Dec 25, 2022
I am satisfied with the course and the material that was presented. I liked the fact that the teachers were actually employees at Google and had firsthand knowledge of being an IT Support Specialist.
May 28, 2023
Learn a lot about the IT Support Fundamentals. Especially the use of different softwares. How to build a computer. Something I always wanted to do and the fundamentals of good customer service in IT.
By Kyriakos C
•Dec 3, 2021
I really loved the way the course material was easy comprehendible and the labs that were included in it! Strongly recommend!
By Mohammed E A
•Nov 7, 2021
استمتعت كثيرا في فترة تعلمي لهذه الدورة التدريبية ، إنها تمنحك مهارات و معلوات اساسية تساعدك على فهم اي شيءٍ بسهولة و احتراف
By jeffrey j
•Sep 23, 2021
Great Information very informative. Some mistakes were made in the videos but was later corrected. Thanks for the experience!
By Mark C
•Sep 23, 2021
Very detailed introduction to IT Technical Support fundamentals. The course is very well done and the videos are engaging. A+
By Denzel S
•Jul 23, 2021
Very basic fundamental course of IT. Great course for those without any background in IT, but a refresher for those who have.
By Mohamed S
•May 24, 2021
I want to thank Google for its hard work on these educational courses, and when I finish I want to be able to work for Google
By Ankit S
•May 2, 2021
It was a great experience working with course I have learnt so many technical aspects that will enhance my learning abilities
By Thomas H
•Mar 10, 2021
The course is a perfect introduction into the whole topic of IT. I am looking forward learning more in the following courses.
By Lea S
•Feb 13, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. This was essential to my building blocks of becoming a good IT Support Professional. Thank you!
By Adiel M
•Dec 18, 2020
Such great content with such valuable information making it very easy to learn and exciting hands on labs to gain experience.
By Ramesh B J C
•Oct 9, 2020
Well structured and delivered. Love the option to play around with real objects (machines, operating systems) using Qwik Labs
By Varun S
•Sep 25, 2020
This was such a helpful course as this has helped me to understand everything and also on how to help others with our skills.
By Devan
•Sep 8, 2020
By melanie p
•Sep 2, 2020
I love this course. It is a great stepping stone into the world of tech. If you know nothing this is where you want to start.
By Elias J
•Aug 20, 2020
It was a really good course, i learned things that i did not know, and that I know will help me become a great IT Specialist.
By Peng J
•Aug 10, 2020
Glad i went through this course, learnt many interesting snippets of IT to keep my passion alive for many more years to come!
By Mohammed F B F
•Jul 27, 2020
I really enjoyed the course. The course was an eye-opener for me regarding the field of IT and all of its various components.
By Meaghan E
•Jul 16, 2020
Some of the corrections that are made to videos where the instructor misspoke can be confusing. Over all very helpful course.
By Elizabeth A A
•Jun 11, 2020
I like the way and manner in which the course was taken. it was pretty easy to understand. special thanks to all instructors.
By Nandkumar P
•Jun 5, 2020
Excellent course. Recommend for all engineers and mid-management people of IT. It will surely refresh their Technical Skills.
By Solomon E T I
•Jun 4, 2020
Its a wonderful course and i would recommend everyone who loves a career in tech to pursue this irrespective of their streams
By Amandeep S
•May 31, 2020
Great introduction to all of the broad topics necessary in IT! Looking forward to the following courses in the certification.
By Daniel B
•May 19, 2020
It was great experience and I learned a lot, I request Coursera to provide more free courses to me as I cannot afford to buy.
By Sakshi M
•May 1, 2020
It was a good experience to learn many things from this course..Thanks to all the instructors who have taught us many things.
By Vladimir G
•Mar 31, 2020
The course is so attractive. All information exposed an inefficient and digestible way. I recommend this course to everybody.