Feb 25, 2023
I recommend this course for everyone who is a beginner in computing. it's easy to understand and you will learn a lot of things especially to those who never had the experience to computing. Enjoy!
Aug 19, 2023
A great dive into things that were only in my periphery and now I have a broader understanding of certain technology and ideas and how I might pursue and look into them further. Great beginner course.
By meron H T
•Apr 20, 2020
It really helps me a lot with how functions and works more than ever. Thanks, to sharing their knowledge
By Carlos L (
•Apr 20, 2020
It was an amazing experience I am planning to pursue and push more into this course after some thinking.
By Andrew T
•Apr 13, 2020
Good introductory level in course in IT. Gives the requisite material without overwhelming the students.
By Kimjohna E H
•Apr 10, 2020
Awesome intro for anyone interested in changing careers or gaining more knowledge on the subject matter.
By Fabio P
•Apr 4, 2020
Es la base par el que quiera sumergirse en el mundo de IT support sin tener ningun tipo de conocimientos
By KiranKumar P
•Mar 28, 2020
I am so happy to learn many things from this course, Thanks to Google Team to it easier and interesting.
By Laura K
•Feb 29, 2020
I really enjoyed this course and learned a lot! It broke things down really well so I can understand it.
By Yin M K
•Feb 12, 2020
One of the most valuable online course for IT Support Professional careers,
Thank you Google and Coursera
By Krista
•Feb 1, 2020
The fundamentals course was super easy to follow and very engaging making it a fun platform to learn on.
By Emil K
•Jan 27, 2020
Good course learned some stuff i havent thought about. But for me the first 2 chapters were the hardest.
By M A
•Jan 2, 2020
This course has opened my eyes on online learning. I never thought it can be this simple and convenient.
By Leonardo A B O
•Dec 30, 2019
Excelente curso para iniciar con bases en el área de soporte técnico de as tecnologías de la información
By WDan D
•Dec 20, 2019
a great introduction to everything IT. very straight forward and a great 30,000 ft view of the IT world.
By Okoroafor C E
•Dec 13, 2019
I love coursera, because it gives me a balance in my workplace. i'll definitely recommend it for anyone.
By Lucas S
•Dec 6, 2019
It was concise and full of information, so it was wonderful to learn terminology and brush up on basics.
By elicia v
•Nov 7, 2019
What bonus about online courses is that they give me more time to brush up on something I want to learn.
By Saif J
•Oct 17, 2019
Best Course for Beginner in Computers. I had fun learning it. Learned lots of new things about IT stuff.
By Sergio G R
•Jul 13, 2019
This was a great experience and I was able to add more to my knowledge. Everyone should take this class
By Calvin P
•Jul 11, 2019
Excellent course that will teach you all the important fundamentals of becoming a IT Support Specialist.
By Danielle C
•Jun 12, 2019
Wonderful videos with the history of I.T. and the explanations of technology. I am enjoying the program!
By James D
•Apr 26, 2019
I love this course. I have always wanted the opportunity to learn about IT and this is right on target!
By Mohammed A Y
•Nov 26, 2018
I already started recommending the course to some of my friends, i pray for my success with this course.
By Dustin R W
•Mar 4, 2018
This course provided a great overview for everything we are set to learn while earning this certificate.
By José A C
•Mar 3, 2025
muito obrigo a esta plataforma coursera onde eu aprendi muita coisa sobre fundamento do suporte tecnico
By Sunil K m
•Feb 7, 2025
Its a very good experience having certificate from google and received deep knowledge from the trainer.