Aug 4, 2020
I enjoyed all the presenters of the videos, they really took their time to get me involved and explained all the content clearly. I also enjoyed the videos that talked about current and future trends.
May 28, 2023
Learn a lot about the IT Support Fundamentals. Especially the use of different softwares. How to build a computer. Something I always wanted to do and the fundamentals of good customer service in IT.
By K S
•Nov 21, 2021
It is really a great course for anyone who would like to start their career in the field of IT support team
By Shivam S
•Nov 10, 2021
It was amazing journey, I have learned a lot of things and moreover I learned how to solve others problems.
By Rochelle S
•Oct 15, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. They teach you step by step and everything is well explained. Great teachers.
By John I
•Oct 14, 2021
I love this course. It covers almost everything anyone new to understand the basis of IT technical support.
By Mirelis S
•Sep 1, 2021
Great course! Learning the basic of IT support is a great knowledge and skills to apply at the work place.
By Savannah
•Aug 5, 2021
I liked the course. It was very easy and informative. A good way to get your feet wet into the world of IT.
•Jul 27, 2021
Very interesting course and i particularly loved the evolution of computers and the binary and coding part
By Marco A R B
•Jul 3, 2021
Great course to do a review, reaffirm knowledge and learn all the new information that is presented to you.
By Edwin T
•Jun 4, 2021
Very informative and detailed in the work done. This course is a great step in starting a new career in IT.
By Eugenio P
•May 11, 2021
Excellent course! The content is very high in quality and instructors are transparent and they really care.
By Rondal D S
•May 6, 2021
I liked the how the course describes everything in a simple way and also the labs, very easy to understand.
By Andrew E
•May 3, 2021
This is made for complete beginners. It is easy to digest yet entertaining. Its a great ice breaker into IT
By Tiago S
•Mar 20, 2021
I Have Enjoyed every Class with a lot of information . I am more confident to engage on I.T World .
By Moumita H
•Feb 20, 2021
Awesome course. Thank you for taking time to explain and teaching us the valuable lessons. I appreciate it!
By Mike D
•Jan 28, 2021
This course was very interesting and informative for me the beginner! I look forward to the next challenge.
By Abner D
•Dec 16, 2020
I love the didactics of google, it has taken me to such a great leap to understand what seemed so far away.
By Julius R
•Dec 14, 2020
It was very educational when it came to giving a broad view of what a career in the IT field may encompass.
By Carlos M D M
•Dec 5, 2020
excelente estos cursos me han ayudado a tener mejor comprensión sobre las tecnologías y su mantenimientos.
By Tunde H
•Nov 28, 2020
very helpful course, great educators, I like the small segments and the ability to pick up where I left off
By Meet P
•Nov 27, 2020
By Kyle B
•Nov 19, 2020
I knew most of what was contained in this course, but a refresher will never be turned down. Great content.
By Erasmo O J
•Nov 2, 2020
Thank to the Cousera and Google to able me to take this course! It will a big change for me and my carreer.
By Erika R
•Nov 2, 2020
Para comenzar con todo el mundo IT es un excelente curso .! dinámico y simple para los que recién empiezan.
By Md. S J S
•Oct 26, 2020
Was pretty much basic. I think everyone should take this course, considering without the diversity of oses.
By Deirdre C
•Oct 16, 2020
The instructors are engaging and the labs are wonderful for hands on experience. I learn best by doing it.