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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,871 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 12, 2022

I​ cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!


May 18, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.

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3876 - 3900 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being


Aug 3, 2021

The best certificate course I have ever attended. So much to learn and the way the pedagogy has been planned.. That's how courses from universities like Yale make a difference.

By Montserrat

Apr 4, 2021

¡Excelente curso! Lo recomiendo ampliamente para las personas que estamos en búsqueda de el bienestar y vivir una vida más plena y feliz! Ayuda a establecer nuevas prioridades.

By Benedikta U E

Feb 19, 2021

An amazing, thoughtfully presented course built to empower and develop our understanding of our minds and how we can better live with ourselves. I'd recommend this to everyone!

By Mariana B

Feb 12, 2021

For sure, one of the best courses I´ve ever did in my life!!!

I am completely gratifull to have had this opportunity.

Thanks for all involved and specially for the professor! :)

By sue p

Jan 19, 2021

Very good material, presentation and quizzes and I have recommended this course several times to others who also appreciate the opportunity to learn 'the science of well-being'

By Vitoria P

Jan 19, 2021

It was an amazing job of the professor and all of the people who contribute. Really, from a brazilian woman who didn't understand english in a very perfect way, it was amazing.

By Amritha K

Oct 27, 2020

A great course, which goes deep into you and changes the perspective and makes you much happier and a better person. Thankyou Ms. Laurie Santos. It was great learning from You!

By yvonne g

Aug 18, 2020

I really enjoyed this course the teacher was very engaging and pleasant, lectures were fun and easy to watch . I learned alot and how to better my life the right way!!

Thank You

By Chandana

Jul 27, 2020

Marvellous course with an engaging professor. The course content as well as the practical tips were extremely useful. It is perfect to learn as well as to practice the research

By Kelly C

Jul 27, 2020

A great course! I highly recommend that everyone take this course - it will help you and those around you to become happier and healthier. Thank you Professor Laurie Santos!!

By Maya F

Jul 26, 2020

This course has changed my life. It also brought me so many ideas of what I could do to improve my life and work. Gratitude for the honesty, love and work added to this course.

By Jordan B

Jul 15, 2020

Amazing course. It has taught me a lot about myself and what really makes me happy. I have also learned things in this course I will take and apply to my every day life. 10/10.

By Elaine B

Jul 9, 2020

This course offered may tools to aid in improvement of well being. I appreciated this course, especially during 2020, and all of the upheaval and stress going on in the world.

By Sharon D

Jun 26, 2020

This course is outstanding and so well done. I went into this course as a happy person and came out even happier. Excellent Prof and outstanding format and materia. Impressive!

By Jason A M

Jun 17, 2020

This course helped me navigate a divorce, a pandemic and a racially divided, emotionally charged time in history. Couldn't have done it without this course and the rewirements.

By Sandra P S R

Jun 16, 2020

Excelente curso!!! me ayudo a gestionar mis emociones y poner algo de estructura en mi vida.Haciendo pequeños cambios en mi vida he mejorado mi auto imagen y mi estado anímico.

By Patricia F

Jun 14, 2020

Thank you for the wonderful class, Ms. Santos! It was very helpful and I made sure to do more self care, I also included my pups in the meditations and they loved it.

Thank you!

By Holly M

Jun 9, 2020

This was a great course to really change your everyday negative mindset. I was really blown away with some of the lessons. Especially breaking down what really makes you happy.

By Della M

Jun 8, 2020

Undertook this course during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and it was an amazing support to allow me to maintain my personal health and well-being during this challenging time.

By Curtis C

Jun 8, 2020

Outstanding course. A truly unique perspective into personal happiness. The structure, activities, and lectures all culminate in a truly effective and rewarding learning experi

By Wendy W

Jun 4, 2020

This was a very interesting and informative course. I liked the research backing the material and that it was presented in an easy to understand format. I was very impressed.

By Randi M

Jun 3, 2020

So thankful I committed to this course, especially during these extra crazy times. I've learned and implemented some amazing new tools that will help me now and in the future.

By MariFer S

Jun 2, 2020

Gran oportunidad para conocerse uno mismo y planear con la ayuda de una serie de herramientas una manera de aprovechar con cada uno de los instantes de nuestra vida. Gracias!

By D S

Jun 2, 2020


By Pablo M D P

Jun 1, 2020

I liked very much the course and learnt a lot about positive psychology and behaviours that can improve your well being if you are commited to practice them in your daily life.