Hope it would be of great use :)
By Alexey E
•Oct 22, 2017
Простой и очень полезный курс. Кроме курса очень полезно прочитать книгу "Думай как математик", там материал примерно тот же, но дан подробнее и с примерами.
By Ming A
•Oct 22, 2017
This course taught me many new ways to tackle problems and provided scientific reasoning about how to sharpen mind and master skills. Thank you Barb & Terry!
By Rachel M
•Sep 3, 2017
What a great course! Really good way to think differently about learning. I feel like I came away with some very specific techniques to tackle hard problems.
By Rafiq K
•Aug 4, 2017
A very enlightening course. I highly recommend to all, students in high school preparing for college and to executives to manage their tasks on daily bases.
By Jason E
•Jul 23, 2017
As an Army vet who wants to get away from his original field this has been invaluable.
The first course you should take on Coursera. (Then take MindShift).
By Christine R
•Jul 17, 2017
Excellent course with specific useful methods for learning. Barbara teaches with heart and mind. She is an inspiration. I wish I'd had this course years ago.
By Jesús D B A
•May 18, 2017
Maravilloso material, excelentes profesores, muy agradecido por la oportunidad de participar en tan excelente experiencia de formación. Felicidades y éxitos.
By Daniele B
•Dec 12, 2016
I've learned a lot and I had so much fun! Thanks to the Professors Oakley and Sejnowski, and to all the staff of Learnig How to Learn. Keep up the good work.
By Margarita R
•Oct 29, 2016
Excelente el curso, lo he recomendado mucho porque es importante hacerlo inclusive antes de tomar una carrera universitaria. Felicitaciones a los profesores!
By Paola J
•Oct 8, 2016
Este curso es increíble!!!!! Totalmente recomendable, interesante, actual, muy orientado al modelo online, y sus profesores son fantásticos. Muchas gracias!!
By Eric B
•Sep 2, 2016
Should be at the top of any curriculum. No matter what subject people want to study, they can always become better at it using the principles in this course.
By Tippi T
•Jun 27, 2016
This is the first MOOC that I've completed. I think I've learned a lot about how our brain works and how to learn more effectively from this valuable lesson.
By Hana H
•Mar 7, 2016
The best course I ever had here. I wish all the courses would use the knowledge about how people learn in designing their presentations and quizes. Perfect!
By Maximiliano R H
•Feb 1, 2016
Simple but useful, user friendly material, relaxed and paused workflow (so that you don't stress yourself taking the course). In summary, a very good course.
By Sebastian M
•Feb 1, 2016
I love this course so far. What a wonderfull tools i've gained from it. Great teacher is Barbara I must say. Hope she would be my teacher at college :( jaja.
By Vipin S
•Jan 6, 2016
I think it is quite good. Important artifacts from research on learning have been extracted and presented in a very convenient format with proper analogies.
By Eva D
•Dec 29, 2015
I really enjoyed the ideas and methods that were offered. It has helped me to gain insights on learning and on how I can get better in my studies. Thank you!
By Zihua X
•Nov 25, 2015
What I learned in this course is very useful and helpful, thanks to professor Oakley, professor Sejnowski and all those who have contributed to this course!
By Hiab G
•Oct 20, 2015
This course is a foundation for every course. It reduces your study time and makes it easier to learn difficult subjects. I enjoyed every part of the course.
By Mary
•Oct 16, 2015
best course ever. Fantastic. Really interesting. couldn't get enough. Overcoming procrastination tactics really useful in all life areas, not just study.
By kate I
•Sep 13, 2015
I'll use what I've learned in this course for the rest of my life. Well organized, fascinating and useful information for school, business and personal life.
By Sergey G
•Aug 27, 2015
The course is good especially for students. All ideas and the way of teaching is very easy to understand. Quizes are helpful to remember the material better.
By Karthik
•Aug 7, 2015
I truly think this is a great course for all courses. It has helped me a lot the mons and even years. Thank you so much Barbara Oakley and Terrance Sejnowski
By Md. O F N
•Jan 6, 2024
I have learned many new techniques from this course. Which will help me a lot in my studies in future. Thanks a lot Barbara Oakley & Dr. Terrence Sejnowski.