Mar 6, 2022
This course has given me alot of insight and new skills to feel empowered to change my career field. I feel like I am learning in a effective manner and really apperciate how this course is laid out.
May 7, 2022
I​ found this course to be very informative in the basics of the field data analyst but I have taken other courses in data analysis/ science and therefore I don't know if I am biased by my experience.
By David T
•Apr 9, 2021
Thank you very much for this very informative course! I really enjoyed every aspect of is and enjoyed learning small nuggets of information about many different topics!
By Syed F Y
•Mar 26, 2021
Really enjoyed the first course. It was quite comprehensive and provided great introduction to the data analysis process, structured thinking, data analyst toolkit etc.
By Muhammad A S
•Dec 28, 2023
Amazing course. Before enrolling in to this course I knew nothing about data analysis but after completing this course I have strong knowledge of data analysis basics.
By Muhammad W R
•Dec 1, 2023
This is my first ever online course from Google! It was an awesome experience. No wonder why google is google! For me "Google" is a word that means AWESOME in CAPS! :)
By Glory O
•Nov 27, 2023
This course has radically transformed my preconception of data analytics, it has prepared me for the world of data and has shown me how suited I am for the task ahead.
By Otuekong B
•Aug 19, 2023
It was very insightful and mind blowing, I really love the Introduction video by Cassie, it was all that i needed to assure my confidence that i was on the right track
By Madeeha U
•Dec 31, 2022
It is a very nice introductory course introducing all the definitions of data analysis and and it's all process. I enjoyed this course and learned a lot of new things.
By Diana A
•Nov 15, 2022
Great content, love the pace of the speakers in the course. Also, the pop-up questions, assignments, and course challenge really helped me test the knowledge acquired.
By Aashish N J
•Oct 5, 2022
Great introduction to the absolute foundations. Split format between video, reading and assessments was a really great way to keep the learning fresh and interesting.
By Karen Y
•Sep 9, 2022
Me encanto el curso, es muy claro. A medida que avanzaba me surgian dudas pero el mismo contenido las resuelvee. Fue muy retador y estoy muy contenta de culminarlo!!!
By Nachikambi U
•Aug 26, 2022
Lovely. I recommend this to anyone starting out in daata analyticss. I was doing it for a refresher so it wasnt entirely new but it was so simple and well broken down.
By Amine H
•Aug 12, 2022
A very nice course for beginners that seeks to learn slowly and from the bottom. This course gave me courage and confidence to continue forward in my learning journey.
By Ubong M A
•Jul 23, 2022
Wow is the word that best describes my experience in this course. I had a wonderful time with the Instructors and reading sessions. Thumbs up for this wonderful team!
By Eric B
•Jul 22, 2022
Amazing course, chocked full of amazing content. My only knock is some instructors move along very fast in the examples, requiring you to rewind videos multiple times.
By Thakshila M H
•Jul 18, 2022
Seeing the instructor in the video makes it more engaging. The flow of the course is great and effective. Thank you instructor, Coursera and all who put this together.
By mary o
•May 30, 2022
it is so easy to understand, The pace used in teaching is beautiful and most especially, I love how the lecture was broken down into piece. Thank you so much **TONY**
By Shraawani L
•Apr 18, 2022
This was a really insightful course, I learn't many things which I previpusly thought were basic but are actually the strong building blocks. Thanks Google & Coursera!
By Marie R M
•Apr 13, 2022
The course was very comprehensible and the instructor was amazing. He is easy to understand and has good pronunciation. I am so excited yet nervous for the next one :)
By A P
•Apr 11, 2022
INteresting course with segmented curriculum, alonwith tutor lecture , writeup, assigneent alongwith quiz is a greatway to update and learn skills.
A big thumbs up ...
By ahmed l N
•Mar 21, 2022
Un cours Hayel, Bien guidé, merci au prof, j'éspere une bonne démrche dans ce domaine.
En plus, Coursera par ce cours m'a ouvrir une fenetre sur l'analyse des donées.
By Pranay K
•Jan 23, 2022
This course really helps me in understanding the basics of data analytics and also given a brief introduction to the work I am going to do after becoming data analyst.
By Павел С
•Nov 6, 2021
For the introductional course it's GREAT!!! I'd like to have more knowledge and practice, but I think it is because of my background. Hoping to continue, but not sure.
By matias c
•Oct 30, 2021
learned about data analysis, its structure and how data should be collected as it influences decisions and how to share it for a simpler understanding of the situation
By Esha A
•Jul 15, 2021
Good explanation and insights. The course helped me understand the depth of data analytics and was a very good intro to the world of data analytics. Highly recommend!
By Ghulam M H
•May 15, 2021
I have really enjoyed this course especially Tony the instructor. The way he kept me engaged was really;y impressive not once I lost interest. He is an amazing orator.