Jan 5, 2021
Such a helpful course; especially as we began a season of quarantine. I am thankful to have more strategies in order to grow towards my optimal well being. Thank you for offering this course online.
Mar 31, 2023
This course was really interesting! I loved it. The teacher was amazing and very engaging. And it was my first time doing peer-graded assignments, i was scared but i did it and i'm so proud of myself.
By Dmytro T
•Nov 11, 2020
Very interesting and useful course! Loved it very much! Strongly recommended regardless your career aspirations.
By Daniel A V A
•Nov 5, 2020
I liked the beginning of the course, how it relates scientific facts or previews studies to everyday situations.
By Laura S
•Nov 3, 2020
Great resources, excellent professor. I enjoyed this class and learned so much to be applied to my personal life
By Harneet T
•Oct 27, 2020
A wonderful course, very helpful and the 4 weeks at the end help to build the rewirements into long term habits.
By Helena T
•Sep 18, 2020
Very good and interactive course. I am young
psychologist and I learned new stuff. So I am recommending this :)
By Hamza A
•Sep 16, 2020
Laurie Santos, you make happiness so easy to pursue.
you are intelligent no doubt but also beautiful than Beyonce
By JiaBin L
•Sep 5, 2020
One of the greatest course I joined! If you join this course, you will be happiest than before!!! Let's do it!!!
By Perla G
•Sep 2, 2020
This is a most needed training for every person. We need to learn 'how to be happy', and science has the answer.
By Geri W
•Aug 21, 2020
A great course for those seeking to understand how to become happier and it's not what one might think! Thanks.
By Lidia R
•Jul 23, 2020
This was an amazing course! I have learned so much and took so many great notes. Thank you for this life lesson!
By Gregory S M
•Jul 14, 2020
This class was eye opening and I have taken what I have learn and incorporate it into my everyday life and work.
By Janie
•Jul 5, 2020
wonderful experience with impactful take aways that I truly believe will resonate beyond the class time. thanks!
By Emily C
•Jun 29, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. It was especially relevant during quarantine and had a positive impact on my life.
By Eiman M A
•Jun 29, 2020
Genuine, realistic. life touching course. It will change your way of thinking and your way of seeking happiness.
By Robyn N
•Jun 28, 2020
Excellent program. Highly recommended. Uses evidence-based peer reviewed research applied to behavioural change.
By Veronica D
•Jun 25, 2020
Excellent course!! Highly recommend to anyone that wants to view life in a different and more clear perspective!
By sharmila l
•Jun 23, 2020
i really enjoyed learning in this course ,I have gained knowledge and a skill, A big thank you to the professor.
•Jun 21, 2020
I think this an awesome course that everyone should take, regardless of age, social status or educational goals.
By Isuri S G
•Jun 17, 2020
An amazing course. I learnt a lot and to be honest, I am happier than I was before taking the course <3 Loved it
By Ernestina C
•Jun 15, 2020
Great! I really enjoyed doing this course and it helped me to maintain some sanity during the Covid 19 pandemic.
By Magdalena G
•Jun 14, 2020
The best course I have ever attended! Thank you very much dr. Laurie Santos. I'm so grateful and much happier :)
By Lisa a B
•May 31, 2020
A great class! I have a new awareness about my happiness and well being! The tools in this will help me everyday
By Lee M
•May 28, 2020
So grateful for the tools! Now to implement them every day! Thank you for the opportunity to take this course.
By Sara M
•May 27, 2020
Engaging videos with tangible ways to make small changes that can increase our everyday and long-term happiness!
By jenny
•May 24, 2020
Excellent way to get back on track in these strange & difficult times. Really really engaging -
many thanks :) x